the good thing about uber and lyft is

let’s say you get popped by a damn red light camera not coming to a full stop

and let’s say that the fine is $500

you really can go out into the world at all hours

and you can make that $500 in a week, or a week and-a-half

i went to court on Friday at like 8:30am and paid the $10 cash to park in the court basement

it was cash only.

and i wondered why does the beverly hills court want cash so badly?

aren’t all-cash operations only doing that because they wanna dodge some taxes?

so why is a city doing that?

is there graft in the poshest city in LA?

and i went to the cour room and there were a couple dozen of us there.

and we read our names on the print out and the balif said some funny jokes, one of them directed at our dear president.

and we plead guilty, not guilty or no contest.

it was a judge pro-tem so he was extra careful to explain everything beautifully.

and along the way i overheard someone say there was video on the website, not just still pictures.

and i was all uh oh. because all i had seen were the still pictures and those didn’t really prove anything. well today i saw the video and i wish i had seen it before i plead not guilty because after further review im so guilty they should impeach me from office.

cubs lost today too.

but they were supposed to.

tomorrow im pretty sure they will win. mostly because they played well today even though they were tired AF.

and it was hot.

and sometimes the stars are conspiring against you.

and i should slow down anyways.

lifes a cabaret, old chum.

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