i havent busted with a twenty mintues with tony in a while

so lets get this party started

so last night i did that karnival of karl and i gotta say it wasnt as easy as it looks. im not saying this so that you kiss my ass, im saying it so that if you try it you know what youre getting yourself into.

if youre going to do it properly you a) need to find a topic of a shitload of sources b) have to have a shitload of time on your hands (that one took me 5 hours), c)dont have to get up in the damn morning d)dont mind editing like crazy e)dont mind reading everything that youre going to be linking to find the juicy bits f) have to be truly interested in the topic at hand.

with that said, im proud of that rundown. i did my best to show both sides, you had wonkette saying rove didnt do anything illegal, you had a link to blogs for bush, just one minute, and two links to the wall street journal calling bullshit on it all. see, insty, the world doesnt explode when you show both sides.

yes the majority of links are from people rubbing their hands in anticipation of rove getting his just deserts, but you go to technorati and type in “karl rove” and see what you get. unless you want to say that the technorati spiders are liberal…

if i ever do a carnival of [insert name here] again its definately going to be regarding something easier to look at than our beloved turd blossom. even the annoying paperclip from Word and Excel popped up on me last night to ask wtf.

with that said it worries me that people like Wonkette are saying that Rove didnt do anything wrong “by washington standards”. well then red, then whaddup with the double secret you didnt hear this from me whisperings and whaddup with scotty mcclennon suddenly asking the press to ixnay on the overay questions? are they faking us all out? are you faking us all out? and i love how on msnbc the host asked “so youre saying that this isnt something that people in california would care about?” baby people in california have to talk about something inbetewen earthquakes and fires and mudslides and bites of sushi.

speaking of sushi. blogging.la invited me to their sushi meetup last week and im always honored to be invited to things and im doing my best to break out of my hermit status but sushi isnt gonna do it. make the next meetup at a strip club or at the pantry and you’ll have better luck getting my ass there. but dont go changing on my account.

ads. people are always sending me emails asking me questions and thats nice. i feel honored about that too. but just because i play a guru on tv doesnt mean that im actually one. people ask me how to register their domains people ask me how to get their blogger blogs on their domains people ask me how to do photo essays. all excellent questions and maybe if i get this weed out of my system soon i will be motivated to write a real How To Blog that will include all those things but for right now lets talk about something super easy. ads.

i dont like ads on blogs. i dont think al gore invented the interweb so that pauly shore could hype his new tv show next to someone pouring their heart out. however some people are unemployed, and other people just need money. me, i am unemployed and i have bills bills bills that dont give a fuck about my ideals. and also, i like the weasel and if he wants to give me a hundred bucks to take up some space on my sidebar then fine.

i have been using blogads since the day i was laid off and last month, full disclosure, i made $420. its not a lot but it was exactly how much the dentist charged me yesterday to do some serious work on me. and to rewind a little in the story, whats funny is nearly the second that blogads paypalled me the moola (so smart that they use paypal) the dentist office called me to see if i wanted to get my teeth worked on.

the beauty of having a paypal debit card is tuesday i was paypalled the cash from blog ads and wednesday i paid the dentist with the paypal debit card. my real bank stash was never touched and career builder and those indie movies basically paid for my dental work. the perfect circle.

speaking of which (and this is a free plug) if youre in the beverly hills area and you want a great dentist, dr. engel is the man. he takes insurance, he has nitrous, and theres a nice tony romas next door to reward yourself for when hes done. i always love going there because the people are great and the doctor really is quite good.

before i went to dr. engel i bopped around between three different dentists and bailed out super fast. the first was karisas dentist and then i had some dude who had a great view, and then i had some other dude. none of them satisfied my needs or listened to me when i said ow ow ow. the theory at my beverly hills dentist is “nothing needs to hurt”.

i hope he starts blogging again.

ok how are we on time. five minutes. so the first podcast show will be with the lovely karisa. it will be about 40 minutes long. im editing the sound (not the content) using Audacity. i picked up this digital recorder off ebay for $99. its the diasonic ddr 1232. which is so small its like being a real reporter. how small? it says its 6″, but if thats the case then i need to go into porn cuz that aint… well, fine, if thats six inches then lets stop this blog post while im ahead. i have the feeling that its probably closer to 4″ but theres nothing in this bachelor pad four inches.

anyway i love it, it works great, its easy to use and not only does it hook up to the phone easilly but it hooks up to the computer even easier. id tell you about the software that it comes with but i lost it, which is why im using audacity.

in the coming weeks expect podcast interviews with all your favorites from the busblog including matt good raymi some of my ex gfs and some special guests who will blow your mind. im very excited about all of this because i love new things and most of the podcasts that ive heard have done nothing for me. so i hope to improve that area of blogging.

for those of you who are assuming that im going to just rant into a mic, thats not my vision for the podcast show. when i rant i like to do it via the typer. dont get me wrong, i can go off over the phone – especially now that im off the weed – but i am so fortunate to know so many extremely cool people that i want to share that with you in a way that AOL IM chats cant.

plus dont you want to hear karisas voice?

ps special thanks to ev for getting back to me personally regarding my Odeo account, theres no way i would be doing this if ev and noah werent involved. i have mad respect for both of them. they are the christopher columbi of new media and even though these worlds have already been discovered, nobody gives a shit until theyve conquered it. watch as i bring the malaria to the natives.

be a witness (its not gory) via matt good + reverse vampyr has mariahs nipple slip + click here if you want blogads on your blog

the rove less traveled

since the instapundit is too ashamed and embarrassed to even utter karl rove’s name in relation to the ongoing scandal (excuse me but since when was Plame in jeopardy of a frog march?) and investigation as to his bukkake of classified leaks upon all those reporters,

and since the professor, like the good company man that he is, wont comment on the first two questions asked to the president yesterday in regards to our lovable chief of staff, someone has to take up the slack.

to his credit he did conveniently link to video of wonkette saying that rove didnt break the law, but where was his link to monday’s press conference? i mean, sure, amc is cute as she rolls her eyes at hugh hewitt’s war on terror mantra but scotty’s bad day was comedy gold, and, its actual news. if glenn is saying that wonkettes opinions now suddenly matter then i look forward to seeing him link to her once the rest of these sources get revealed and we find out who miller went to jail to protect.

but since the alleged libertarian is doing what he always does when dark clouds float over a republican garden party, which is put his hands over his ears and say lalalalalalala, occasionally throwing us a bone or two of quasi rove coverage, i’ll throw one back and take time out of my busy evening and give you all a karnival of karl that the worlds biggest blogger doesnt want his readers to see

so lets rock:

“”karl rove” is the number one search in technorati. could they be looking for his nipple slip?

“The Big Lie About Valerie Plame” – Former undercover CIA operative Larry Johnson goes on the TPM Cafe to bear witness that Plame was indeed undercover when Rove leaked to Novak that she was CIA. He also dismisses the allegation that she greenlighted her hubby’s trip to the dark continent.

The Republicans insist on the lie that Val got her husband the job. She did not. She was not a division director, instead she was the equivalent of an Army major. Yes it is true she recommended her husband to do the job that needed to be done but the decision to send Joe Wilson on this mission was made by her bosses.

At the end of the day, Joe Wilson was right. There were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. It was the Bush Administration that pushed that lie and because of that lie Americans are dying. Shame on those who continue to slander Joe Wilson while giving Bush and his pack of liars a pass. That’s the true outrage.

how come i havent seen Johnson on tv saying this stuff? oh thats right because my tv is fixated on that chickie in aruba. will someone find her already?

Just One Minute has an interesting rebuttal to Johnson that includes one of my favorite scrabble words “misremembered” (in my dreams)

Can Bush Survive Without Rove? “Bush’s Brain. The Architect. Boy Genius. Fired?” – when youre GOP4LYFE and even Fox News is beginning to build your casket, the end is near

“another bad day for the white house” – the political forecast suggests that rove lose his security clearance

“What’s the Real Story on Karl Rove?” – news from occupied Iraq speculates on what was in those eight blank pages that could be the clues in the investigation of the “very serious crime”

“Rove’s War” – Sidney Blumenthal in Salon gives us two pages of background and concludes with dissing Ken Starr but not before busting with this chunk

The prosecutor can indict under any statute, including simply leaking classified information. Is Rove afraid of being indicted under that law, not just the one that makes it a crime to identify Plame? Mehlman raises a further Rove anxiety. No, Rove didn’t “reveal the name.” But the law doesn’t cite that as a felony; it only specifies revealing the “identity” as a crime. It says nothing about a “name.” Rove revealed “Joe Wilson’s wife.” That qualifies as an “identity.”

sure does, doesnt it.

ive never heard of The Brad Blog, but he has an exclusive with Joe Wilson who surprisingly said that Rove should be fired and lets Brad know that he will be reading a letter on the Today show this morning from Bush Sr. where 41 told wilson that he agreed with alot of this column that the former ambassador to iraq wrote in 2002 with tips on how to deal with saddam.

shulzone links to whitehouse.org who has an easy-to-print letter of support for mr. rove. and turd blossom panties! (three words i never expected to type in my life. i take back saying that ive done it all.

Washington Post staff writer Dana Milbank answers questions from wapo readers about Rove including “does having evidence as we now have that the White House has baldly lied to the press core mean that the White House press corps’ posture will become more aggressive, more appropriately distrustful?”

Karl Rove, Whistleblower
“He told the truth about Joe Wilson” – where the wall street journal both defends rovey and misses the point entirely. this isnt about wilson lying, this is about the white house leaking classified information to the press. i have always maintained that if rove had simply told novak, miller, et al “we didnt send Wilson to Africa, the CIA did” and left out “… wilson’s wife, you know, the cia spook…” we wouldnt be here and id be telling you about the blonde i just fingered. but i guess the chief of staff and the wsj make mistakes too. me, im perfect. alwas.

the wsj’s blogger james taranto sez that this isnt blood in the water, its chum. then riddle me this batman, whys the whitehouse keeping mum on the chum? those fuckers love to talk shit, and when that doesnt work they just flat out lie. are you saying that this silent treatment is a change-up designed to make everyone whiff? if thats the case then fuckit – turd blossom in 2008.

Lawyer: Cooper ““Burned”” Karl Rove – the national review talks with rove’s mouthpiece who explains how the reporter who was going to go to jail to protect his source infact damaged the source. then he tells us wtf Double Super Secret Background is. sadly its not a new ben and jerry’s flavor. however my sources tell me that theyre feverously working on Turd Blossom Mint Chip before this heatwave settles down.

blogs for bush only had one post in defense of their boy rove. mark noonan argues that “there is nothing to the story”, asks “why all the fuss”, blames the left for manufacturing “conspiracy theories” about the blameless rove, finds it in his heart to explain the JFK conspiracy theory to his readers(?), and asks “Honestly, what is next? Are we to investigate whether or not President Bush is covering up aliens at Area 51?” wait, is that how he carried new mexico? fucking aliens.

And then of course was the “I also will not prejudge the investigation based on media reports. We’re in the midst of an ongoing investigation, and I will be more than happy to comment further once the investigation is completed,” that President Bush gave the press when he was asked about Rove’s leak.

to which Joho the Blog wrote, “I agree it’d be wrong to judge Rove based solely on media reports. So, W, here’s an idea: Turn around and ask him.

one thing i definately agree with wonkette about is she wins yesterday’s headline-writing contest
Leak: Bush Holds Tongue on Probe

i dont care what the rabbit says, i heart the wonkette. hi baby.

Newshounds watches Fox so i dont have to (thanks pallies!) and reports that on Hannity & Colmes “Alan Colmes started off the interview by asking an excellent question: ‘If Karl Rove wasn’t revealing something secret, why did he have to speak on double super secret background?’

and you know, if the instapundit wanted to actually earn some of those hits, maybe he’d answer that for us. which has me thinking, do you think that in class he only answers questions if you raise your right hand? and only if your (fake) name is gannon? although i love his google ads.

and thats how you fucking blog a carnival

tomorrow: the first busblog podcast

technorati tags: tsar + mariah carey + turd blossom panties

what Los Angeles spots do you recommend?

People contact me all the time telling me that
they are coming to LA and they ask me where
they should visit and where they should eat
but I never know what to tell them because
I stay in my house all the time or go to
South Central for soul food.

So, readers of the web, what are your favorite spots in LA
and where would you recommend visitors to go to if they were here?

blogging.la + laist + la voice + la observed

in a past life i was a manufacturers rep for some pretty big companies.

right out of college i was hired by philips magnavox and then webtv who soon was bought by microsoft.

when you work for a big company and you wear a shirt and a tie, or a polo shit and khakis, people think that youre no longer an ac/dc listening cubfan who would rather be beating off to the latest jenna jameson vid, they think that youre some company man from the factory also known as a target for them to poop on.

for philips i handled santa barbara county, ventura county and parts of la county. when the internet started booming they moved me up to frisco and i was one of three reps handling all of northern california. there i was picked up by webtv where i did pretty much the same job of teaching salesmen how to sell our products and when microsoft bought webtv i did the same thing for microsoft.

most of the time i was actually right there on the salesfloor passing out brochures and pens and i answered questions and tried to convince the salespeople that our shit was the good shit.

unfortunately our shit wasnt always the good shit and these hardworking underpaid pissed off people made sure to let me know their feelings about my employer. sometimes i would hold morning donut n bagel meetings where id have an hour before the store opened to get in their heads that our shit was in their stores for a reason and it was in their best intrest to sell it. period.

it was my job to sell them on the fact that even though they thought that they knew more than the buyer of their chain, or more than the marketing dept of our company, or more than the focus groups that we had polled, or more than consumer reports magazines that rated us high, that they were wrong in their choice not to pitch our products to their customers, and their error would only effect their wallets – not ours.

sometimes this lead to conflicts. and when the white house press secretary scott mcclellan was hemming and hawwing these last two days i couldnt help remembering being a young rep on the firing line with 55 minutes left in a sales meeting where it was definately 15 to 1, the 1 being moi.

although it was tempting to pop in the tape of Glengary Glen Ross and fast forward to the scene where Alec Baldwin informs Jack Lemmon that coffee is only for closers and that he should put it down, life isnt hollywood and there is a fair amount of tact that is required in any situation.

however, and i write this today because i know the white house reads the busblog, at some point a man has to remind the audience who is the boss and who isnt. and if youre at the podium you are the boss and when youve had enough you need to tell the non-bosses that enough is enough.

and if you do it properly, and not defensively, but firmly, you will garner their respect. especially if youre talking to salesmen who are usually the ones who are getting shit from someone, be it their customers, their bosses, or their boss’s bosses.

yes you are the representative of the company, yes sometimes the general manager is in the meeting and you dont want to embarrass your employer by insulting your audience, but, especially men, appreciate when the alpha male sleeping giant puts down his laser pointer and lays it out.

scotty mcclellan, just like our current president, is not an alpha male. he got where he is, just like our current commander in cheif, due to unnatural means, and thats why he looked like a deer in the headlights, just like our president does when the going gets tough. and thats fucked up and thats when there becomes a disturbance in the force and thats when shit starts to fly.

once i was representing microsoft at comdex and i was on the floor of the spacious microsoft booth, which wasnt a booth it was more like a small country, and i was standing next to the porsche that we were about to give away, but i was demonstrating the new version of the webtv box. this was many years ago when webtv was actually an option for many people who didnt want to spend two grand on a computer just to check their email.

when you represent the evil empire the haters come out of the woodwork. id have gotten more love if i was wearing a yankees hat at fenway. and comdex is really not the place for set-top boxes when everyone wanted to talk about chip design and bells and whistles and processor power and expansion capabilities and all the propellorhead shit that we all go to comdex to discover.

and there is a certain segment of the geek subculture who likes to roam these conventions with their plastic bags of chotzkies and try to impress all the hot demonstrating chicks by picking apart the presentations of the docker-wearing experts like me.

unfortunately tony dont play that. and i have learned that if you have a small group of people around you who are politely listening to you and a heckler shows up, that you will get their respect and admiration if you completely ridicule the heckler twice as loud as he tries to heckle you.

which is what i did. repeatedly.

sometimes to applause.

but sometimes you couldnt attack, but youd look like a wuss if you avoided the question at hand, even if it was a question you didnt want to answer.

the webtv box didnt have a hard drive, a floppy disk slot, or a printer port. somehow those were the only things people wanted to talk about. just my luck. but because i was prepared for it, i didnt look like a pussy ass bitch.

“hey bozo. why doesnt it have a printer port?”

sir its $199. it hooks up to your tv. what exactly is there to print out, its the internet.

“well, my email. just because bill gates doesnt make a printer he doesnt think that people want to print?”

im sorry sir, im sure you get dozens of interesting email each hour, but what exactly would you need to print?

“ok smart guy, what if a friend sends me an email with directions to their house and i want to print it out?”

by the way this actually happened.

well sir if the sender of the email is your friend wouldnt you know where he lives?


“what if they moved and they want to give me directions to their new house. huh huh!”

well we have found that most people dont use webtv to print things. im sure you have a computer at your house. infact not to stereotype but i bet you have several computers at your house.

“hey! what are you saying?!?”

im not saying anything, other than hey, im not ashamed, i have lots of computers in my house too. heck this is a computer convention. everyone, raise your hand if you have more than one computer in your house.

hands are raised everywhere. the crowd grows.

we believe that there are instances when you dont want to sit in front of a 13″ monitor to view parts of the internet–

“i have a 20 inch monitor!” the dude said defiantly.

lucky man, but let me ask you, how big is your tv in your living room?

(trick question. never fall for questioning from a sales rep at a convention hall.)

“i have a 35″ big screen. a tube. not a projection.”

well, lets just say sir, that you stumble across a gallery of cindy crawford photographs. im not going to say how you got there, but lets just say that you got there someway. would you rather look at them on your couch with your feet up, or would you rather squint at them on your 20″ monitor?

“uh. but what if i want to print them?”

you just email the link of the page to your computer. and infact you can then download them on your computer’s hard drive. let me show you how easy it is to email anyone a link to a page youre on…

how the white house and the white house press secretary werent prepared to answer questions about RoveGate is beyond me. and theres nothing that said he couldnt be firm about his responses.

heres what Scotty should have done on monday, a full day after knowing what they were going to ask, when the diligent press corps indeed kept on him about our lovable turd blossom.

he should have said, “look, how many times are you going to ask about the ongoing investigation? i know youre not deaf. and im not either. and if you ask again this press conference is over. im here to help you and i told you that im not going to talk about ongoing investigations. now who wants to go home early cuz i do so please ask me again about something that ive already answered.”

instead he looked like a snivelling mamas boy whose momma was nowhere around to help him, and he had no trick questions to help him out with. by constantly answering the questions with canned stonewalling scotty looked like he was hiding something. he looked like the white house was hiding something and he was not doing his employer any good.

and thats what conservative bloggers who avoid the story of the day look like – they look cowardly and they look like theyre hiding something. and they look ashamed of the side that theyve chosen to be on.

mondays press conference was one of the funniest six minutes ive ever seen in the white house press room since the time jeff gannon’s bra strap got snapped by helen thomas. for the first time we saw reporters actually doing their fucking job and it took scotty by such suprise that he probably thought it was a bad dream.

he tried to change the subject he tried to slink down behind the podium he tried to call time out he tried to pull the friend card. but nothing worked.

similarily, yesterday the instapundit talked about brazil and north korea, about iran and london, he blogged about iraq and al qaeda, about china and holland. the professor wrote about cameras and oliver stone, medblogging and women bloggers and even the hurricanes, he wrote that the new york times was lame and he linked a guy who knocked Time.

the worlds most popular blogger even linked an article about toilet freshness

but in his 28 posts did he mention karl rove, valerie plame, or the funniest press conference of all time even in passing?

of course not.

why would he.

why would the fact that the white house is hiding something about the presidents top advisor and political architect be of any interest on a political blog written by a man who claims not to be republican?

yes theres a reason why the instapundit is linking a story about toilets

its because thats where his little party is going.

the one hes too ashamed to admit that hes part of.

well bro, id be ashamed right now too.

but the difference between good reps and bad ones is the bad ones wilt under pressure and try to avoid the inevitable at all costs

and wind up looking like poor scotty mcclellan getting his ass handed to him

yearning for a gannon in the crowd to point to.

toilet freshness?

and i guess the old saying is true, those who cant do


jim gilliam + the detox + living is gay + doc im going to be podcasting any day now

before howard stern there was steve dahl

and before steve dahl there was disco.

there is a Lord and sometimes the good Lord puts the right people in the right places and everything works out.

the Lord in this example put Steve Dahl, the original “shock jock” in chicago at the same time that Bill Veeck was the owner of the Chicago White Sox. the white sox were the second fiddle to the cubs even 26 years ago, and Bill Veeck was an innovator even before then.

but in 1979 all the stars aligned for a double header against the detroit tigers. veeck had invited Dahl who had just been hired by the hard rock station WLUP “The Loop” to help promote an “Disco Demolition” night.

the way i remember it, if you brought in a disco album you got in for thirty three cents, and if you brought in a 45 you got in for 45 cents, but other people remember you getting in for 98 cents with a record as the Loop was 98FM.

“I was dreading the whole thing,” Dahl said later. “It seemed to me if I drew 5,000 people, I would be parading around in a helmet and blowing up records in what looked like an empty stadium.”

But the joint was filled with 50,000 rock fans who were hyped up for the festivities that were to take place inbetween games.

Comiskey Park at the time was hailed as being Chicago’s Biggest Tavern, as they served hard booze all over the park. you could get two shots, a beer, and a dog, just as easilly as you could get cotton candy.

after the first game had ended, Dahl marched out on the field and several boxes of disco records were wheeled out behind him. the crowd went nuts. the summer of 79 was the peak of disco fever, but for rock fans it was a low for what they loved.

the chant Disco Sucks echoed through the 70 year old stadium after Dahl blew up the first box of records.

the chant grew louder when he blew up the subsequent boxes.

and when he exploded the last, huge crate of records the drunken crazed crowed errupted and swarmed the field and started a near riot in the stands, setting everything they could on fire which wasnt difficult as Comiskey was built of wood.

Dahl, Harry Carry, even some of the players and managers pleaded with the crowd to calm down but disco apparently sucked and if it took a new Chicago fire to prove it then it was going to go down, and it was going to go down right there on the south side.

kids who couldnt get into the sold out event climbed the fences and there were too many people for the security to deal with, fires blazed in the seats, and the long haireds and their led zeppelin music won.

“I grew up when people were marching for civil rights, marching against the war,” said Michael Veeck, head of White Sox promotions at the time, and Bill Veeck’s son. “I didn’t think they would be marching because they hated the Bee Gees.”

the white sox had to forfeit the second game as both teams sped away in their sports cars, and rock and roll would live to see another day, while disco’s future had on that night, 26 years ago, seen its inevitable end in an evening that howard stern in all his glory has yet to eclipse.

writehard + Ronnie Woo Woo is Missing + chicago bloggers + oak park mastermind

exclusive interview with raymi the minx

raymi says: buy my book! or at least mention it on yer blog

dumbass of america says: k
dumbass of america says: i was going to put it on the left hand side of my blog where jaime’s is. maybe if you can give me a brief interview i can put the interview on my blog

raymi says: sure
raymi says: ok so um you’ve been unemployed for awhile now right, or are you doing something?
raymi says: hello

dumbass of america says: hi
dumbass of america says: im not doing shit

raymi says: are u starting to go looney, cos i dont work either and it gets to you after awhile

dumbass of america says: yes

raymi says: can you elaborate

dumbass of america says: well i quit smoking weed after 10 years straight thats sorta loony, im not writing much, im not getting laid, i broke up with my hot gf who was young and sweet and perfect. thats looney. yes im losing my mind. good people should work

raymi says: are you having a midlife crisis

dumbass of america says: no, im just bored from not having a daily routine
dumbass of america says: midlife crises are for white people

raymi says: you should learn how to knit

dumbass of america says: thats so very trendy here in LA
dumbass of america says: so no thanks
dumbass of america says: its like driving a beamer

raymi says: ok then you should start a jumprope club

dumbass of america says: again, youre always ahead of the curve, raymi
dumbass of america says: brilliant idea
dumbass of america says: ps i love you

raymi says: thanks
raymi says:ok next question
raymi says: why do you always link anti and i together all the time, you know we broke up a trillion years ago and we are two separate entities altogether

dumbass of america says: actually i make a concerted effort not to
dumbass of america says: but sometimes i have to keep it real
dumbass of america says: you two have a similar thing going on
dumbass of america says: youre both rad
dumbass of america says: what can i do?
dumbass of america says: and youre both usually topless

raymi says: ok why is flagrant so punk rock? how can you be punk rock when you are anonymous?

dumbass of america says: excellent question
dumbass of america says: somehow she pulls it off
dumbass of america says: and you have to admit, the things she talks about sort of require her to hide her identity
dumbass of america says: do you read her much?

raymi says: sort of not really

dumbass of america says: who do you read the most?

raymi says: i get annoyed cos i cant see what she looks like

dumbass of america says: (say me say me say me say me)

raymi says: i read you and jamie

dumbass of america says: YAY!
dumbass of america says: fuck yeah!!!

raymi says: ok when are you going to grow your hair back

dumbass of america says: im dancing
dumbass of america says: hmmmm

raymi says: i think you should

dumbass of america says: im lazy so i like it shaved
dumbass of america says: you do?
dumbass of america says: but i will look like art garfunkle

raymi says: well i liked it best when it was sort of there but not huge
raymi says: fully bald is not sexy
raymi says: no matter what

dumbass of america says: your the first girl to say that
dumbass of america says: i was at a strip club in vegas and all the girls couldnt keep their hands off it

raymi says: thats cos they think bald guys are rich

dumbass of america says: well….
dumbass of america says: you know im loaded right

raymi says: no yer not

dumbass of america says: my treasure is in the kingdom of heaven
dumbass of america says: and its a big ass treasure

raymi says: oh that sounds so islam or whatever
raymi says: like ten million virgins

dumbass of america says: im thr0ugh with virgins
dumbass of america says: shit
dumbass of america says: i love em, but no more thanks

raymi says: no kidding

dumbass of america says: ps youre the greatest

raymi says: thank you

dumbass of america says: does fil hate me?

raymi says: no

dumbass of america says: does he think im trying to get wit you?

raymi says: no

dumbass of america says: good cuz im not

dumbass of america says: i dont have the energy

raymi says: you wouldnt want me anyway

dumbass of america says: you wear me out just looking at you do all the things you do

raymi says: im strange

dumbass of america says: i love strange
dumbass of america says: youre the perfect strange
dumbass of america says: i would bore you

raymi says: probably

dumbass of america says: id keep saying., dont touch that
dumbass of america says: take that out of your mouth. put that down. come here. go away. come here.

raymi says:i am really not all that exciting you know

dumbass of america says: do we have to do cartwheels?
dumbass of america says: no more threeways, im tired!

raymi says: i say silly things though

dumbass of america says: i think youd be way better for me than i am for you
dumbass of america says: but youd make me tired
dumbass of america says: and youd make me feel old

raymi says: i walk around meowing in a high pitched voice and the other day fil said ok you are seriously going to have to stop that otherwise we’ll be the first couple to break up over you making weirs noises

dumbass of america says: see, id love that
dumbass of america says: i get bored instantly
dumbass of america says: youd never bore me

raymi says: ok ill hold you to that

dumbass of america says: good, but also, im a sexual deviant
dumbass of america says: id dress you up in Little House on the Praire Clothes

raymi says: haha
raymi says: awesome

dumbass of america says: and make your read to me by candlelight
dumbass of america says: ok can i ask you questions now or must you insist on being the man?

raymi says: u can ask questions
raymi says: but u goota be quick because i have to go consume alcohol

dumbass of america says: raymi the minx you have a new book where youve published emails that people have sent you

raymi says: this is true
raymi says: i am also working on two others at the moment
raymi says: one a book of haikus
raymi says: and the other is a secret

dumbass of america says: kickass! do you answer any of their questions in this book or is it all their questions?

raymi says: i do not reply to any of them
raymi says: the emails are so bizarre and out there i felt having my respinse would only take away from them
raymi says: the emails leave the reader with a WHAT THE FUCK!?!? feeling

dumbass of america says: the cover and back look sort of like jaimes excellent book, which i fucking love. did he design this for you? i want him to design my new book, how much do youthink he would charge me?

raymi says: i dunno buy a bunch of his books?

dumbass of america says: how many emails do you get from strangers, on average per day?

raymi says: some days i get zero email
raymi says: when i take comments down i get a ton
raymi says: people have kind of given up on emailing me

dumbass of america says: do you plan a follow up book using the comments?

raymi says: no, theres too many to keep track of

dumbass of america says: what percentage of the emails that you get are about your nudity and or sexuality?

raymi says: and theyre already public
raymi says: 60 per cent

dumbass of america says: does that bug you?

raymi says: no

dumbass of america says: what question(s) bug you the most?

raymi says: repetitive ones. ie nudity

dumbass of america says: how often do you check your email?
dumbass of america says: what program do you use to check your email

raymi says: 5 times a day. gmail

dumbass of america says: why do nude quesions bug you?

raymi says: cos i get them all the time
raymi says: and people still dont get it
raymi says: i dont plan to put up a nude every day of every week, it’s all random, so i hate when people demand to see more
raymi says: and these people are usually anonymous douche bags which makes it way more annoying
raymi says: like fuck off dude, let me see you naked

dumbass of america says: have people sent in their nudes to you ever?

raymi says: a few

dumbass of america says: men or women?

raymi says: both

dumbass of america says: did you like it?

raymi says: sure
raymi says: sometimes guys just send pics of their dicks out of the blue
raymi says: and yer like, uhh thanks man

dumbass of america says: are you inviting people to send in their nudes to you?

raymi says: i never asked
raymi says: ok i have to go now

dumbass of america says: do women enjoy seeing random penises?

raymi says: its too hot in here
raymi says: when theyre single
raymi says: and there is no bf to walk in the room that goes woah woah what the fuck is that!??!

dumbass of america says: is Fil the jealous type?

raymi says: no

dumbass of america says: sowho cares then?

raymi says: well everyone is jealous to an extent
raymi says: im a jealous monster

dumbass of america says: why?

raymi says: cos i just am
raymi says: cos i am vain maybe

dumbass of america says: are you jealous of Fils relationships with his exes?

raymi says: ok i have to go for real now
raymi says: no not at all

dumbass of america says: final question

raymi says: im actaully meeting his ex gf right now

dumbass of america says: psss youre my hero

raymi says: thank you
raymi says: your a darling
raymi says: *you’re

dumbass of america says: ok tell me 5 records youre listening to

raymi says: new beck
raymi says: natasha alexandra
raymi says: feist
raymi says: new k-os
raymi says: blonde redhead
dumbass of america says:

final bonus question: the Goods, theyre kick ass kids, huh?

raymi says: totally we’re hanging with them tomorrow
raymi says: all week actually

dumbass of america says: tell them i say hey
raymi says: ok i will

dumbass of america says: thanks for the interview raymi
dumbass of america says: we love you here in LA

raymi says: no, thank you
raymi says: aww

dumbass of america says: dont change

raymi says: i wont

dumbass of america says: tell Fil hi too

raymi says: ok
raymi says: see you

raymi + jaime + dear raymi

its three fourty seven am

and since nothing in here is true lets rock

lately ive been telling people i know a little secret that i am equally proud of and a little ashamed of

for the last ten years i have been a daily pot smoker, and four days ago i quit, and im telling you because id be a hypocrite if i layed into people like the good professor for being a hypocrite more interested in image than truth and transparency if i was not totally transparent with you.

it all started on haight street in san francisco. i lived with a variety of young men, one of whom could always get his hands on the sticky green bud which i had smoked occassionally in college but never on a daily basis. but with him living right there any time i ran out i just walked over to his room and asked if he had any and if he was he’d sell me some and if he didnt hed get some for me when he got some for himself.

frisco was so lenient that often times we’d pass a joint as we walked down the street. we’d smoke in cars. we’d smoke in the park. we even smoked on couches of the warfield during a concert. in fact i volunteered as a doorman at the filmore and after the show they poured us beers and everyone lit up, which is san francisco at its best if you ask me.

over the years pot just became part of my daily life, like beer is to frat boys, or like makeup is to girls. its something i was constantly maintaining, always aware of.

the funny thing was, because of my experiences with the xbi starting in college, weed stopped getting me totally stoned after the first two years of use. meaning, the high was never all that high for more than an hour. and over the last five years it rarely lasted more than 15 minutes. but it had turned into a habit. something i definately did right after work during the weekdays and as soon as i woke up on weekends and holidays.

i also smoked out right before meals because if i smoked after a meal i wouldnt be affected at all. i smoked before i wrote, i smoked before i fucked, i smoked before i watched a movie or a tv show. i smoked before i started a task and i smoked as a reward after a task. one reason i didnt mind not having a car was because it was nice to smoke and get on a bus and not have to worry about anything. but the problem was, by the time i got off the bus my little high was gone, which was fine. that high was never anything i needed it was just always a little spice to whatever was going on.

there were times when i quit for a few days to see if i could. those were never big deals even though i thought about it constantly. when i went out of the country or visited my mom or went on road trips for work, or flew, i never took it with me because a)i never wanted to go to jail even for 15 minutes for something as lame as a 15 minute high, b)it would break my mothers heart if she ever got a phone call from me in jail and c)i considered trips good excuses to take little breaks.

also, and this is something that i totally relate with flagrant about, when i was on the road there was no “habit” as everything was new. therefore there was no ritual so there was no need for that bongload.

plus if i ever needed a substitute on the road there was always beer or rum.

dont get me wrong. im not writing this to secretly boast how cool i am that ive stopped this habit. and im certainly not saying that im ashamed of what ive done. i still love weed and i totally think that it should be legal because its a walk in the park compared to some of the wild shit that we allow in the hands of people: booze, cigarrettes, guns, cars, love affairs. and no way am i telling anyone to quit. im just telling you whats on my mind right now which is its 4:16am and in four minutes guess what id be doing.

im quitting because it doesnt work on me any more and all it has done for me over the last few years was eat at my memory which was fine with me, and eat at my wallet a little which again i couldnt care less about because money grows on trees, and put a haze around me which also was fine because i had grown used to feeling mildly retarded and i had found some weird comfort in that self-induced stupidity.

it had also helped my creativity. i truly believe that. yes im one creative fuck and a good rip of weed at the right time sent my thought flowing so fast at times that if i could harness it i could get into some great places that i probably couldnt get to sober. however sometimes those evelations were unmanageable and coupled with my a.d.d. prevented me from the initial task of writing shit down and describing the wave i was riding.

in order to reign that in i created twenty minutes with tony so that i could steer myself down the rushing rapids without getting lost looking at the sparkley things all around me.

these last few days have been equally bizarre and wonderful. wonderful in that im happier, more focused, and far more aware. and i feel great. it was common to get headaches after too much smoking and the fog that would get in my head sometimes felt like a selfimposed flu minus the barfing.

and also i have no appetite because i have trained my body to wait for weed before the meal so today for example i ate like four wheat thins and two peanut m&ms all day and didnt leave the house to get a burrito until 6pm, and i only did that because i have a sensitive stomach and i didnt want to eat way too late and fuck it up.

ten years of weed has meant ten years of munchies and late night eating and later night gorging. i have a belly that the girls call cute but has never made me all that happy and when i see pictures of myself or try on tshirts and see that fucking gut im not at all pleased. so not being hungry all the time has been a pleasant suprise that i hadnt expected.

and to be honest, i never thought that itd be this easy to turn my back on my second favorite habit, the first of course being writing.

so yes over the last few days i have experienced writers block. a while back i wrote a post about blogger burnout which is just an extended form of writers block. one of the solutions of writers block and blogger burnout, i wrote was to write something that youve been hold back. it is my belief that when youre blocked its because theres an elephant in the room and you keep trying to write about anything other than the elephant. that struggle stifles creativity and clogs the flow. which is why i keep telling you to quit telling your friends and family about your blog, or being not giving a fuck about them. same goes for your employer.

i had the greatest interview with my soon-to-be employer last week, as you know, and their general theme to me was they dont give a fuck about anyone. they just dont want to be bored. they want to constantly try new things, constantly evolve and constantly be punk rock in keeping it real. we laughed and talked for a half hour and people were shocked because apparently they eat candidates up in interviews.

am i nervous that they might read this and say shit we dont want some dude who was a pot smoker for so long and dumb enough to admit it on his blog? yes im a little nervous but im more nervous about turning into a pussy ass sellout bitch whose fears run him instead of his ideals.

the older i get the more i sell out and i fucking hate that and i fight it and i beat it at every turn. i keep telling you how much i admire anti and flagrant and raymi and its because theyre not afraid to be punk rock and show you that they dont give a fuck what you think. theyre going to take off their clothes and smoke weed and cut themselves and write about it for everyone to see. not just for the sake of being an exhibitionist but to add their take on life on earth. and when you edit who you are out of fear you have stopped telling your story and you have lost your edge.

the instapundit is so easy to take apart because his fear to show both sides overwhelms him and makes him completely vulnerable for criticism. hes my favorite blogger because i see myself in him. in that fear. i see myself in his mania to write write write, and to do it in a public way. i feel bad that hes trapped by his own success because i know that if he wasnt making six figures off his ads he would probably be more willing to change shit up, but how can you turn your back on all that lucre when you have a family a mortgage and all the trappings. but the truth is if he was as balanced as he probably wants to be he wouldnt lose that many readers cuz the truth is his readers are such sheep that theyd stay.

drudge is far more balanced than he was years ago and his popularity has not diminished despite the throngs of competition that has come along with the boom of blogging. and kos, although plainly partisan has the most popular political blog despite being critical of his own party when that is indeed the story of the day.

most writers would say at this point “but i digress”, but i havent. we all have our bad habits. and im here to say that some are easier to kick than others. we all know that we should be healthier with our minds bodies and actions and im here to say that im trying to lead by example. and im also here to say that this monkey is not only off my back but now its gone to heaven.

the key to it all, believe it or not, was the blogging that i did at work. remember my two biggest habits were weed and writing. i never got high before work or at work. therefore all the posts that i wrote there was done sober. and many of your favorite posts were done during those 15 minute breaks or during my lunch hour.

as i kept struggling with the demons who whispered that i needed a nice bong rip in order to write well these last few days, i kept reminding myself that i wrote great things without the weed, i can still write without it. its all in the head. mind over chatter.

but i was still stuck until i realized i was super pissed off at my favorite blogger for being a pandering myopic tool playing a very small supereasy game that’s beneath him

and that i had to come clean about the easiest thing that ive had to do this summer which was kick the habit

both were tough to write because glenns a human being with feelings and cuz some people might take what i write about weed the wrong way

but sometimes joel you have to just say wtf

and if you cant say it in a gayass blog then youre worthless

greatest press conference of all + the quotes that lead up to it + alecia has a photoessay + wildbell has two

how ironic that our pal the instapundit

would have the cajones to post that something was underreported when he has been noticeably quiet about karl rove (who has also been suddenly silent) and TreasonGate.

is part of the lack of Instapundit coverage due to the fact that he called it officially bogus in December of ’03?

but i guess that was a lie since i clearly remember about a dozen or more anti-Joe Wilson posts last year at this time. lets count, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42

my bad.

so from june 27 through august 5, a period of about a month and a half, the instapundit laid into joe wilson nearly four dozen times.

saying things like joe wilson lied, reputations died and quoting lefty heavyweight Atrios(!) via Tom McGuire by saying “If a source lies to you, and you find it out, you burn him. Period.”

he even went on the Hugh Hewitt show to diss wilson on the radio

so fine professor, either Scott McClellon lied or Rove lied to Scotty when the Press Secretary told reporters that Rove had nothing to do with leaking the story about Wilson’s wife being CIA. we have all found out, so will you “burn” Scotty or Rove the way you tried to throttle Wilson last summer?

seems like the white house press corps were all over McClellan today (heres video), why werent you? oh thats right, cuz youre not a news service. so were the 40 posts about Wilson just a vendetta during that cruel summer? or does burning lying sources only happen when those sources are anti-Bush?

In fact how curious that today you linked to the Daily Pundit today and quoted the first half of his concluding paragraph

Keep this building fiasco in mind whenever you are tempted to view Karl Rove as an invincible political genius.

but left out the meat of his finale which is

This is a first class snafu, and Bush and Rove have nobody to blame but themselves.

now why would you do that?

is it because you dont agree with your pal Bill Quick, the man who coined the phrase “blogosphere”? And if so, do tell, what dont you agree with. You were quite eager to give us all sorts of opinions on Joe Wilson’s mistakes last year at this time, why not any about Rove and the President.

Indeed, it appears that the President is caught in an interesting situation himself because now that it turns out that his right hand man was a leak (if not THE leak), then what is he supposed to do about this little exchange in Sept 2003:

Q Yesterday we were told that Karl Rove had no role in it —


Q — have you talked to Karl and do you have confidence in him —

THE PRESIDENT: Listen, I know of nobody — I don’t know of anybody in my administration who leaked classified information. If somebody did leak classified information, I’d like to know it, and we’ll take the appropriate action. And this investigation is a good thing.

And again I repeat, you know, Washington is a town where there’s all kinds of allegations. You’ve heard much of the allegations. And if people have got solid information, please come forward with it. And that would be people inside the information who are the so-called anonymous sources, or people outside the information — outside the administration. And we can clarify this thing very quickly if people who have got solid evidence would come forward and speak out. And I would hope they would.

And then we’ll get to the bottom of this and move on. But I want to tell you something — leaks of classified information are a bad thing. And we’ve had them — there’s too much leaking in Washington. That’s just the way it is. And we’ve had leaks out of the administrative branch, had leaks out of the legislative branch, and out of the executive branch and the legislative branch, and I’ve spoken out consistently against them and I want to know who the leakers are.

Interesting because either Rove has been lying to the President for nearly two years about leaking the info or the President has been lying to us about not knowing who the leakers are.

Are you prepared Mr. Reynolds to “burn” the President for being a source who has lied to us? Of course you are, you’re a Libertarian, you have no allegiance to Mr. Bush. So please, unleash your masterfully biblical and unrelenting 40-post-in-40-day attack on Bush.

For someone who comes across as so pro-soldier and pro-truth, please explain how revealing the identity of a spy is any different than telling the enemy where our troops are. Surely you arent saying that if Plame wasnt covert at the time of the leak that she had no dealings with other covert agents, and thus Rove/Novak’s recklessness put them in harm’s way during a war. Surely youre not going to argue that simply because she was back in the US that no harm could come to her here, because as we know this is a very different war where there are no front lines and therefore as we have painfully seen in London most recently but even here in America, the bad guys can attack anywhere, and with precision. So certainly you can’t think that exposing our brave CIA agents is a good thing?

So then why after it has now been reported by Newsweek yesterday and the Washington Post today that O’Donnell was right and Rove did leak that information to Cooper that you’ve never given your opinion on this revelation and in your last 150 posts only 2 of them mention this scandal?

And you have the nads to criticize others for “underreporting”.



when will you criticize FoxNews.com for not even mentioning Karl Rove since the fourth of July? [update: this evening Fox filed this report]

remember how you gloated in September of ’04 “You know, I think I’m posting more on the Plame story these days than some of the bloggers who used to chide me for not paying enough attention to it

well let the chiding begin.

blogger dave navarro‘s new show airs tonight + the gorilla mask + monkeys in the news

why i love ev williams

and why he was on my list of 100 Greatest American Men for two years in a row:

yesterday i was procrastinating and i was clicking around the blogosphere and i saw an amazingly beautiful blog

on the left hand side i saw contact information and noticed that the author had provided her AOL screen name, so i clicked it and i swear to God this is verbatim the begining of the conversation:

me: hey you dont know me, but your blog design is super gorgeous
me: im going to link to it on my blog
me: did you design it yourself?

her: thanks!
her: i did

me: incredible

her: what’s your blog?
her: oh you flatter me

me: http://www.tonypierce.com/blog/bloggy.htm
me: do you study design in school or do it professionally?

her: tony pierce
her: THE tony pierce?!
her: i do neither
her: and thank you!

me: ahahah you know me?

her: of course i do!

and cynics may say, oh youre on ev’s tip cuz you might want a job from him in the future, or cuz maybe he’ll link to you on his blog or some of that bs, but no. i mean sure, it would have been nice to have worked with him back during the blogger days, but shit, how do you beat the above convo.

btw these are the legs of the girl in question in the conversation.

so no, i dont want anything *from* ev, i want to thank him *for* this software. he has stoked me in so many ways that im the one who needs to repay him in some way.

when we were at sxsw and we were able to spend a few minutes to talk we strolled over to the bar and i was so happy that i was going to be able to buy a drink for the man, but just my luck it was an open bar, so i took care of the tip.

so bro, if youre reading this, i still owe you a few drinks at least.

but then i got thinking… if ev’s 20th century revolution has blessed me this much, what about his latest project, Odeo, the new way to podcast. what could that do for me? what doors might that open?

hell, instead of having to fend off these college girls because of blogging, maybe i could graduate to women who didnt need fake id’s – through podcasting.

now that im a proud owner of an automobile i play my ipod all the time through the cassette deck (yes, its an old car and it has one of those. shut up, i like it.), and since i have no attention span the only thing that i can really focus on are conversations… like on talk radio.

so prepare america, i know ive warned you that me and matt good might get a podcast show going, but now im convinced. ev’s never done me wrong and id be a fool if i didnt follow the pied piper to the next level.

which means coming soon, you’ll get to be entertained by this pajama wearing fool via your ipod or itunes.

also, not instead of.

and by soon i mean real soon.

so get ready.

goldman + eric + sutter + kimbalina + biz + graham + the blog in question