do you know i love you? i do.

red carpetfor all the glamour and elegance, flashing lights and cleavage, working the oscars is for many many many people hard work and we all go through emotions.

at first i was excited, then i got nervous, the night before my stomach felt like it had a softball in it.

at first i thought it was bad crew food but it hung in there so i went to, not my favorite thai restaurant,

but a known lessor.

i needed a Tom Kah Kha soup that was, perhaps, a little neglected.

i wanted to fight fire with fire, basically.

so i ate it and i drank a lot of a water and i prayed. in the morning it felt a little better but i was nervous.

any time i would even nibble on anything it upset the diminishing beast in my belly so i didnt eat until well after lunch. meanwhile i was eating tums. shoutout to whoever invented tums. #fanluv

about an hour before showtime the spread they lay out outside the press rooms had arrived and i took a big plate of shrimp and that didn’t destroy me so after a little work i ran back down there and got another plate.

all clear everywhere and i was so relieved i started eating everything and it was delicious.

i even had one designer mixed drink around midnight at the ball

and i spilled a little out for tha brothers

and the readers of the busblog

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