oftentimes when i blog

i find that i have left over examples or information or photographs left around, on the cutting room floor, as they say. in the last post i definately didnt want to slight our very good friend george from all about george and negrophile. mr kelly is one of those intensely intellectual black men who actually thinks for a beat before he lets you have it with an amazing deep baritone, which would be perfect in a podcast, which i have recently been talked into persuing. the podcast would be called bloggers, an interview show, and the first person i thought of interviewing was mr kelly who i had read before i met him in texas and who was even more impressive in person.

and the second guest of course would be raymi.

welcome to seventeen minutes with tony it is 11:57am. go.

why am i up so early? because i have a job interview today. i have a freakishly high interview to offer ratio. it might be 100%, and ive held quite a few jobs. isou remarked how he was envious that i truly dont give a fuck about what people think about me, but he should be warned that theres one type of person who that really irks: bosses. and i have not been blessed with a high percentage of bosses who feel comfortable with such confidence. so beware.

twelve o one and its a good job that i would like to take the bus to since its right down sunset or if i was younger id skateboard but random little things can ruin a good skate like an acorn or a broken 40 or a rock. one of the great little perks of busriding was at least 15-20 minutes of solid book reading, a practice i rarely do in bed since the dawn of the www.

a very nice fan sent me an illegal directv card that gives me all the stations. now ive received my fair share of love from the blogosphere, and im truly grateful for all of it. and i never forget anyone. but this card is cracking me up.

first of all as a Christian man i can’t possibly keep it, as it’s stealing. and i would definately be stealing a lot of the porn that i am currently watching at twelve o five this gorgeous afternoon here in la. however i would like to keep it when Directv blacks out certain games because i happen to live in a certain part of the country.

for example, this weekend my beloved Cubs were swept by the bronx bombers of new york. totally historic series as the cubs hadnt been in yankee stadium since ’33 or ’38 or something crazy. on friday i got the game on wgn and on sunday i got the game through my mlb baseball package, but on saturday it was blacked out by fox so that i was forced to watch the dodger game since i happen to live in LA.

i pay $159 extra each year to get as many baseball games as i can possibly get. is it stealing, therefore, if i unscramble the signal of something thats not for sale? this porn that im watching out of the corner of my eye, thats for sale, i should pay for this, but the saturday afternoon cubs yankees game that id pay extra for if there was a price, i do not believe is stealing.

another improvement of this card is the ability to watch local stations from all around the country. for nine years ive given directv an awful lot of money since i always have the sports season tickets, hoops, baseball, football, and at least one movie channel, currently starz because hbo doesnt have the sopranos or maher. dont they know that if they offered the Local Channels from the USA package, i’d pay $99 extra a month? what good is having it beaming off your bird if you wont let us buy it?

where are my representatives in washington? why is it that the only time i hear shit from them its to limit what i hear and see and never to expand it. the internet is blowing doors off traditional entertainment because the internet continues to grow at ridiculous rates. theres always something newer and faster and better. right now its the blogosphere. the greatest show on earth.

what was impressed on me was that podcasting was a way to take that blogosphere with you offline. since i never leave the house that hadnt occured to me, but yes, i suppose there are people who actually have nothing to listen to on their ipods and might want to hear people talking about interesting things.

as soon as this film is over im going to take this card out and walk over to the ronald mcdonald house on fountain ave and donate this to families in need, who might not be from la and would like to see their local news. so generous donator who sent me this wonderful deal, please dont me mad but i cant keep this. if you want it back just email me. i can wait.

in fact, take your time.

the holy writer + raspil + küsimusele + unbroken habit

dear misguided racially confused socially retarded

probably not even black in the first place woman who wrote this to me in my comments last week but i forgot about it because it was so dumb i thought it was a goof,

“you are so full of yourself that you are empty. and your warning to write more, to strike back, make fun of people… i guess that would matter to anyone that has even a second thought of respect for you. Anyone that knows you and has met you in person – for even the shortest amount of time, would realize how phony, and empty you really are. As far as Jethro ?judging you? bro, you put your shit out there, so you invite people to judge you, don?t get pissed when they see you for what you really are? reading your blog is like reading the musing of a 15 year old self absorbed boy that fantasizes about being cool, and popular. but he can’t. so instead he rebels and fights against “the man” and commerce and convinces himself he isn’t common or plain, or ordinary. but you are plain and common and ordinary, just trying to be special. you hide behind your anger!!!! argh!!! the man is after me. you hide behind your words, you use 20 words when 4 will do. you hide behind being black, believe you me, negros don’t need you to join our ranks, you give black men an even worse name than they already have. so keep passing… cause we don’t want your ignorant ass. if being bad is so good to you, how about you just keep my friends name out of your mouth. tell your fake stories and leave the real shit on the cutting room floor. everything about you – is fake, so that should be easy for you.”

first of all happy juneteenth. the least celebrated american anniversary as it, june nineteenth, was the last day of the civil war and the first day that african americans were set free to live in theory as equals with whites in america.

so with that said anonymous commenter, you can blow me. i didnt need your faux invitation to the black “ranks” therefore your expulsion means nothing. and fuck you while we’re at it.

african americans have lived and mingled on this continent for over 400 years and at each turn we were told that we dont belong. from generation to generation we were called names, and disparaged, and insulted and ridiculed. thus the anonymous whines from the comments of a blog quite possibly might be the weakest barb a proud black man has ever encountered, so for that you should be congratulated, and as a society we should be grateful since it appears progress is being made. feast at your celebration of mediocrity.

in the old days ignorants with a beef would burn a cross while hiding in anonymity. nowadays they snipe from the safety of an unsigned message. both do nothing to the souls of black folk who have ascended from african kings and today rule as silent leaders throughout every continent and in every realm.

the zen masters of buddhism consider emptiness the precipice of enlightenment so calling me “so full” that im empty is a compliment. arigato grasshopper. in your words ive achieved yin and yang, heaven and earth, darkness and light, white and black. and you might just be right.

you attempt to insult me by inviting me to “keep passing”, but if you were an honest person youd admit that most white folk wouldnt know me as a black man unless i told them the truth, which is i am all black and probably “more black” than most. so therefore if my intention was to “keep passing” why would i tell anyone, ever, the truth about my heritage and ancestry, especially if as you say i was so fake and phony?

maybe youre confused by the way i talk. well, humans are mimics. we learn to talk by what we hear. my sister and i grew up as the only black kids in an allwhite suburb of chicago. then i went to college in santa monica and santa barbara. therefore the accents that you hear when i speak oftentimes sound midwestern mixed with westside la and isla vista.

if i were doing anything else other than keeping it really real i would sound and dress and act different. but i was raised by an educated black woman who knew better. she taught her children to be proud of who they were and where they came from. and since im straight off the culdesac i’d be the phony you accuse me of being if i didnt act the way i do, which is probably not the slightest bit like most black men you know, who i can only assume are the ones who have given black men the bad name that you allege.

me, i dont know too many black men who give bad names to our race. i know jason toney who’s in charge of laist.com and negroplease, i know oliver willis from media matters, and i know mike randle the guitarist of Love and nearly the only other black man at ucsb other than the basketball team the class president mc peace and myself. none of those black men could be easily described or put into a box or labeled or so easily stereotyped, not even by those like you who are quick to judge from years of practice. but do keep trying, its cute.

if i were to dress like i wanted to be on the dance line of soul train, trust me, i know my way to the fox hills mall. likewise, if my dream was to pass for a whiteman, then as youve clearly said, my dream is alive, all i have to do is keep the fakeout on high and shut my mouth.

unfortunately for you i am neither ashamed of my lineage nor of my upbringing or lifelong friends or childhood or skin color or hair color or ability to crossover dribble or penchant for soul food or ability to rhyme at anytime or inherently flawless sense of rhythm. ojs not guilty, michaels innocent, and nwa were better than the beatles in my opinion because of my dna, and youre right i put myself out there just like the sun shines in every crevice, and those who lash at it in anger are fools, so quit acting a fool.

or dont.

juneteenth is the day when in america we as black folk were given the right, through a bloody war, to be free of the shackles that others would prefer to have bind us.

if you want to remain locked up and tangled with your ignorance towards me, a black man who youve spent probably less than twenty full minutes in dialogue with your entire life, and if you wish to judge me based on that one meeting then realize that youre no different than those who discriminate against others due to similar ignorance and foolish hate.

me, i will accept my lot in life, which is a tougher one than youd think, one where i have to constantly be misunderstood for being someone who i am not.

while i was on the sxsw blogging while black panel i was asked an excellent question that i was grateful to answer.

someone asked the panel if we were blacks first, bloggers first or if we tried to distance ourselves from race since here in the blogosphere that was an option.

clearly i spoke into the mic:

i am a black man who blogs.

It is important for me to be honest about who I am. When I talk about OJ I’m talking about it from a black man’s perspective. If I’m going to enter into the discussion on my blog, it is important to be transparent. This is a black man talking about this. A kid who grew up with OJ as a hero. Interestingly though, most people who see me don?t’ see a black man and read me don’t think that. So it is important to remind them. – 3/14/05

i didnt give the popular pc line that i was a blogger who just happened to be black because the klan didnt just happen to string up our ancestors who just happened to be slightly darker of complexion. which back in the day i would have been just as strung up or just as enslaved or just as unable to learn to read or write or travel around america as any other black man.

which makes me a nigga4life

something im so comfortable with that i dont have to pretend to be anything else. particularly something predictable and easily described so as to better fit into your narrow mind.

now do everyone a favor and go fuck yourself.

volume 2 + frozen toothpaste + muscle68 + just a girl

condi rice was on this week

80s hair girlswith george stephanopoulos this morning and if ever there was proof that the myth of a liberal media is false, this morning was it.

stephanopoulos of course the lil greek wonderboy who helped president clinton get elected into the white house back in 92 had the opportunity to ask the very capable secretary of state some of the hard questions about the Downing Street Memos which should be very troubling to american voters, especially those who watch and tivo sunday morning political talk shows, whod like to think that their government isnt deciding to blow shit up without at least asking if they could first.

instead he showed a clip of an american mother who lost her son testifying that the memos tell us everything that we already knew, that BushCo entered into an illegal invasion based on a pack of lies and “cherry-picked intelligence”.

now most PR spinners would first acknowledge the deep loss that the mother is obviously experiencing, discount the memo roundly, and then conclude with a one sentence flip about how there are thousands of kurdish and kuwaiti mothers who are probably quite happy that saddam is gone and grateful to brave american soldiers who continue to fight for freedoms of strangers around the globe.

instead, in a bizarre series of consecutive comments, Condi says that we went there because of saddams Weapons of Mass Destruction!

Rice: I can only say what the President has said many many times. The United States of America, and its coalition decided that it was finally time to deal with the threat of Saddam Hussein.

There had been multiple resolutions against Saddam Hussein and his activities, everything from

– his concerns of weapons of mass destruction programs

– his continued unwillingness to answer the legitimate questions of the international system about those programs.

– his having used weapons of mass destruction in the past

Saddam Hussein is gone and that is a good thing

the wonderboy never followed up with the obvious, “so the ends justify the means, even if its illegal and possibly worthy of an impeachment?”

did the lil fella say, “hey you didnt even address the downing street memo or the mother who thinks her son died in vain over lies?”

did george stephanopoulos say, “what was unique about saddam and the fantasy that he had wmd compared to the real cadre of wmd from other tyrants like those in china and north korea? why do you think bush and blair had a hard-on for hussein and no one else? was it because they felt that was a war that they could win, one that would distract people from the fact that they couldnt find osama, or do you think it was bush vengance reaching back from the time that saddam put a bounty on #41?”

did stephablahblous ask the secretary if our fear was wmds and if we were doing everyone a favor by ridding the world of saddam, now that hes been gone for over a year now, and now that the wmd havent been there for over a decade, why are we still spending millions and american lives to stay there? did he ask wtf is our excuse now?

sadly friends, those are only the questions that get asked on the busblog.

sad, not because theyd be controversial and titillating, but because condi rice is one of the few people in the cabinet who could actually handle questions like those and if i were in the white house i would want her to answer those questions, particularly because george is such a softball interviewer and so incredibly terrified of being associated with the Clintons and therefore overcompensates by taking it easy on Rice but sticking it to Michael Moore.

with all that said, and as disappointed i am in george, as well as in condi for giving such bogus answers, i highly recommend The War Room, the behind the scenes doc of the Clinton campaign of 92, the last time stephanopoulos was relevant. watch as he is easily overshadowed by the far more likeable and at times dazzling james carvel.

oh and the gitmo merch? from the wacky compassionate conservatives over at time magazine’s blog of the year, powerblog, who will look you square in the eye and tell you that theyre moral, upstanding, pro-life, pro-democracy, rule-of-law, Christians who are just kidding around. cuz y’know torture, illegal prison camps, and profiting from 9/11 is so funny.

and dont be fooled, the only thing more clueless are the sober bloggers and blog readers who will no doubt support such bad taste whose roots are hateful, ignorant, and unamerican through and through.

you’d think a respected blog run by three lawyers would be more interested in denouncing the illegalities that gitmo is all about as opposed to profiting from it. but i guess once an ambulance-chasing unscrupulous opportunist, always an ambulance-chasing unscrupulous opportunist.

welcome home t-star + congratulations manager leah + vanmega + sigh club

danielle doesnt like it when i ignore her.

she doesnt work at the xbi but she works at the building that we occupy. and even though she says she reads my blog im not sure that she totally understands what i do for a living.

but whenever im around the office for lunchtime i like to eat with her cuz shes funny, shes smart, shes brutally honest, and there has never been a topic that she wont discuss with me.

and she hates wearing underwear.

danielle is half italian half jewish. shes half hippie half yuppie. shes all loud, all fun.

youd be suprised how depressing it can be saving the world. so its nice to have a happy girl to have a half sandwich and soup with on a june gloom friday.

she loves anthropologie and fishing. she likes to hike through the palisades and rich guys with loose wallets. she’ll flash you if you dare her so i dont dare her.

i dont have that many friends at the xbi. its sorta an unsaid rule cuz we drop like flies. and you never know who’s on the take who you’ll have to take for a little drive. and thats why its awesome that danielle doesnt work for us.

unless of course she works for someone who is trying to infiltrate us.

in which case she might get a little tour of the pacific via chopper one.

but i doubt it.

she likes the grateful dead and old school jazz.

she watched the whole last season of the sopranos with me, and now we’re gonna watch Deadwood.

she reads all the books i give her and she finds great details to talk about over thai.

she tells me that in two months shes going to be quitting her job at the flower stand downstairs and go to grad school in san diego.

i will miss her a ton.

i hope she keeps up her blog

peter b + trained monkey + charsuede + bad fur days + makeout city

one pm saturday edition

of fifteen minutes with tony. i think im going to be employed soon. ironically enough maybe a little too soon. ha. i havent been able to enjoy this summer vacation because ive been worried or busy doing all these other things. from the car to the girl to the work to the sponsor to pretending to be a troll to jury duty to worrying about money and the book and the price of the book and how little it was. i wasnt getting any sleep. it wasnt that i was going to bed and tossing and turning, that never happens to me, im talking typing and typing and clicking around the blogosphere and corresponding and reading until first 4am then 6am then 11am and then the other day until 4:30pm. im not complaining, it was fascinating, im just saying, its not your typical summer vacation, shit i havent been to venice beach even once.

but it will be good to have a job again. i am someone who needs to be working and it helps if its something hard. i dont even care if its a useless job for people who dont really like you, keep my mind busy or i will go crazy. im in twelve fantasy baseball leagues. i commish four of them. i think next year i’ll commish all twelve because there is nothing worse, nothing at ALL than being in a good fantasy league that has a bad commish. it ruins everything.

coulter is the banker when you play monopoly. ive only had the pleasure to play once with him but it was a complete joy. he keeps the dice rolling, he keeps the money handled, hes telling jokes, keeping an eye on the cd player, he makes it fun and quick.

the commish of a fantasy baseball league should be like that. and fair and active and be willing to communicate. the problem is the commish also has a team, so sometimes he is in the position of having to rule on the fairness of trades that he is involved in.

the tricky part is everyone is trying to sell off overrated players for undervalued or up-and-coming players.

what i would like yahoo fantasy sports to be able tell me is, which prospective league members are truly active. which ones really play every day and have played every day for the last few years. if you want me to pay for the premium services, get me in a league where the commish is like coulter and the players actually play every day.

id pay for that.

im watching film school on ifc because theyre having a marathon today that my tivo picked up for me because my tivos finally understanding. the dude who figures out the program that truly can give good suggestions based on the things that you watch and the things that you tivo will be a rich mammajamma. how hard could it really be? there are good movies there are bad movies and a whole bunch inbetween. same for tv shows. and there are a lot of people using tivo. how hard is it to figure out that those thumbs up and thumbs down buttons when used properly could be great feedback to , shit, lots of people. so why isnt tivo figuring this out.

i tivo every cubs game i can, but sometimes i’ll record one on a chanel that gets blacked out, why cant tivo see that its going to be blacked out in my zip code, or better yet, why cant it see that im not receiving a signal? how hard would that be to determine? and once you tivo every baseball game from the same team, why not just assume that i want the rest of them.

and secondly, we can put a man on the moon but my tivo cant figure out that i no habla espanol. i watch the spanish channels occassionally because theyre loco but if ive never recorded one there really is no reason for tivo to think i want one recorded. ay carumba.

today i am going to take a little drive and snap some pictures because my maid is going to clean my house because i havent been able to use her in a while and she said mr tony what is the problem and i told her that i had no job and she said oh i will clean your house for free and i will make you some soup and i said oh no please no and i was laughing and she was laughing and the other day she called me up and she asked me if i would give her five cds from my cd collection because she loves jazz and she would love some of my jazz cds. your maid i have learned often knows more about your possessions than you do. so i was all baby if you clean my house you can have twenty of my cds. so im expecting some damn good soup when i come home tonight.

two questions from trinidad

1. Do you ever have regrets about using your real name in your blog like when you meet people like the judge you can’t really be anonimous it must be a pain sometimes.

yes. since i dont write about politics very much or tech or have nudes, and since im not a hot young chick, i never thought my blog would be read by very many people. and who could have predicted the popularity of blogging itself. so yes if i had to do it over again i would have made up a really great fake name like rock dangerson and lay low, but as in most things i had no clue what i was doing.

2. Have you really ever gotten into a girls’s pants because of your blog? haha can’t wait to hear the answer to that one.

mickey kaus says im the only person that thats happened to but mickey’s reading the wrong blogs. lord knows hes linking the wrong ones. jk, mk. but i know of quite a few who are receiving the benefits due to their posts, but that shouldnt be suprising, if people can get laid from the crap they throw up on their myspace pages, a decent blogger in comparison should be rolling in it.

mobseen + susan + addicted to it all + mc brown at the silver lake downhill derby

yesterday i had to go to jury duty

to perform my civil duty. unlike most people i enjoy jury duty because i find the whole legal process fascinating, especially when its unfolding right in front of you and you get to help decide yay or nay.

but being happily unemployed and enjoying my newfound and delicious freedom to lounge in my pajamas all day and sleep until 2pm, for the first time ever i didnt want to be on a long, involved, indepth murder or bank robbery trial. i wanted to be at the beach.

since everyone knows theres nothing the barely legal pink bikini girls love more than when the unemployed bloggers show up with their cubs beach towel.

so, murphy’s law, guess what they announced at 10am yesterday morning in the overfilled jury pool room?

“your attention please jurors, and now we will be calling the names of those who will be asked to go upstairs to be on a panel for a case that is estimated to last 20 days.”

the entire room groaned. no one wanted to spend a month waking up, fighting traffic, and being part of a big trial that would only get you $15/day and your face firmly etched in the mind of a possible killer. la’s a small town. do you really want to be the last face a felon sees before the judge says the jury has found you guilty?

not in this town where a few years ago a guy turned a newspaper ad of an eddie murphy movie into a fake id and walked out of the downtown jail.

some say the only reason he was caught was because of the xbi but thats another story.

the jury room holds about 300 people. they would pick about 22 people to be part of the “panel”.

the two lawyers in the case look over the 22 prospective jurors and ask them questions to see who they would weed out. each lawyer may dismiss jurors for any reason. usually if youre a prosecuting attorney and a old woman is on trail for killing all of her cats, and theres only two old women on the panel, you probably want to get them out of there.

niggardlythe panel is also the time when the jurors can say the things that will make the judge want to kick them off. usually i am tempted to say things like “im very likely to find blacks not guilty, so present a hell of a case or you can predict my vote and i have no problem hanging the jury,” but i’m usually kicked off immediately when, in the short questionaire, next to occupation, i write XBI Agent.

try it. it works every time.

but like i said, im unemployed now, so i had to say Unemployed.

as the woman with the microphone went over the list and each name was called everyones smiles got bigger and when she called the last name the collective sighed in relief was clearly audible which cracked everyone up.

until five minutes later when the woman on the microphone said,

“hello jurors, and now i will call the names for another panel. this one is only expected to last 14 days.”

only? someone said sarcastically which brought more laughter. it was a jovial group. probably because there were hot babes everywhere. apparently summer is definately the time to be called for jury duty since the coeds were home from college, the actors were unemployed since tv season is over, and because people dress better in the summer.

the instructions said business casual but only a few obeyed the instructions. make me go to jury duty And tell me how to dress? pick one and live with it was my attitude and i wore my sxsw tshirt, a flannel, and my cap pulled down almost over my eyes. who on earth was going to have a possible gangmember on their jury? and an uemployed one at that.

anthony pierce she said.

here, i said weakly. we had been instructed to say here if she called our name.

oh shit. she had called my name! i might end up on a two week trial? which meant i wouldnt be able to go on any job interviews until the first of july? which meant after the 4th of july? which meant probably no paycheck till august. yikes.

i could handle a one day or two day trial, but two weeks? mr cool did get into panic mode for a second, i will admit. gotta keep it real. but then the lady with the microphone read a name off the list that you would only hear in los angeles

a name that everyone knows. a name that also only in la in a crowded room of 300 only in la would a woman of such beauty blend in and become unnoticed. yes unnoticed because when the woman with the microphone said

tia carerra

every male head shot up from their prayer beads and thought holy fuck tia carrera is here?

here, she said.

and there she was. no make up, hair tied back. reading the paper. and look at that, about six months pregnant. hot, but not nearly as hot as our girl, but yes, that was definately tia carerra. and here i thought that was a stage name. huh.

the lady said ok its 10:45, but they wont be ready for you until after lunch so please report to court number blah blah blah at 1:30p. have a nice lunch.

so bad news: possible jury duty for two weeks. good news: it might be with tia carrera and two other chicks who were so hot that no one had previously realized that tia carrera was in the house.

lets just say i had a good lunch.

until i realized we were all going to have to stand up and state our name and occupation and i was going to have to let tia and the ladies know that i was unemployed. fortunatley a juror can ask for a “sidebar” where he can approach the bench with both lawyers and discuss these matters privately with the judge.

trueliesmwhich is what i did when i was the first juror that they asked to stand up and state name and occupation. yes me, the only gangmember-looking dude in the hizzy.

hi your honor, i said.

hello gentlemen, i said to the lawyers.

my situation is that, if you havent noticed, there are two super hot chicks here and im totally down for being on a long trial, but please dont make me say in front of the babes and tia carrerra that im unemployed.

one of the lawyers said, tia carrera’s here?

the other lawyer said, yeah didnt you see the list?

they turned and looked and saw tia carrera and then both nodded silently.

so the judge said, fine, son. youre unemployed. do you think there are any reasons why you cant be impartial in this case.

and i said, nope, but just like those michael jackson jurors, if you dont deliver real evidence, even if i think the defendant is probably guilty of Something, it better be of what he’s accused of and it better be proved in this court or i will vote not guilty and i will argue like crazy in the deliberation room.

and then something even weirder than tia carrera in the jury room happened. the judge said, anthony, do you go by tony pierce?


yes, your honor.

this was not a young judge. he wasnt really old though, but how on earth…

are you the blogger who writes the busblog?




he asked a few questions and informed the lawyers that i would not be on this jury and then said, but i have something to ask you. how do you find time to write so frequently?

and i said well now i have lots of free time since, like i said, the reason for me asking for a sidebar, im unemployed.

to which he said, but ive been reading you since my son emailed me your homepage url about a year ago when you wrote the how to blog rules. you write just as much unemployed as you did when you were employed. how do you do it?

i said, theres time in everyones day to write two or three posts. just dont get hung up on it. pretend its an email to a good friend. or dont watch tv for an hour and write. or write during your lunch break. it’s not as hard as it looks.

and i thought i was done but the judge wouldnt stop asking me really good questions. fanboy questions! do judges have nothing to do at night?

and then said, i admire how youre handling your troll situation, but i noticed he hasnt written today. did you ban him?

i said your honor nothing on my blog is true.

he didnt get it, so i said. sir, im at jury duty, how could i continue the farce that was tim if i dont have access to a computer?

and his jaw dropped.

and i nodded.

there was silence and then he laughed.

i was told to go back to the jury box.

they went through the rest of the jury and then each lawyer went down their list and said things like “Ms. Carrerra you’re excused, Mr. Pierce youre excused, Ms. Hotchick you’re excused…”

and they told the rest of the jury that theyre to come back in 30 minutes when the trial will begin.

and as we left the judge said, mr. pierce and waived me over.

which i must say raised a few eyebrows.

and he asked, but tim’s email address?

i said, its my friend’s in colorado. college pal. we were both into the Replacements. Tim was my favorite album and he’d always give me shit for it because everyone says Let It Be is the best. long story.

and then the judge said, well my kid will get a kick out of me telling him that i shook your hand. keep up the good work.

and i got out of the courtroom and a group of my jurors waiting for the elevator stopped talking when they saw me approaching which was really weird

but not as weird as ten seconds later when one of the impatient jurors mashed his thumb on the elevator button

and on saying, i bet this button doesnt even work

the earthquake hit.

a nice sustained 4.9

needless to say we took the escalators back down to the jury room and counted the minutes to possible freedom.

which im happy to say we all received.

and to add to the freakiness of the day, as i was looking for tia carrera pictures to put up here i went to imdb to see what other movies she had been besides waynes world 2 and i shit you not she was in one called Jury Duty with pauly shore, which if i had realized the irony That would have been the icebreaker that i was searching for all day to approach her.

something i never did.

but at least now i will be able to go up to her one day and say, remember the day you were on jury duty during that earthquake…

rich + sk smiff + matt good + happy belated bday em!

a year ago

today on the world famous busblog

how to blog by tony pierce, 110

1. write every day.

2. if you think youre a good writer, write twice a day.

3. dont be afraid to do anything. infact if youre afraid of something, do it. then do it again. and again.

4. cuss like a sailor.

5. dont tell your mom, your work, your friends, the people you want to date, or the people you want to work for about your blog. if they find out and you’d rather they didnt read it, ask them nicely to grant you your privacy.

6. have comments. dont be upset if no one writes in your comments for a long time. eventually they’ll write in there. if people start acting mean in your comments, ask them to stop, they probably will.

7. have an email address clearly displayed on your blog. sometimes people want to tell you that you rock in private.

8. dont worry very much about the design of your blog. image is a fakeout.

9. use Blogger. it’s easy, it’s free; and because they are owned by Google, your blog will get spidered better, you will show up in more search results, and more people will end up at your blog. besides, all the other blogging software & alternatives pretty much suck.

10. use spellcheck unless youre completely totally keeping it real. but even then you might want to use it if you think you wrote something really good.

11. say exactly what you want to say no matter what it looks like on the screen. then say something else. then keep going. and when youre done, re-read it, and edit it and hit publish and forget about it.

12. link like crazy. link anyone who links you, link your favorites, link your friends. dont be a prude. linking is what seperates bloggers from apes. and especially link if you’re trying to prove a point and someone else said it first. it lends credibility even if youre full of shit.

13. if you havent written about sex, religion, and politics in a week youre probably playing it too safe, which means you probably fucked up on #5, in which case start a second blog and keep your big mouth shut about it this time.

14. remember: nobody cares which N*Sync member you are, what State you are, which Party of Five kid you are, or which Weezer song you are. the second you put one of those things on your blog you need to delete your blog and try out for the marching band. similarilly, nobody gives a shit what the weather is like in your town, nobody wants you to change their cursor into a butterfly, nobody wants to vote on whether your blog is hot or not, and nobody gives a rat ass what song youre listening to. write something Real for you, about you, every day.

15. dont be afraid if you think something has been said before. it has. and better. big whoop. say it anyway using your own words as honestly as you can. just let it out.

16. get Site Meter and make it available for everyone to see. if you’re embarrassed that not a lot of people are clicking over to your page, dont be embarrassed by the number, be embarrassed that you actually give a crap about hits to your gay blog. it really is just a blog. and hits really dont mean anything. you want Site Meter, though, to see who is linking you so you can thank them and so you can link them back. similarilly, use Technorati, but dont obsess. write.

17. people like pictures. use them. save them to your own server. or use Blogger’s free service. if you dont know how to do it, learn. also get a Buzznet account. several things will happen once you start blogging, one of them is you will learn new things. thats a good thing.

18. before you hit Save as Draft or Publish Post, select all and copy your masterpiece. you are using a computer and the internet, shit can happen. no need to lose a good post.

19. push the envelope in what youre writing about and how youre saying it. be more and more honest. get to the root of things. start at the root of things and get deeper. dig. think out loud. keep typing. keep going. eventually you’ll find a little treasure chest. every time you blog this can happen if you let it.

20. change your style. mimic people. write beautiful lies. dream in public. kiss and tell. finger and tell. cry scream fight sing fuck and dont be afraid to be funny. the easiest thing to do is whine when you write. dont be lazy. audblog at least once a week.

21. write open letters. make lists. call people out on their bullshit. lead by example. invent and reinvent yourself. start by writing about what happened to you today. for example today i told a hot girl how wonderfully hot she is.

22. when in doubt review something. theres not enough reviews on blogs. review a movie you just saw, a tv show, a cd, a kiss you just got, a restaurant, a hike you just took, anything.

23. constantly write about the town that you live in.

24. out yourself. tell your secrets. you can always delete them later.

25. dont use your real name. dont write about your work unless you dont care about getting fired.

26. dont be afraid to come across as an asswipe. own your asswipeness.

27. nobody likes poems. dont put your poems on your blog. not even if theyre incredible. especially if theyre incredible. odds are theyre not incredible. bad poems are funny sometimes though, so fine, put youd dumb poems on there. whatever.

28. tell us about your friends.

29. dont apologize about not blogging. nobody cares. just start blogging again.

30. read tons of blogs and leave nice comments.

31. if you’re going to ripoff/mimic/be inspired by one blogger make it raymi, shes perfect.

from my book How To Blog + translated in russian + annotated + the toned-down version + en espanol
it won a bloggie + and over 150 people have linked to it over the past year, thanks everyone!

so whats the verdict?

1. was that good for you?
2. should i continue to allow trolls to troll here?
3. did dude provide anything to this blog?
4. did you learn anything from him?
5. was it entertaining?
6. do you feel dirty now?
7. do you forgive me for trying to be cool about it?

i will be at jury duty today, thurs, so its all yours, commentors. be good.

yes its true,

today i allowed myself to get caught up in a troll fiesta. and yes it is interesting that it happened just a day after the how to comment part three post of yesterday.

107. peter in ps

in the four years of the busblog, i doubt youve ever seen anything like it, here. probably because i would have never been able to participate in something like that unless i was, as i am now, unemployed. like our visitor probably is.

theres an old oriental saying that goes something like, dont argue with a madman because is someone walks past they wont be able to tell who’s crazy.

if youre concerned about being perceived as a madman id pay attention to that one if i were you. fortunately i dont have such hangups. im a fucking blogger, ive obviously thrown any hopes of looking cool out the proverbial window.

which in itself is ironic because, as alluded to below, the main reason i do this, and do it in public is to get chicks. plain and simple.

so if some unemployed hump in colorado wants to spend a few hours over here and say that his female friends have larger penises than me, fine. i’ll take his word for it.

so yes, most of keeping this blog going is to impress the ladies. but part of it is to provide an example for other bloggers, some of whom dont yet get the attention that mine does.

hopefully by keeping my comments open, writing all the time, and divuldging all my secrets, you too can have idiots infest your thingamabob.

but of course you will have idiots infest your shit. its inevitable. it doesnt matter if the pro in CO “started it” with an insulting link. it doesnt matter if my rebuttal to that link provided far more insight and constructive criticism than her slight or her champion’s defense. all that matters is people are going to come over to the busblog see 100+ comments and say wtf is going on here!

so since this week celebrates the year anniversary of how to blog, lets review what went down and have a quickie little how to handle trolls while i wait for two barely legals to drive me to malibu which im hearing might be tough to reach as pch (pictured, below) is closed.

a troll for those of you who arent hep is someone, usually a dude, unless youre jarvis, who sits around and tries to derail the discussion at hand with distractions having nothing to do with the topic of the post. the word troll comes from the mythical creature who sits under the bridge and pops out from the darkness to fuck up the day of the innocents who are just going about their business.

i think thats where it comes from.

trolls are sometimes interesting in very small doses but only if they are fast typers and predictable in their trolliness. if they stray from the stereotype they will usually ALL CAPS your ass and bail out.

what they want most of all is attention, which is interesting because they rarely have their own blogs. youd think that wouldnt be the case, but then again if they actually gave you something to compare against, they wouldnt be able to last long whilest trolling cuz their shit stinks which is why they leech off real blogs.

some trolls have blogs but never own up to having them. and Lord knows they wouldnt have open comments. think they want more people like them around trying to fuck up their shit? trolla, please.

cowards snipers and trolls love to hide in wait. but its cool. dont fear them, pity them and know what to expect.

they’ll jump on the most obvious things like your name or your style or your last post. its no different than a schoolyard tussle except no teacher is going to break it up once a crowd begins to grow.

if you give a troll enough rope he will hang himself with something really dumb. and if youre super lucky they’ll try to ignore their mistake and make another. todays troll made the unfortunate comment that his two female friends had larger penises than me. then later he talked about how he saw me on jerry springer with hermaphadites.

(how i was able to stand after that zing is a miracle. im sure you agree.)

the unusual sexual confusion this poor man is experiencing in the heat of the flame war was easy to ridicule, and far more telling on whats in his head than his complaints about my use of (or lack of) the shift key, his best attack.

the problem was instead of comparing the two blogs in question he went for the sucker play of trying to suggest that i was an uneducated, trailerpark livin redneck, who wrote poorly. and i had a little penis and a little ego.

any student of USENET knows that high school kids for years have been calling each other names on the web and they usually wind up either screaming about peoples mommas or about ones sexuality or cocksize.

since everyone knows that my dick’s so big and useful that i often type with it, as i am doing now, his attacks were ignored in deference to his ignorance. not ignorance as an insult, merely a lack of information.

so yes managing trolls involves a lot of ignoring, a tad of patience, large heaps of pity, and a keen eye thats always on the lookout for a pattern of weakness.

in todays case our troll has a thing about penises, and once he started posting a comment a minute, the best thing is to just let him keep running full steam at the red cape until he tires

and snorts some dumbass shit.

id love to go on but therye here. if you can learn some techniques through the thread below then it will have all been worth it.

surfs up!

the day i got my ipod + rosie gets hella comments + keezel + assclown junction