thats not who i think of when i think of me.
and yes thats me about to host a panel discussion about social media.
yes thats the orange county offices of the la times.
yes thats a standing room only crowd of our OC advertisers.
and yes some were also from ventura, and yes some had come in all the way from palm springs
among others on the panel was the cofounder of sprinkles
yes there were sprinkles cupcakes in the house for all to enjoy.
no i didnt have one because yes i was nervous like nobodies business
yes i like to be nervous sometimes, which is why i like to chase girls
but no i dont like to be nervous at work so i shook it off and got to business
and yes i was glad that i had to cover the Wolfmother secret show at the Roxy early in the afternoon so i could shake off the nervousness that i felt earlier.
and yes i was frickin hot in the OC.