ive been making prisons for trump

was super unmotivated today driving uber

probably bc i got a happy meal a little too early in the day

then i got a burrito to soothe the uncomfortableness

but that backfired

luckily i was right around my pad and i stopped in twice

the rides were good, good people, but i just wasnt loving it

last guy was a long time record label guy who was seeing a show at the greek

such a good conversation

but when i ended up by my place again i went to the grocery store and all the money i made in the day went to mr vons

kitty litter
a rotisserie chicken
grape juice
frozen egg and sausage biscuits
baby sausages
a pound and a half of ground turkey for four bucks

artists rendition of what trump's jail cell should look like

ten things i love about amber

amber doing her hair

1. she works at a fancy hotel. her job is to make magic happen for the guests who are used to having magic happen for them.

she makes the magic happen. every day.

last month she was nominated by two departments for employee of the month. she’s only in one department so that means a totally separate dept. said, yeah our people are good, but amber was better.

2. she loves Tehachapi. no matter where we go, where we are, she says “you know, this reminds me of Tehachapi.”

sometimes i have to remind her that we are at a Wendys. doesn’t matter. she will stand by her statement.

she wants to build a small resort there. i tell her no one wants to vacation there. she says people used to say that about Alaska, now theres boats going up there all the time. Cruise ships even. actually she doesnt say that part, but i can read minds and thats what she was thinking.

3. she is a master at organizing her bills. she uses flash cards and paper clips. And a computer. she will never get a late fee. #goals

amber pink wall

4. i have had the good fortune of being lucky in love. she has never told me once to stop touching her. i think only one or two of my former girlfriends shared that trait. is this TMI? sorry. anyways, i like to touch her to make sure im not dreaming. in dreams weird things happen when you try to touch people or things. usually my hand will go right through or it will turn to sand.

5. she can cry at the drop of a dime. or a penny. or a quarter. she loves change and hates to see gravity abuse it. but seriously we can be driving down the street and we’ll talk about something and immediately her face will scrunch up and turn red and she’ll say Mario told me he would get me insulin the next time his brother goes to Mexico. and tears will appear. unlike me, she doesnt cry in movies though. weird.

6. speaking of movies. one reason i love her is she is super loud in movies. either rustling with candy or fidgeting in her chair. she picks the quietest times to do the loudest wrapper opening and i will say shush. and she will do it really slow WHICH IS WORSE but it makes me laugh inside.

7. she might be part Gemini because she can change her mind superfast. which i like because i love Geminis. so in a way it’s like having a couple girlfriends at once. which is every mans dream sorta.

amber with prince and michael

8. anyways today is her birthday. she wont let me take her out to dinner because she has a road trip planned for later this month. sorta love that too.

9. she has never once pestered me to go out to party with her. she’s on the wagon. enjoys our home. and sees very little need to do much outside these four walls other than eat Thai food or drink Starbucks. being that im a million years old, i appreciate that lack of pressure.

10. i dont think she knows anything about baseball football or basketball. but she will go to any game i get tickets to. and she will have a great time. mostly because in her head she is storing information so she can better aid her hotel guests if they ever ask something nutty like, “hows the sushi at Staples Center?” and she’ll know. angel.