with me, they start snooping around in my closets, under my bed, in my crawl spaces, up in my shit.
im not exactly what theyre looking for as my panty collection is clearly marked, as are my boxes of loveletters, and autograph wall.
and yet they continue to seek.
what they will find is that i have hoards of old electronic equipment. dvd players, hard drives, vcrs, video camera equipment, radar detectors, old ISDN modems.
and of course they ask why i still have the old stuff and i usually say its because i cant part ways with a dvd player whose only fault is it doesnt play the discs, to which they look at me like im crazy, which i am, which they know, but which theyre just starting to realize as to the depths of my insanity.
but now i see where Offic Depot is working in conjunction with Hewlett-Packard to promote electronic recycling this summer.
“From (this) Sunday to Sept. 6, Office Depot will accept computers, monitors and most other peripherals, digital cameras, copiers, fax machines, cell phones, personal digital assistants (PDAs) and TVs 27 inches or smaller. Customers can recycle one product per day. A PC and its peripherals count as a single item.” USA Today reports.
Office Depot, the second-largest office supply company in the US, who earlier this year committed itself to more green business practices. On March 25 they agreed to The Paper Campaign where they promised to:
� Phase out all paper products coming from rare and vulnerable forests, forests containing exceptional biodiversity values, forests subject to unsustainable management, and forests that have been illegally logged
� This phase out will mean a movement away from sourcing its paper from three of the world�s remaining endangered forest areas, including the Southern United States, the Boreal forests of Canada and the forests of British Columbia
� Achieve an average of 30% post consumer recycled content across all paper products it sells
� Phase out products from industrial forest operations that convert naturally diverse forests to monoculture plantations
� Commit to not sourcing its paper from areas that natural forests have been replanted using genetically modified trees