im glad to be out and about. of course my alarm wasnt set so i woke up late, got to work late, what can you do.
my boss asked me who im gonna be rooting for in the world series, i dont think i could ever see myself rooting for the Yankees. it’s nice that New York is in the spotlight for the series but i hope they get swept. its a bummer that mark grace wont be able to play much in the series but i hope he gets a world series ring, he totally deserves it. if a guy like him isnt going to be re-signed by the Cubs in his last years, i hope he gets his ring, he was a loyal Cub and only deserves the best.
me and ashley got into a fight last night. i hate fighting. shes in love with her ex and we should all wish her well cuz she only deserves the best.
tonight i will go work out at the gym like a yuppie, i hope to graduate from curling the 15 pound dumbbells to the 20 pounders.
for the record, no matter what i say about mexico in the upcoming week, i get terrified when i leave the safety of the united states of america. ask chris, who was my copilot during the whole mexican adventure. mr. calm is not so when he cannot dazzle them with bs when they dont speak english. yes you can smile at the mamacitas but when army guys with machine guns at checkpoints and coppers driving B-210s are at every turn, it can frazzle this man of steel.
never have i yearned to be in San Diego so much as when we were lost in Tecate. but you should know that there is no one better to be lost south of the border with than Chris.
ken’s sister took tons of pictures of her trip to Baja, including pics of the wedding, the reception, and the allstar jam/dance party that followed. home | email