ok thats it, im now a republican.

not really, but shit man, you gotta love how they stick together.

arnold schwarzenegger became governor of california despite the fact that he brazenly smoked weed in a movie, groped women on film sets, and his father was a nazi police cheif.

george w. bush became president and then was reelected despite having a drinking problem, a cocaine problem, a spending problem, a finding osama problem, and a winning the war problem.

jim demint recently became senator of south carolina despite saying that gays and unwed pregnant women are unfit to be schoolteachers.

today alberto gonzales was nominated to be the US Attorney General despite calling the the Geneva Convention quaint in regards to questioning prisoners detained during this war on terror

adding that following the rules of the Convention to al qaeda and taliban detainees “could undermine U.S. military culture…”

gonzales’s interesting stance on the geneva convention had some critics including the secretary of state colin powell who said that disobeying the rules of the convention “will reverse over a century of U.S. policy and practice in supporting the Geneva conventions and undermine the protections of the law of war for our troops, both in this specific conflict and in general.”

Rear Admiral John Hutson (ret.),Navy Judge Advocate General from 1997 to 2000, said, “When you say something down the chain of command like, ‘The Geneva conventions don’t apply,’ that sets the stage for the kind of chaos that we’ve seen.”


but because gonzales is republican and because this war on terror cant be bothered with people who are going to constantly interfere with crazy complaints of rules being broken or human rights being trampled, he got the nod today

as terrorist suspects sit in cuba without lawyers or any trials.

the president today said of his nominee, “his sharp intellect and sound judgment have helped shape our policies in the war on terror.”


gonzales of course didnt just come out of his momma wanting to re-write concepts of torture and false imprisonment, before the texan became buddies with the president he was a former partner in the houston law firm Vinson & Elkins, which represented Enron. he also received campaign contributions from Enron when he ran for re-election to the Texas Supreme Court.

so yes, now i am a republican. the only party that i know of who will support their brethren no matter what laws they break, no matter what failures they have been in the past (or present), no matter what seedy background they came from, no matter what sort of twisted logic they have about gays unwed mothers or suspects.

even though i like many of the democrats’ ideas, it bothered me how they distanced themselves from bill clinton as he was being unfairly impeached, i hated how they abandonded al gore even though he won the 2000 election, and i was shocked at how they tossed aside howard dean simply because he got a little excited during a rally for his volunteers.

the dems can learn alot about their adversaries.

loyalty is at the top of that list.

which is why today i am switching sides and am officially a republican.

found on floor + rabbit + thanks mist

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