today mojo nixon died

when i was in college he was the first rock star i ever interviewed. he was hilarious and dirty and funny and weird and gross

and the perfect person to break my cherry with.

we talked about the Replacements, Reagan, Bush, Debbie Gibson and I laughed the whole time.

When I tell you I’ve had the luckiest life, I mean it.

But look how luckier Ken Layne was:

RIP Mojo

today i gave Beyonce advice on Word in Black

the other day at the Grammys Jay-Z noted that his wife Beyonce has more Grammys than anyone (32) but hasn’t won any for Album of the Year.

So I spell out the situation, who she lost to, what people like Adele and Harry Styles has said, and what I am pretty sure she can do to win it.

What Does Beyonce Have to Do to Win Album of the Year?

it’s my first time writing for Word in Black, which I am extremely excited about.

on Friday I will have something up there about Black NFL Head Coaches.

drove 14 trips last night at usc for lyft

fratboys make the news
but theres lots of wholesome kids over there.

on the last trip i was talking music
with a beautiful young woman
who was all you dont know lana del rey
my gray hairs were obvious in my beard

yeah youre probably right i said hey who’s yr favorite painter

artist? she asked.probably vincent van gogh.

weird, i said, cuz mines norman