or who you are or what your blog is like, you will always have whispers in your head that youre doing something wrong.
if you dont have any readers the whispers will say shit like this is why you have no readers
if you have readers the whispers will say shit like if you do that or if you keep doing that you’ll piss off and/or lose your readers
rarely do the whispers ever say anything positive like, no tone, your dick is actually the perfect size
or dude just keep doing whatever you want to do, the busblog will just keep rolling into new territory and thats a good thing.
right now the whispers are telling me that if i write about Stiff or Buzznet too much that the readers will get turned off and bored and think that this thing is just a self promoting tool to make money
the whispers say this despite the fact that nobody has written me an email to that point or left a comment to that point, in fact just a few days ago lots of people came to the Buzznet office to talk about Buzznet AND buy Stiff
which is why i stand by my belief that the negative anonymous commentors in my head are manifestations of the Devil and should be ignored.
whats really interesting is Finally i have permission to write about my workplace and it’s a company that can benefit every single blogger – and non-bloggers – and its free so why shouldnt i write about it?
and yet i hesitate. which is dumb, i know, but there you go – im writing about my fears and thats part of blogging and when it comes out so quickly it must be true so there you have it.
because im always stoked when people actually listen to me and take me up on my offers, i will start featuring busblog readers who become Buzznet users. this morning’s picture above comes from Ryan, the pretzel dude who i met in nyc at the blogon dealie.
and the picture to the right is of smelly danielly who was also kind enough to share her pics with us.
one of the duties that im responsible for at Buzznet is to assign Feature pictures which wind up on the main splash page and in the featured picture group. ive gotta say its one of the best parts of the job
next to blogging once a day at the Buzz Blog
and figuring out fun new ways to make Buzznet a real community.
i just got off the phone with Jenny Good and it looks like we’re going to have a pre-Matt Good concert Vancouver meet-up in a nice lounge near where he’s going to play. she also said that i would have full access to backstage, under the stage, above the stage, and in their home to take as many pics as my heart desires.
im a little nervous because my camera is acting up, however ive socked away some money and put it into Sirius stock and i dont want to pull it out until after howard moves over to eh eh eh and watch it jump, so i may have to do a little something to raise some cash.
or i could just ask you to buy Stiff, but then i hear those whispers and i feel like shit.
last night i drove over to the Pantry and came home with some chicken fried steak mashed potatoes and peas and watched al franken play kay bailey huttchenson bash bill clinton a few years ago about perjury saying that telling the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth was the lynch pin of our justice system
and then he played her this sunday on meet the press talk about how she hopes that rove and cheney dont get in trouble for trifles like perjury because the prosecutor couldnt get any real charges on the initial investigation
and i was all, omg
but then al looked right in the camera and called her a laundry list of foul insulting and perfectly accurate names as the show ended and the screen faded to black but left out partisan
which is what this is all about, deep down.
because if you believe that telling the truth to investigators and prosecutors is the lynch pin of american justice then it doesnt matter who it is who bastardizes that, if you think they should be punished then they should be punished. but if you change your mind a few years later because its Bush’s Brain and the Republican Vice President, then not only are you being just as dishonest but people should start thinking that maybe you voted to impeach Clinton solely because he was a Democrat.
therefore partisanship was the rule of law and not morality or… law.
either way i hope she slips in the shower tonight because the american people deserve better.
a nice young woman named boink signed up + as did smelly + karisa needs to update