i have my first online date this weekend.

i dont know what movie to take her to, so if you have any ideas feel free… i was so ready to take a lunch break yesterday at 11am. i was so ahead of the game. but i just kept working. theres something wrong with me. very very wrong.

laist was on fire yesterday. i think we had twenty stories. something like that. i think i wrote something funny. i cant remember.

i do remember that i cooked tonight. tacos. i had some ground turkey from the other day when i went to the store and it was a red tag butcher man discount price of ninety nine cents for a little more than a pound.

i thought i had some helper in there but i was all outta helper/

this isnt drunk blogging this is exahusted blogging. its 450am, im seeing so many things that arent here .

mark and xeni from boing boing gave me top ten lists from 2006 yesterday.

as did the dude who created Post Secret.

you dont need to be funny if youve got all those badasses.

i realized today that in six months ive never felt the urge to editorialize. as in a column or a rant or something. none. not that my opionion doesnt matter, just that theres going to be very little that i could add thats going to be more classic than what the next story or picture or video is gonna be.

if youre an ice skater and you live here in LA you should go down to pershing square (take the subway) and get there around 8pm and you can hear one of the best new duos, The Submarines, and then Great Northern at 9pm. they will play as you ice skate.

its called Spaceland on Ice. it makes me glad i dont do hallucenegines.

if the clippers got allen iverson

id be at those games


i knew i was in trouble when i saw kurt cobain waiting for me at the front door.

hey buddy.

uh, hi, kurt.

i dont really know how to say this to you, so i’ll just come right out and say it. youre dead.

pardon me?

ok, let me put it this way, knock knock.

heh. who’s there?

not you, because you’re dead.

can i ask you a question?


good, am i on acid?

no, youre dead.

how did i die?

i can tell you, but then i’d have to bring you back to life. ahahahahaha. sorry, little joke we tell.

what’s this hole in my chest?

thats where you were stabbed with a knife.

who the hell would stab me?

lots of people. there are those who are jealous of your hits. there are all the dads of the young girls you kiss. there are the sisters of the girls you kiss. there are the politicians who fear that you might go to law school and then run for office. theres bud selig, dick cheney, pearl jam. or any of the hundreds of criminals you sent to jail.

you know whats funny, kurt, youd think id be sad, but im not sad.


but i will miss all my friends.

they’ll probably miss you too.

and i love the people of Earth.

theres people of Earth where you’re going.

yeah, but i liked life.

you did? you were always bitching about it. you were never satisfied with any of the girls you got. you were never pleased with where you lived or what you did for a living, or what you looked like, or what you wrote, or who you were. dont bullshit me, bro.

hmmm. i did like chris.

too little, too late, cubfan.

and i liked living on del playa.

youre going to a better place.

i am?





hey i got in and i broke some major rules.

thats right, you killed yourself.

major faux pas, let me tell you.

how did you get in after something like that?


whats that?

Grace of God. thats how everyone gets in.

what if you were super good?

doesnt matter, without the GoG you dont get in.

so, like, mother theresa?

God isnt crazy about the Catholics. little known fact. especially the ones who know better. they disobeyed the very last line in the Bible, “dont add anything to this text or else you will get all the curses written herein on your ass.”

thats not exactly what it says.


damn, kurt, even in your afterlife you’re controversial.

ready to hit the road, pallie?

wow. im really dead?

dead as grunge.

and i have to leave this apartment behind?

you can haunt it if you want, but scaring people becomes dull. it’s pretty easy.

but its sorta messy, i’d hate to leave a mess.

trust me, dude, people are going to make a fortune eBaying your stuff. youve got some great shit here.

yeah somewhere in here i have a ticket stub from your last show in LA.

not anymore,

kurt cobain said and flashed me the stub and tucked it into the breast pocket of his raggedy flannel.

we had a good day at LAist yesterday

– a link sorta worthy of all caps
– ucla gets hacked; 800,000 compromised
– the mysterious kosmo card which im still not sure i understand
– thinking about her made me cry on sunday
– Van Halen to David Lee Roth: “‘Dude, get your ass up here and sing, bitch!”
– howard on letterman
– nerf herder to celebrate the Rumor
– how to ruin the best friends with benefits
– eric gagne: gone, eh
– incredible lineup of live concerts including wolfmother (bonus, video)
– LAist Interview: Armin Van Buuren
– Spank Rock pre-write, and bonus video for the song “Rick Rubin”
– i must say my Extra, Extras are getting better
– Analysis of the first 25% of the Laker season so far
– ratatat concert review, palladium

i fell asleep on the couch last night. when i was in orlando we stayed at a five star resort that had won the resort of the year twice, recently.

they were tooting their own horn about how comfortable the beds were, 89million thread count, increadible comforters, etc. and the beds were nice, but i slept all night without even moving probably on my big black leather couch and i woke up this morning perfectly happy. go figure.

watched the hunter s thompson doc on Starz. pretty good. they got everyone you could get. gary busey was pretty good. so was bill murray, but hunter stole the show.

i liked that he would call people at 4am, and wake up at 4 pm. and would always over order like “six beers and four margueritas please.” thats who i want to party with.

so few people know how to party.

i saw some exceptions in canda though.

i watched snoop dogg on directv’s Free channel. ive gotta ask alistair if hes part of that channel cuz it was sorta a bummer that they bleeped the d-o double g.

they could at least have some showings in the wee hours that people could tivo thats uncensored.

speaking of which it was nice to see howard on letterman today although im getting a little sick of the new gwen stefani song. and her outfits arent any good any more.

i ate a half a pound of shrimp today and talked dirty to a girl from kansas who had the wrong number.

on the blogfather business

once and for all, i have never claimed to be the blogfather of anything. nor am i the father of anything, the grandfather of anything, or grand-nephew of anything. maybe if i was we wouldnt have had to be discussing the same thing all week.

our old pal glenn reynolds is the blogfather.

although i chide him about claiming to be libertarian even though he hardly ever talks about libertarians or announces the support of any libertarians in top level government positions, and then votes for them.

you know, like how a man who describes himself as a cubs fan actually pays money to the club and then roots for them. even when all signs point to the fact that they will probably lose. you know, like normal people.

despite denying the fact that he is a republican, glenn mostly talks about things from a Conservative point of view. not that theres anything wrong with that.

i just dont understand the fear of coming out of the closet.

jeff guckert did it

ted haggard did it

mark foley did it

even michele malkin admitted that yes, she is a proud republican.

i had no problem telling people that i am an independent. i had no problem telling them that i had voted for reagan and bush in the past and clinton and nader in the near past, and now greens and peace and freedoms.

the reason why professor reynolds has a hard time being up front in his blog is

because hes the blogfather.

if he was just some unknown college professor, freaked out by 9/11, he wouldnt have had to keep up this charade of being some libertarian because he thinks weed ought to be legal.

dude everyone thinks weed ought to be legal. that doesnt make you punk rock.

if he didnt have the spotlight on him that comes with being among other things, the blogfather, he could just write a normal blog and keep it real and truly blog instead of being a cellphone repeater.

we’ve got some out here that look like palm trees.

which isnt to say that those things arent useful. anyone at coachella stuck in the madonna tent as the yeah yeah yeahs were across the polo fields would have told their freinds to keep on keepin on with karen o, if they had a cell phone, and thanks to golden voice for wheeling in temporary repeaters.

but glenn should aspire to be more than that. my opinion.

i consider him the blogfather because he gets hella hits and has inspired lots of other people to start blogging, and has inspired this blog and blogger a great deal, and is the chair of pj media (which is a joke organization but so were the chicago cubs for a lawng ass time, so props to anyone who is the chair of anything), and posts 20-30 times a day

he breaks one of the rules of blogging when he apologizes for “light posting”, but we’ll let it slide since most people probably assume hes hunting with cheney and quite possibly might be injured.

i also consider him the blogfather because a long time ago he linked to a list created by one of his baby bloggers of all the other blogs that have said were inspired to start blogging because of reynolds. there were a lot of blogs on there.

maybe people like Kos or Ariana Huffington have actually allowed more unknown bloggers a chance to get read, but to me Glenn is the blogfather, an opinion ive held for a long time, and have pretty much always said.

now vote for raymi to win her thingi

i got home from orlando the other night.

i was in a good mood but it only got better when Shepard Fairey and his beautiful wife Amanda climbed aboard the shuttle taking us to the Century Blvd. long-term parking structure.

we had shared some emails a few years ago when CafePress asked me to get his permission to use the photo that graced the cover of How to Blog. what was amazing about him back then was he said yes pretty quickly and simply asked for a short message to appear in the title page of my book. gladly i accepted the “demand”.

the other day we had a pleasant chat about sean bonner, banksy, and his new magazine in which he interviewed banksy.

when i got home my house was super clean because my maid had just left. it was raining so i put some plants outside on the porch. the lovely lady who had been housesitting left behind a little film container of green buds as a thank you.

that is, i think she left it behind. baby if you simply forgot it lemme know, theres a bunch left as that shit is amazing.

tonight i watched the bears destroy the st louis rams. yes the rams were pathetic but the bears totally dominated. the nfl doesnt play and to completely manhandle the rams like that was mighty sweet.

it looks like we were all wrong in criticizing lovie for standing by his man.

although now that everything has been proved to everyone, how about letting griese take over after the first quarter next week. you never know when youre gonna need the dude.

because zona and chokey are trying to reverse psychology me, in wikipedia news, my page was pulled this weekend. the votes were something like 54-27 and the administrator who decided to delete it never gave a statement as to why she did it.

wikipedia is very odd in that it tries to be very free in allowing known trolls and even libelous statements remain on the site, but when things get controversial they bite their tongue.

during the ordeal i read a great deal within the site and never have i seen so much internal politics. whereas most work-based politics is between management and the real workers, wikipedia’s politics seem to be between the the trolls and those who are seriously there to edit the encyclopedia.

although it does look like the wikipedians are beginning to grow weary of the trolls and beginning to tolerate less nonsense, you do get the feeling that every word is measured and when in doubt the people in charge of one of the best communication tools on the internet would rather allow the trolls to delete things and refrain from appearing soft on bloggers.

and over-explaining themselves is something that theyd never be blamed for.

anti and big tanky and i had chinese the other day and anti said something so perfect.

he said, “when i go to wikipedia, i go to learn something. im so happy when they have a good article there about what i was looking for. if i was going there to learn about you, or to read more about what a blog was or what a blook was, i would love to read the entry about you. it makes no sense that they would delete something like that. now if i went there to find out about you, i wouldnt get the answer.”

well mr anti, not only would you not get the answer, but you would think that the #3 tony on google, tony pierce the blogger, is actually tony pierce the world-renown actor.

almost instantly someone challenged its notability, which means tony pierce the actor might get deleted too. and as much as i tried to see both sides on the issue, when anti talked about what wikipedia’s real purpose should be- to give information, period – i cant be totally upset that a lesser-known tony pierce slid in the day after i was deleted, because the truth is both of us should be in there.

whatever. i will get in there some day. and i would volunteer to edit there if there wasnt so much political bs flying around every minute.

lord knows i enjoy sophmoric behavior but the constant infighting and nitpicking thats not based in anything other than noise, makes it not worth it to me. ive got a web site to work on. two, actually.

and i certainly dont want to spend too much time in an organization that allows someone start an Articles for Deletion whose note to the closing administrator basically accuses me of fucking with the votes. the chick said “There appear to be a lot of sleeper accounts being used here, though curiously, they don’t seem to all express the same opinion as one might expect.”

as if simply because its a war on a blog, they expect the blogger to beg his readers to vote on his behalf. even though its not a vote. however if you look at the huge amount of votes against me its clear that people voted on my thing and nothing else. knowing that the trolls use chat rooms to organize and constantly get busted for using sock puppets its the blogger who you expect to stuff the ballot box?

get over yourselves.

i might rerun that bears game every day this week.

below you will find a beautifully written explanation

of a Wikipedia Editor who writes about why he voted to delete the page about me in Wikipedia. some of you may have perhaps thought that i have been kissing the ass of Wikipedia when i said that i respect those who volunteer there, even most who have decided to give an opinion of delete. you know me well enough to know that i kiss nobody’s ass. plus the “vote” is not a vote, but a discussion that the closing Admin will read before he/she makes up their mind.

hopefully this explanation will convince you why i have such admiration to those who volunteer their time over there. also, if this is the reasoning of the closing Admin then its something that i can totally live with. as ive said before, wikipedia is a living, breathing, ever-changing project, as we all are, so if i dont reach their standards yet as a blogger, perhaps i will later.

either way i truly appreciate this person’s explanation and i hope you all read it with an open mind.

Well, I’m sorry to tell you that I argued for deletion. On the bright side, I discovered your blog and enjoy it. I’m heavily involved with wikipedia and I wanted to bring some of that experience here. Specifically, I wanted to say that we’re not discussing your notability as a person. (Well, perhaps some of the more trollish people are, but they’re the typical village idiots). “Notability” for wikipedia generally boils down to having multiple non-trivial sources about the subject. There are several reasons for this, but one of them is that we need such sources in order to write verified biographies. This is especially important when it comes to biographies of living people. Another reason we require “multiple non-trivial sources” is that we don’t trust ourselves or others to confer “encyclopedic value”; we wait for traditional media outlets to do it. Being interviewed multiple times by the media is no small achievement and none of the reasonable wikipedians would say otherwise. The problem is that we cannot keep an article about everyone who has received press attention or accomplished a great deal. In short, ‘notability’ is the wrong word. Unfortunately, nobody has thought of anything better.

Perhaps the grave error is in discounting blog references. Blogs and wikipedia are part of the same culture; we’re intimately related and we’re “making the internet not suck” together. I think the reason many of us typically exclude blogs as references is because we are acutely aware of how easy it is for anyone to write anything on the internet. I suppose both communities are facing the same issue when it comes to credibility. On wikipedia, we’re trying to deal with it by enforcing very strict verifiability and reliable source guidelines (which are obviously unrealistic or flawed in certain cases).

Due to the size of wikipedia, we tend to generalize. We’ve invented a rather complicated set of guidelines, process, and precedent. Fundamentally, we operate by consensus and core principles such as ‘neutral point of view’. I believe that writing complicated, generalized guidelines is a necessary evil to this end. There are so many people editing wikipedia that local consensus is a very poor indication of global consensus. Furthermore, our large community is not nearly large enough! There are so many things going on all over wikipedia that the good, dedicated editors are spread very thinly. All of our guidelines and processes are intended to bring the views of the entire community down upon debates. They give us some solid ground. I think there is some degree of folly in writing a list of items which confer notability, but this is what we came up with. (We are not a democray, but an ad hocery.) Hopefully we’ll come up with something better in due time. It is very difficult to write inclusion guidelines that don’t accidentally destroy worthy articles. At any rate, you’re biography is a casualty of this generalization (if it’s even deleted).

You’ve actually found yourself in the middle of one of the oldest, largest, and most divisive debates on wikipedia. If there were political parties on wikipedia, they’d be “inclusionist” and “deletionist”. There are humorous accounts of this debate on meta.wikipedia.org. Most wikipedians fall somewhere in the middle. Some of us have been pushed into the extreme by varying forces. Those of us who tend towards deletionism have various reasons, but many of us have their eyes fixed on the influx of newpages. (Refresh http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spe…pecial: Newpages a few times to see how rapidly they come in). Those who tend toward inclusionism are sick of seeing perfectly legitimate information discarded. Note that deleted pages are still stored in the database, so its not like this is a capacity issue. This is an interesting debate and I don’t think it’ll ever be settled.

Finally, there is no war on blogs. That’d be like the New York Times declaring a war on the New Yorker. Most of us had never seen that ridiculous userpage until it showed up on the main page of digg. As I said above, wikipedia and blogs are complementary forces.

Wikipedia, being free, belongs to everyone. Anyone with an interest should edit there. Well-respected editors can influence the course of these debates, so I would encourage those who are displeased about this turn of events to join wikipedia and get involved. Becoming well-respected in our community is a simple matter of making high quality edits and acting with the core principles in mind.

Wikipedian | Edit comment Delete comment | Homepage | 12.09.06 – 6:19 am | #

the unfortunate war on blogs took another casualty yesterday

this time it was the self proclaimed president of the Gay Niggers Association of America. thats right, our old pal timecop himself.

Although the fact that he wrote and intentionally kept a lie about me in a public discussion page indirectly linked to by Digg and refused to take it down even after being warned that what he was doing was committing libel, the Administrators of Wikipedia did not block him indefinitely for that, in fact they never mentioned it in their decision.

instead they popped him for being disruptive, being a troll, being offensive, using racial slurs, ethinic slurs and basically being an asswipe.

here are some of his comments that the Admins linked to as they discussed whether or not they should block him from editing/commenting on Wikipedia:

ethinic slurs:
– Yes go for it. Sorry, i tried to reply but wikipedo jewed up my edits.

general asswipery and profanity
– Whoever took the time to look this up has a tiny penis.
– However, you for some reason insist that this is GNAA related (it is not), and are turning this into a name-calling shitfest.
– merge to list of blogshit and delete
– The problem is, you’re getting into something you shouldn’t be part of. If you don’t read blogs, stop caring about what happens to them. I guess you can consider this a warning of some kind.

But probably the most laughable statement that timecop made was when he wrote that two admins were trying to make him lash out and fuck up. Laughable because by slandering me in an illegal, libelous manner, he fucked up plenty and if he wasn’t going to get busted for being an overall prick, he was going to get popped once the Wikipedia’s attorneys got wind that they had a user intentionally breaking the law on their public pages:

[[User:HighInBC]] and [[User:Cyde]] are on a crusade to ‘free wikipedia’ of ‘offensive user boxes’ on my userpage. They’ve taken sudden interest in my page due to my involvement in a non-notable blog nomination [[Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Tony_Pierce_%28second_nomination%29|right here]] and now they’re determined to make me break some wikipedia rule in order to find a reason to ban me.

anyways, one of timecop’s pallies complained that the GNAA president had been banned without a consensus from the wikipedia community

so they presented the evidence and stated whether or not he should be blocked or not.

the most interesting comment came from the last Admin to remove the last block on timecop:

At the time, I unblocked mostly as a procedural item; I strongly believe in gaining the support of a group before unilateral action. That said, I support an indefinite ban on User:Timecop. His behavior, while at times seeming to work towards Wikipedia’s goals, is more often than not divisive, uncivil, and designed to get a rise out of people. The “eating dog” comment in the userbox is a slight at the stereotypical “korean’s” love of eating dog, and designed to be offensive. The troll has overstayed his welcome on Wikipedia for long enough. Ban him, and let’s leave it all for the archives. –humblefool®

which was followed by this Admin’s comments:

While in theory I support the “war on blogs”, the way he’s going about it, including even the very name, is entirely disruptive, and has lead to various problems, including bloggers noticing it and recruiting their readers to come and fight on behalf of blog articles in AfD debates. Add to this the userboxes, the admission of being in GNAA, all of the other disruption … and I think it’s time for him to go. –Cyde Weys

dear mr weys, i seriously hope that you are not referring to this blogger. although wordy, i know, i suck, bloggereha, etc, i ask you to look over this post that i wrote where i advised my readers NOT to go to wikipedia to join into your discussion, instead i asked them if they wanted to do anything on my behalf that they should buy their mothers flowers and/or give food to the homeless.

although we have many code phrases here on the busblog “buy your mother flowers” is no longer not code for “OMG EVERYONE GO SAVE MY ENTRY ON WIKIPEDIA!!!1!1”.

i have said repeatedly that i respect the process at wikipedia, and the project, and the people who volunteer their time there.

i believe that my entry deserves a place in wikipedia based on the achievements that i have contributed in blogging in the past and the ones that i am accomplishing currently as a professional blogger who has helped triple the hits of a city-based blog that i Edit.

i have said several times on the pages of wikipedia, in this blog, in emails, and in the comments of this blog that i will respect the decisions of whoever it is that makes the decisions over there regardless of what is decided.

mostly because i can plainly see that wikipedia is an ongoing, living, well-meaning project where things are added and deleted every minute of every hour of every day.

and because, yes, i am That confident of my achievements in blogging and how it relates to the terms of notability.

for some reason one of the mandates is that a blogger be written about in newspapers, magazines or interviewed on television (despite the fact that bloggers and blogs should be judged within the realm of blogging since its clear that mainstream media still has no farking clue what to do with the blogging phenomenon).

no bother, i have been written about in newspapers around the world,

i have been the subject of tv interviews in the US on G4TV (.avi), and interviewed by the French equivalent of 60 Minutes called Envoyé Spécial in Feb 2005 and it was broadcast in June in France, of course (they came to my home and interviewed me and several days later, as emmanuelle explained, a party was thrown for them).

i was on World of Wonder’s “Ring My Bell” this year for an hour and they graciously chopped that live appearance down to 5 minutes for later viewing, as is their custom.

for some reason Wikipedia also want bloggers to write books to prove that they’re notable. not only have i written a few books, i even helped coin the phrase “Blook” thanks to Jeff Jarvis who invented it. and not only did i write the first two blooks “Blook” (2002) and “How to Blog” (2004) but that word was the runner up for the Oxford Word of the Year this year and Lulu now has an award called the “Blooker Prize” where the winner of the best blook of the year gets ten grand(!).

some say that’s not good enough, that in order for a blogger to be recognized for writing a book he has to be dumb enough to give a publisher and an agent and a book store a cut: aka being a “published” author.

yeah, no thanks. those of you who are familiar with my life know that i have a very good and accomplished Book Agent who ive written about because she flatters me, who represents about a hundred authors who are probably just as famous as Jenna Jameson, but thats the only author of hers that matters to me.

as ive discussed before, although it would make my mother proud to have a son whose book is in the book store, im not a huge fan of deadlines. for example, this blog post could have/should have been posted about 8 hours ago when i got an email from someone from the GNAA telling me of timecop’s demise and that she was sure it would only be temporary so “don’t get ur hopes up”.

i am also not interested in dedicating myself to writing a book for six months only to have it edited and going through the process of rewriting after its been edited and possibly having to go through that a third time. ive said it before i will say it again, im an amazingly lazy writer. if i write something and you want to edit it, go for it, but then put it out.

i also enjoy immediate results and instant feedback. writing a book proposal (or two, as was my case) in January, talking to publishing houses in February, accepting an advance of a few thousand dollars in March, writing the book(s) for six months as the publisher “checked in”, waiting for edits in September, rewriting in October, and waiting until April to see the galleys, and then waiting until May to see it hit the shelves (if then…) is not worth the small amount of parental pride that my mother would get going to her local book store and seeing my book heaped among all the other loser books that nobody cares about.

there have been exactly zero books on blogging that have mattered and i was being asked by an agent and a publisher to write Two. how about this, how about i write something and when im done i upload the PDF my own fucking self, create the cover(s) my own fucking self, and sell it through CafePress my own fucking self. if i get super ambitious (which I wouldnt) i could hustle a few dozen copies around to independent book stores that I BELIEVE IN and then tell my dear mother where those stores are. how about that?

i love my agent but i will not be someones monkey for a year of my life for a small bag of shekels. render unto doubleday what is doubledays. and besides, my mother is plenty proud of her son, the blogger.

heres the deal with real bloggers. we’re not wannabe journalists. journalists cant say this: my fingers still smell of that vollyball chick from vermont and for the second straight day i have avoided washing my hands because i miss her.

bloggers are not wanna be authors of books. real bloggers fucking Love this medium because when you hit a home run it goes around the fucking world. real bloggers are known within the blogging communities in which they participate, which is why if your determination of notability is how important is this person in his field, you cant delete Google hits that end in blogspot.com, dumbass.

nor can you attempt to knock an author whose blook or book isnt in Amazon. im the number one tony pierce in google and the number 3 tony in google. if someone is looking for a book by tony pierce they will find it by typing tony pierce in that fucker. amazon does not deserve a cut so amazon will not get a cut. if amazon wants to sell my books they can pay me up front for the privilege, not the other way around.

blogging is the field that im notable in. it really shouldnt matter if newspapers are hep to me, or if tv shows want to interview me. or if the LA Weekly wants to feature me as one of the 100 interesting people in LA alongside rick rubin, sarah silverman, and yes a waitress and a bartender. there are a few notable waitresses and bartenders in LA and if they dont fit in your encyclopedia thats fine too. none of us asked to be in there in the first place. we’re doing what we are notable in, not what we’re faking at.

LonelyGirl15 was on the cover of Time for being a fake. does she deserve to be in wikipedia? sure (despite an almost unanimous delete discussion followed by an almost unanimous keep discussion a few weeks later), but not because she was on the cover of Time, but because she got millions of hits on YouTube. was she interesting because she was a faker? no she was interesting because people felt smart that they outted a fake. and she was interesting because she was a pretty girl. if it was LonelyBoy114 nobody would have given a crap. nobody.

me and amy in collegetony pierce has accomplished the things that hes accomplished inspite of not being a pretty girl, inspite of not being a political or gossip blogger, inspite of pretty much only talking about himself, inspite of not spell checking or grammaring or always being all fucking sweet and omg i love you.

this blogger once ripped the instapundit so well that most of it got in the Washington fucking Post a month before the elections and not only am i still on his permalinks but im on the permalinks of his buddy at LGF and Baldilocks. to be on those far right blogs, and to be on far left blogs, and to be in gossip blogs, gambling blogs, hot chick blogs, and every type of blog inbetween adding up to nearly 2,000 blogs earning me a Technorati ranking in the top 500 of 55 million blogs.

noting that someone is being in the top .001 percent is better than noting that he has 400,000 google hits because it shows that he does have some standing in the blogosphere, his field.

becoming one of the few professional bloggers proves that i have standing, asking for and getting enough money from my readers to buy a car proves i have standing, so does asking for and getting two ipods and a trip to aruba.

as does being asked to be on several blogger panels at the biggest meeting of bloggers, SXSWi, as does winning an award from the best known blog awards,

as does having a post called “How To Blog” linked to from all over the world and translated into different freakin languages.

do non-notable bloggers have their shit translated, toned-down, and/or annotated?

many of the editors who stated Delete in the discussion did so and claimed Vanity despite that objection being against the rules, one tried to compare Google ranking to that of the Daily Kos which is a group blog of dozens of writers, and some voted to delete my entry despite not even pretending to be Neutral in relation to blogging, which is standard that Wikipedia requires their editors to be. every “vote” that claimed that I wrote my own entry and should be Deleted should be Deleted itself based on Wikipedias own rules.

but the most annoying part about all of this is that the editors of wikipedia try to line-item veto each of these accomplishments, which shouldnt be the point. the point should be to look at all of these things as a whole. do all of the above equal someone who is notable enough to be on wikipedia in the world of blogging?

yes there have been lots of people who have been quoted in the NYT, yes there have been a lot of people interviewed on cable tv, yes there have been a lot of people intereviewed on the French 60 minutes, yes there are 500 people in the Technorati Top 500, who have coined the second best word of the year, etc etc, but when you add them all up, I believe you have someone who has done something unique from the other bloggers.

i am a real blogger and this debate is difficult because i dont really fit in easily to the definition of notability on Wikipedia. good. that means im doing the right thing. bloggers shouldnt fit in to old media or in this case new media trying to improve on old media.

blogging isnt a tv show it isnt a newspaper it isnt a radio show it isnt a diary it isnt a love letter it is something very different and when its at its best it defies all of those olde school failures.

which is why if i dont get in it wont kill me. people know where to find me. either from one of the 2000 other links on the blogosphere, from one of the 400,000 google hits, or from putting “tony” into google and avoiding the unbelieveable temptation of clicking the Tony awards or Tony Hawk.

plus the entry they have on me up there is shit. but thats another post for another day.

spill some of your fourty out to timecop, m’ niggas.