ive been linked by ESPN page 2. (scroll down to the picture of Anna)
i dont know who Eric Neel is. i dont know how he knows about me. but he does. he knows that im a “photo-essayist”, he knows that i live in LA, and he knows that Anna Kournikova and I have imaginary conversations.
all i know is i got a flood of hits and for that i thank you, Mr. Neel. if we’re ever at the same bar together i owe you a round or two, because i would say that outside of being linked from my small circle of friends theres only a handful of sites that i would feel as honored being mentioned upon like ESPN page two – home of some of the finest columnists in the world, including that of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson, who knows a thing or two about talking to oneself in print.
today i felt so terrible from complications of dentistry and then i come into work late and i discover this – sheesh, i havent had this much pleasure and pain in one sitting since the time when — well, it’s been a long time, lets leave it at that.
anyone who knows me knows i dont do this for the money or the attention, but for the chicks.
and the next time that an interesting young lady looks at my business card and tosses it aside and says, “so?” i can say, “espn page two, girlfriend.”
and she will be mine all mine.
God Bless you Eric, and pick up Paul Westerberg’s new solo record, it’s way better than Bob Mould’s.
and for more Anna K. love click here.