before i joined the xbi, i used to work for an internet company.

we provided world class customer support to dot coms who did business over the web.

the coolest thing we did was support through live chat.

this weekend i was bidding on some Prince tickets at Staples so i could take my truest.

while bidding, i realized that the auction seem too good to be true. yes it was in the last row of the upper deck, but why was the guy offering free shipping? and why was it that this guy had never had anything for sale before?

so i wanted to ask eBay if it was ok for me to retract my bid for those reasons.

the biggest thing that we wanted to do at my old company was have The answer. and deliver it friendly and quickly.

did eBay’s Live Help do that? you be the judge:

Your chat session started.

Anthony L.: Welcome to eBay Live Chat! My name is Anthony L. and thank you for waiting. How may I help you?

tony: hello

Anthony L.: Hello,

tony: i dont trust an auction that im bidding on

tony: can i retract my bid for that reason?


Anthony L.: I am very sorry, since there are only 2 hours 0 mins left, you cannot retract the bid.

Anthony L.: There must be at least 12 hours left for you to retract a bid.

tony: what happens if it’s a fake auction?

tony: can i buy insurance?

Anthony L.: That is a good question! I appreciate you for asking that and I am glad to guide you to the right place so you can get help for this although I am unable to address your concern.

Anthony L.: This situation requires the attention of a Safeharbor representative and you can send them an email using the following link:

Anthony L.:

tony: ive seen ebay insurance before, is it for only the seller,or for the buyer too?

Anthony L.: It is intended for buyers (Buyer Protection Program).

tony: great, thank you.

Anthony L.: You’re very welcome!

tony: so if i buy these tickets and its fake, i get most of my money back right?

Anthony L.: Yes, that is usually the case.

Anthony L.: Our Safe Harbor department will be able to investigate this situation and help you further.

tony: awesome

tony: thank you for your help!

Anthony L.: You’re very welcome! Is there anything else I can help you with today?

tony: no thanks!

tony: bye

Anthony L.: You’re very welcome! Thank you for contacting eBay Live Help and you have a pleasant afternoon.

Anthony L.: It was a pleasure chatting with you. Goodbye.

You ended your chat session.

bluecad used me as a model for her layout… again + allison is taking cool pics + broken train

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