for the amount of pictures of half naked chicks

i get a lot of female readers. some of them write to me and offer suggestions and requests.

i always try to fulfill requests. so there you are gals,

a moist prince william.

fucked up and took at nap at 7pm last night.

didnt wake up until 9:15p, far too late to go to the tsar show. second tsar show in two days that i missed.

their four song cd sampler that they gave out at the el rey has been on repeat in my boombox

theyre four hard rock in your face anthems that reek of passion and remind you that you havent heard very many guitar solos lately.

if tsar does one thing with this new record, its that they will reintroduce the guitar solo.

rock guitar solos, unlike princely good looks dont just happen naturally

but tsar makes it seem that way

the songs on the cd sampler, so that you can look back and say, pierce told us about this shit back in april of oh four are


wanna get dead



with a little ditty called star time that ive been linking on this blog since last year.

thats five kickassfuckyou modern rock ready


that make jet look like a poor mans georgia satelites.

which they are.

i dont know when this record is going to come out, but when it does im not only going to ask each of you to buy a copy, but im going to ask you to buy two.

i dont care if i ever have kids or get married or get rich or live to 112, and after watching the cubs this weekend, they seriously might be cursed.

but i can perhaps help tsar make it.

and you can help too.

this is evil music for evil people, the way it should be

with a positive message of hope and love and heterosexuality for no good reason.

and when you buy your two copies, i want you to give one to the person who first taught you about rock

as a thank you.

im going to give a copy to my long lost friend sonja melcher who in high school first played adam ant duran duran the cure and the sex pistols for me.

im going to give a copy to my long lost pal willie aaron who turned me on to coletrane monk and the replacements

and im going to give a copy to kcrw’s music manager gary calamar who hired me at the record store that i met willie and many other excellent people and who played elvis costello tom waits and the velvet underground for me.

you might even be able to buy autographed copies from this very blog.

if youre lucky.

casey + bored housewife + candied ginger

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