Goldspot Contest!

as the busblog and blogging gains popularity there are increasing opportunities for me, and therefore you.

the last contest we had was a secret one that even the contestants didnt know they were involved in and Chokey Chicken won a giftbox of goodies that included the Blacksmith’s cd that they gave me specifically for the purposes of a contest. when i decide to stop filling up chad’s gift box and mail it i think he will get on his blog and be shocked at what he has received.

today i present to you a new contest to see and hear the up-and-coming band Goldspot perform at the world famous west hollywood Troubador next Tuesday July 26.

as you heard yesterday in my podcast with matt good, there seems to be a dirth of original, creative music out there, and originality is rarely rewarded with radio play or love on mtv.

recently i was approached by Goldspot’s label to provide a pair of concert tickets for next Tuesday’s show and after listening to them on their Myspace page i agreed to host a small contest on my blog. i am not getting paid for this, this is not an ad, and the label isnt co-opting this post like some bloggers have allowed other companys on their blogs. i am doing this at my own will, because as you have come to expect, nobody calls the shots here about anything except for me.

which isnt to say that i could not be convinced to sell space on this blog, as is evident from pauly shore’s goofy mug to the left of this post.

but thats not the case here.

i think Goldspot is an interesting band with a varied collection of influences, i think theyre trying to do something new, i think that their label is trying to do something new, and i think that whoever wins the pair of tickets will enjoy their night on the town. and not only do i want to encourage and support new music but i want to encourage and support the power of blogs to turn people on to things that they might not be exposed to through the traditional channels.

so therefore the contest is now open and its so easy i cant even believe it. if you live in LA or you will be in LA on the 26th and you would like to check out Goldspot, simply leave a comment below with why you’d like to go.

heres the simple catch
i will only read hiakus
so write carefully

you can write as many as you like and the winners post will appear on the busblog Friday afternoon. the winner will get their name plus one on the VIP guestlist.

bonne chance!

Goldspot Myspace page + official website + union records

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