Word of the Day

for Monday November 1, 2004

from dictionary.com

debouch \dih-BOWCH; -BOOSH\, intransitive verb:

1. To march out (as from a wood, defile, or other narrow or confined spot) into the open.

2. To emerge; to issue.

transitive verb:

To cause to emerge or issue; to discharge.

When the mill hands hassled Pete at the Manchester Cafe, he took off his apron, debouched from behind the counter and beat them senseless. –Richard Rhodes, Why They Kill

Bangladesh, one of the most populous spots on earth, is virtually the delta of the Brahmaputra and Ganga river systems, where numerous streams and rivers debouch to the Bay of Bengal.

— “Blood on the Border,” Times of India , April 23, 2001

. . . one of those ancient towns of central France where the streets wind upward from the railway track, through scowling walls of medievalism, until they debouch in the square outside the cathedral door, surveyed by huge stone animals from the cathedral tower and prowled around on Sunday mornings by cats and desultory tourists.

–Jan Morris, Fifty Years of Europe

Debouch comes from French déboucher, from dé- (for de), “out of” (from Latin de) + bouche, “mouth” (from Latin bucca, “cheek, mouth”). The noun form is debouchment.


flagrant + write hard + bunnie

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