leah doesnt want to have to sell her ass on the corner

but she has to.

her husband is a musician. a real one. he could sell out if he wanted to and write ballads and sell em to aerosmith.

but instead he writes sings and performs real music.

for you.

the american public.

and you too canada.

and australia.



trinidad and tobaggo.

and especially you uganda.

whaddup kampala.

but leah has to turn tricks these days to help support her family.

and we here at the busblog want to help change all that, so we ask, if not plead, that you follow this link, vote for her man’s band Quiet Company to get to play in the Austin City Limits festival or concert or something.

and if you have a blog, perhaps you can either use this photo or nab one from her website and make this very same plea on your own web based journal.

leah has given so much over the years, we think she deserves to retire her clear heels.

vote now, vote often.





my mom hates it when i swear

and i love my mother, however i love free speech

however i do love my mother. however the Lord did fill me up with piss n vinegar

and burritos

my fingers are haunted simultaneously by the mean parts of Mark Twain and the funny parts of the Bible.

she really shouldnt blame me for being open minded and absorbing everything that came my way. isnt that how she raised me?

she writes me emails saying that i used cuss words there and there and there, and then writes me emails saying you yelled at that man in the comments and I agree with him

and i say i cant help if youre both wrong.

she writes me emails when i write something that she deems “nice” which really means it was G rated in content and delivery. which makes her so happy and makes me so sleepy.

so i wonder what she will think when i tell her that the San Francisco Chronicle has a column today where they quote from

Albert Einstien
Bishop George Berkeley
Marshall McLuhan
Jimi Hendrix
Pete Townshend
Hermann Hesse
Dave Barry
J.G. Ballard
Stephen Colbert

and your boy.

guess which quote had to be censored?

how is it that its always 5am

when i write you busblog?

we had 28 posts on LAist yesterday.

here are some of my faves

Jimmy, the greatest openly gay Dodger blogger doled out three Dodger posts today,
two before he went to the game and this one afterwards:
I’ve Had Bowel Movements Prettier Than This Game

Anti continues to keep it real by telling us where we can get free malt liquor this weekend:
Vice Magazine Colt 45 Pool Party Saturday

and then proved that he has the best weed:
Carson Daly Is Not That Bad

One of our new writers, D.R. Smith explained the Wilshire car bomb, beautifully
Misadventures in Journalism – The Car Bomb Mystery

Another new writer Max Schneller busted with a vegan restaurant review
Truly Vegan

tomdog had two posts, in his TV junkie post we see a great three part fight on Big Brother
TV Junkie: Tuesday – Tonight’s Picks
and then he interviewed a pretty boy actor
LAist Interview: Noah Bean from ‘Damages’

Even though i never buy DVDs, for some reason I love DVD Tuesday by Josh
DVD Tuesday: Norbit impresario delivers magical Hogs

But as you know my true love is porn i mean live music and i got to see a great band the other night and posted it immediately
Oreskaband @ The Echo, 8/14/07

Not even fully realizing that LAist was about to pull off a beautiful double play of live music tag-team magic:

First Joey Maloney presented THE BEST photo essay from in front of the front row at the Rage Against the Machine / Cypress Hill / Wu Tang / Public Enemy concert than any other website, newspaper, magazine around. And please, correct me if I’m wrong. Not only did he give us great pictures, but amazing descriptions of what it was like WHEN THE POLICE THREW TEARGAS AT THE CROWD
Rock The Bells @ Hyundai Pavilion, 8/11/07

Which was perfectly followed up by Tim the Hammer’s long, detailed review of the show from the heart of the action, including VIDEO OF THE KIDS STARTING FIRES AND JUMPING OVER THEM
Prisoner of the Pit: Rock the Bells Recap from the Frontline

Not everyone cares about revolutionary rock so I was happy that our sports editor Adam delivered this fine video of morning talk show failure Adam Corrolla showing off his touchdown dance
Adam Carolla. No Ocho Cinco.

Ali Miller reminds us that if we dont have a Wii yet, we’re miisiing out
The Reason to Get a Wii: Mario Strikers Charged

Ryan Young produced one of the finest Neighborhood Projects of all time, even the kids at CurbedLA couldnt find anything mean to say about it
The Neighborhood Project: Chinatown

Zach exposed a father and a son involved in seriously illegal activity, not to mention sorta gross
Kayaking in the LA River

Food Editor Lindsay went to the Hells Kitchen finale viewing party, so you wouldnt have to
A Hell of a Hangover: Kitchen Finale Viewing Party

I wrote a funny headline about the big news in classic rock
Right Now Van Halen is Getting Even Weirder

And we got two stories about areas that we really don’t write much about so I’m very happy Pasadena and Highland Park, both by two new-ish writers, Stephen Box and Heath Biter, respectfully
Pasadena Abandons Cycling Prohibition
Dork on York on York

i should get a bumpersticker that says

ask me about my staff

and i hung out with anti and tanky and i talked to jeanine and danielle and karisa and i spent a few hours away from the computer

and i watched real world sydney and loved it

and i finally watched the first new episode of weeds

and got an email from the second hot chick in a week saying hi tony

i seriously have to get a lottery ticket tomorrow.

its 8:03 am

between the phone ringing and the emails clonking

and the great show i saw last night with the pretty girl who was cute but annoying
and all the work i had waiting for me when i got home
and big brother to watch and tacos to eat
and pussy to send home
here it is and i realize ok ive set up my lineups for fantasy baseball
but what about the busblog? what about the date you brung, aint ya gonna dance with her?

got an interesting email from a very young lady. so young that she had two IDs to prove she was legal. have i told you this story. well curiously she has an AOL email address and a myspace. hmmmm. no facebook. no gmail. whats the catch.

theres gotta be a catch.

usually i dont trust people with AOL accounts but shes a gemini.

also she didnt write me back right away which means she gets a spanking on the first date. now all i gotta figure out is what we’re gonna do on the first date. play i dare you to reveal everything? those are the nights i like

under the stars
telling all

ok how old were you when you lost your virginity?
gotta cup my nuts when you ask that
say waaaah?
no really, i dare you, cup my nuts when you ask me that
ok how old were you when you lost yr virginity tony?
21 young lady. and probably an older 21 than you are right now.

LAist could have the best content day of my reign if it continues to post stories along the lines of the dozen that are already done, and scheduled, and ready to roll as of right now.

i dare you to go there and check out my concert review of the japanese ska girlies, and our two reviews of the Rage Against the Machine Cypress Hill Public Enemy Wu Tang show and the Neighborhood Project of Chinatown

and if you live in LA we are even giving away Magic Numbers tickets for tonights sold out show so enter if you live near the miracle mile.

i talked to danielle last night and fellas shes single and ready to mingle.

and how weird is it that LAist is turning into the greatest thing ever on the web next to raymis nipples?

last night i went to an art show

the NSFW video above shows the sweet (and sweaty) scene inside the Golden Gals Gone Wild art opening held Saturday night in Hollywood at the World of Wonder Storefront Gallery.

It was so hot that some of the go-go dancers decided to take their clothes off and get more comfortable.

Who can blame em.

Read my review and view a photo essay of the event here, and click here for an interview with the curator of the show.

me and moxie were on the radio yesterday

internet radio. wave of the future. bringing back the past.

we were late because of a duo of crazy accidents on the 101 going north at 3:30pm

but as we did the show everything went great. but moxies friend steve just kept saying these things that were just so different from my reality of the world that i didnt really know what to say.

listen to the deal on the player, you’ll see. ours was the 8/9 MoxVox.

ah live radio gotta love it.

and i love moxie. baby, thanks for having me.

so afterwards we met the ceos of the company who does this and they want to do something with LAist like maybe give us a show or something and i think moxie wants me to do this with her next week so i promise to mellow it out a little and be not so hyper

but then this bonus happened. ok well mox picked me up at 3. we had to be in calabassas at 4. no prob. except while we were driving i realized that i hadnt eaten a bite of anything all day. probably cuz i wake up at 11am.

so i was starving when we got to the studio, we did almost an hour, i got to talk about matt goods record, we played Born Losers and talked about ron paul and weed and i was soooooo starving when we were done

and in comes a bag of mcdonalds. for us. as thanks for doing the show or something.

so unbelievable. and it was a grilled chicken sandwhich? how did they know?

but even better we’re talking to the one guy then the other and hes showing me a video camera hooked up thru an EVDO card like what i have for my laptop meaning you could broadcast video live or some shit

and we’re talking about how adrianne curry is on the station too and in she walks!

i extend my hand to shake it and she says my hand is all wet and im all yeah whatever im from chicago (i know shes from joliet cuz ive seen every episode of her tv show with peter brady) and insist on shaking her hand

someone gives her an angus burger and she sits down on the floor cuz i guess shes starving too and i realize everyone has chairs so i run out wheel in a chair and say here you go americas next top model

she was so funny you wouldnt believe it. and looks amazing. and apparntly got new boobs she was telling everyone about but moxie had to run so i was all, hey can we interview you next week at this time before your show and she was all fine. seriously not impressed with moi but whatevs, first being on the radio then seeing the future then meeting her

so rad, totally amazing, and i didnt have two things on me because as every girl who has ever had to live with me knows, it takes me exactly one million hours to leave the house because i can never find my wallet my keys my camera my phone my dick my something ipod stiletto eight foot bong something

because mox was driving i wanted to get baked on the way up there but i couldnt find a pipe and i wasted my getting ready time looking for that shit and forgot

my wallet and my camera

so sorry no pics of mrs christopher knight who im telling you couldnt be cooler.

Questions from the greatest people in the world:

busblog readers

and answers from the worst man of all, tony pierce

this one goes out to melissa gluck of Curbed LA who i falsely accused of something and i was so wrong and im so sorry and i hope she can find it in her heart to forgive me:

1. World Peace, Legalized Weed, or a live Bukowski reading? Why?
The WordSlinger

If weed was legal there’d be a LOT more peace and it would inspire the next generation of great writers and poets and losers to bang out a few more books. Or it would simply inspire them to bang more.

2. Are you sad that something came up and I couldn’t see you in :LA?
Michael (aka Azreal Darkskies)

To be honest, im usually very nervous about meeting fans of the busblog because im afraid i cannot ever possibly live up to the personae that ive created. so i was probably quite relieved.

3. When will you come to Chicago and sit in the bleachers with me and drink warm Old Style?

As tempting as you make it sound, you’ll have to wait till next year. I’m trying to save the world over here.

4. this has been bothering me for quite some time. i would like to know why, at the end of the day, when i have consumed nothing more than cereal and coffee, my sink is overflowing with dishes, YET AGAIN. all i ever do is the fucking dishes and here they are again, night after night, CONSTANTLY MOCKING ME FROM MY DISGUSTING SINK.

it never ends. please help.

if you do them it only encourages them. i mock them by eating fast food and cooking using paper bowls and plastic forks. when the sink starts stinking i say oh yeah? and cut a fart and light it.

5. Why do girls seem a little bit accessible everywhere else?

Girls hate local boys. proven fact. always be on the road. always be traveling. always be leaving home and make them miss you, and stay away far too long and before you return demand that they welcome you back – properly. and if they agree and then dont fulfill their end of the bargain, stop talking to them forever and share their secrets with the world in upcoming books.

6. why do people forget that i have been blogging longer than you, is it because you are more of a whore opportnist or just a whore? when are you going to grow some hair back? when are you going to stop saying baby? it makes my skin crawl haha.

1) b/c youre a woman 2. b/c youre canadian 3. b/c i was web-siteing before you were blogging, baby. and ps thats not your skin crawling thats your juices flowing and i appreciate the compliment.

7. Will you come to Vancouver on September 20th for the Matt Good show to hang out with all the cool people and hotties you met in Vegas?

that day is my mommys birthday and the things i would do with the hotties i met in vegas i would never do on my mommys birthday

8. Would ya?

in canada theres very little i wouldnt do cuz it doesnt count up there. except cocaine. i would never do that there.

9. why the fuck not?

ok fine, you talked me into it.

bush cheney lincoln10. How overrated is grad school?

if it allows you to become a professor at UC Isla Vista it’s perfectly-rated. if its just a way to avoid the world for a few years as you bang undergrads, repeatedly. wait what were we talking about?

11. When will TSAR rule the world?
Why are chicks so whacked?
Why is Bush still in office?
Who is your favorite candidate?
How is your carpal tunnel?
Do you ever tire of writing?
Chris C

when fear is thru with its turn, if i got cramps and bled once a month id be way worse than any chick i ever met, dumb constitution, ron paul 08, 90% cleared up thank you!, writing is the same as beating off and taking recordbreaking shits and i love all three equally – infact this week i wrote write my 2,000th post on LAist

12. How much better is Canadian weed?
Would you rather stay sober than smoke a shitty bowl?
Michael (aka Azreal Darkskies)

not to burst your bubble but it wasnt better than the weed i normally smoke, but it was way funner to get in vancouver, mostly because it was from the hells angels, and the process was very quick and organized. just like naked girls, if you cant make something good out of a bowl of weed then you probably should go back to defending george bush because youre clearly not playing this game correctly.

when you have a pity party – do you invite god? cuz you kinda know what he’s gonna say.

if theres one thing i avoid its negativity. oh and success. however when i have been very sad i have been enlightened while in prayer. its only happened a few times but its amazing. i sorta avoid those moments too cuz theyre super freaky.

apple macbook prowhat happened to malingering on laist?
Rob F

everyone deserves a summer vacation. especially her.

Jesus comes back and says “Tony? You need to run the L.A. Times’ sports section.” What do you do in the first 100 days?
Matt Welch

the first day id say, but i wanted to run the playboy mansion blog squad.
the second day id say, but id rather work with melissa lalum at the Daily News
the third day id say, wait just because i need to run it doesnt mean i have the gig
the fourth day id say, oh great thanks for giving me the gig, didnt want it
the fifth day id say, how did i end up here on spring street, what happened to free will?
the sixth day id say, its saturday why am i still at work?
the seventh day id rest
the eighth day id fire everyone except helene elliott
the ninth day id rehire the transexual Christine and apologize for firing her
the tenth day id hire Steve Czaban to cover Gaucho Hoops
the eleventh day id hire Scott Ferrell to do the Lunchtime Podcast of Hate
the twelfth day id hire twelve maids a milking
the thirteenth day id write a column about Bud Selig being a racist
the fourteenth day id stop covering the Angels until they cut the shit about being the LA Angels
the fifteenth day id hire Snoop Dogg to do whatever he willzle

there would be a guest sports columnist every day from the world of sport or entertainment. id let kids cover the X Games, like 13 yrs old and under. Sundays would be Ladies Day, all stories written by the fairer sex. sorry HR dept.

there would be so much multimedia live, on-the-spot reporting in the online arm (Jesus would let me run the sports portion of LATimes.com too cuz he Loves me) with videos AVAILABLE ON YOUTUBE and not that retardulious LA Times propriety video bullshit that doesnt let you embed and spread the genius thru wacky things like the blogosphere, that it would dominate the world.

i would allow the Laker Girls to write tons. i would demand that Phil Jackson tell us about spirituality and office politics every Saturday during the off season. i would also abuse our local national treasures by picking their brains AT LEAST once a week. those treasures being of course Tommy Lasorda, Vin Scully, Magic Johnson, and Mr. John Wooden. all of whom we’re lucky are still alive so we should celebrate them now and not wait until its too late for long ass bullshit obits and special sections when Jesus offers them new jobs in the sky.