then through most of the day i asked myself, what purpose is life>?
a guy cranks out so much music over the years. always on tour. always doing new things.
always wearing new clothes, new bands, new hairstyles, new passions
and then what: TMZ gets the scoop that youre dead?
thats why we do this? thats what happens to the best there was?
dude played like Hendrix, danced like James Brown, sang like… no one else
looked like no one else, acted like no one else, probably smelled like a freshly laundered unicorn
only guy in the world who could wear exactly the same clothes your girl was wearing
down to the shoes and the purse
and steal yr girl.
i saw him in san jose, staples, coachella, the forum and the troubadour
was better than even bruce because he never let ANYTHING tie him down to a structure.
only thing he HAD to do was play purple rain and guess what, at the Troub he didn’t play Purple Rain and people didnt give one f. except me because as ashley* said way back when im never satisfied and shes right.
for the exception of at the forum. he played for 55 hours. half of the audience left after the 18th encore. he had leased the building out for the entire month. he was on Prince Time, not our time. so he would play, make an exit and come back in 10 minutes and play more hits. it was a marvel. he was a marvel. he was the exception of all rules.
he was the maestro, the genius, the master and unlike many who are like that: he had soul for days.
soul is the reason for life.
how do we take care of our soul.
how do we tickle the souls of others.
and how do we stay sexy until our very last breath.
prince did it and i hope we never learn how he died because i wanna believe he just turned into a dove and flew away.