ok so the president sorta admitted responsibility

today for the bullshit that went down in new orleans recently.

“to the extent the federal government didn’t fully do its job right, I take responsibility.”

which is sorta as lame as when people say, “if ive upset you, i apologize.”

just fucking apologize.

everyone knows how to apologize.

“my bad.”

“im sorry.”

“i will never be able to forgive myself for what ive done to you and for the lives that were lost because of the fuckups of the people who i put in charge and of my own fuckups.”

oh, heres an aplogy…

“Your government failed you, those entrusted with protecting you failed you, and I failed you… We tried hard, but that doesn’t matter, because we failed.”

but i shouldnt knock bushie that much, bro has a hard time admitting failure of any sort (even though Google doesnt) so this is progress, right?

we can only hope.

although file this under wtf (or tmi):

“Are we capable of dealing with a severe attack? That’s a very important question and it’s in the national interest that we find out what went on so we can better respond,” Bush replied.

you know what dude, sometimes it is ok to lie to me.

“you dont look fat in those jeans.”

“you look great with a bald head.”

“we are capable of dealing with a severe terrorist attack. in fact four years after 9/11 we’re better than ever.”

people say im a bush-hater or a liberal or a partisan, im not. im an American who is the boss of these people and when they fuck up i get to say stop that.

so im happy the repubs are actually paying attention to the polls – aka the people – and their fuckups.

and im also happy the Dems are getting off their asses and stepping up.

witness what a Dem leader said after Bushie made his apology:

This Administration still hasn’t figured out the difference between spin and leadership. The President has done the obvious, only after it was clear he couldn’t get away with the inexcusable.

President Bush has accepted Michael Brown’s resignation and admitted the buck stops in the Oval Office. But there are a lot of survivors who want to know whether this will change anything.

Does the White House even understand the problem?

The Administration had four years after September 11th to get this right, and they were caught unforgivably unprepared to deal with a major emergency here at home.

Do they now understand that our government’s efforts and resources have been going to the wrong priorities?

What are they doing to make sure this never happens again other than talking tough talk?

so who was this angry/bitter/righteous leader?

howard dean?

ted kennedy?

hillary clinton?

i nearly choked on my mcnugget when i found out it was john f kerry.

the f of course stands for about fucking time.

theres a shift in the force people and its good news for all americans and therefore the world: the president has decided to act like a grownup and the democrats have decided to grow a pair.

now lets see what they do about DuctTape Man running FEMA.

ryan mcgee + travis + scott + zen for lunch

hey Tony

I just have a quick question I thought maybe you coud answer if you have the time.

Concerning copyrights on books, what chances if any do you have of releasing a book with the same title of another already released book if in the same category of fiction and on the same market?

For example say you were to release Stiff on Amazon, and there is already a fiction work much like yours (although with significant differences) on Amazon. What are the chances that somone would sue? What determines if they can sue?

Just wondering.


+ + + + + + +

hey andrew,

first of all i would never release anything on amazon. anyone who would be nterested in any of my books would know me from my blog, so why would i give amazon a cut? i would only sell my books through my blog online or through a bookstore.

as for Stiff, i know theres a non-fiction book that was released several years ago, so im not too worried about that. and if worse came to worse i would just change the title to its subtitle “The Escalator to Elsewhere”.

im sorta stuck now though because of all the people who made such cool book covers.

also i only hope to sell 666 copies. if i sell more that would be awesome, but in all reality i will probably only sell about 300-400 books, so i doubt i get any attention from anyone who would sue.

from what i understand, the only way someone would sue would be if i confused people in the marketplace, for example, if my book was a non-fiction book or about cadavers.

fortunately my book is about dying and meeting kurt kobain.

which is another legal matter, probably.

also there are even companies with the same name as others. Apple computers for example had to make a deal with the Beatle’s Apple Records that they would never sell music.

all of that wnet fine until Apple computers came up with the brilliant idea to create the iTunes store.

and as we see even they worked out some sort of deal,

so im not too worried

today is the last day to submit covers for the Stiff cover contest.

for instructions on how to submit, just go here, its super easy.

happy tuesday,


the entries so far + instapundit has had 15 posts today, none about brownie or duct tape… developing…