the ironies keep flying

on the internets today:

The Talent Show today illustrates the idiocy of Pajamas Media changing their name to Open Source Media, and then being anything but Open Source:

Pajamas Media has launched under a new moniker, Open Source Media, or in their officially-sanctioned shorthand OSM™. Yes, the trademark symbol is part of the abbreviation to remind people that they’re not that “open source”. And in case you get any funny ideas about freely distributing and modifying any of OSM™’s intellectual property, every page is accompanied by a copyright notice and a link to the privacy policy :

Our Site and all its contents, which includes, but is not limited to, text, graphics, photographs, logos, video and audio content, is protected by copyright as a collective work or compilation under the copyright laws of the United States and other countries. All individual components of Our Site, including, without limitation, articles, content and other elements comprising Our Site are also copyrighted works. Additionally all of the weblogs linked to by us are likewise protected. You must abide by all additional copyright notices or restrictions contained on this site and our linked weblogs.

You may not reproduce, distribute, copy, publish, enter into any database, display, modify, create derivative works, transmit, or in any way exploit any part of this site. The only exceptions to this are that you may download material from Our Site for your own personal use, provided such download is limited to making one machine readable copy and/or one print copy that limited to occasional articles of personal interest only. No other use of the content of Our Site is permitted. Please contact our Sales Department if you wish to have rights other than those stated above.

As a comparison, here’s the notice at the bottom of DailyKos (who’s notably absent from OSM™’s blogroll) :

Site content may be used for any purpose without explicit permission unless otherwise specified.

The jury may still be out on whether or not OSM™ is a thinly-disguised conservative blog circlejerk, one thing is already clear. They’re not open source. I’ve always considered the intentional misuse of buzzwords to be a MSM™ phenomenon, but the guys in pajamas sure are quick learners.

but wait theres more, the original Open Source Media blogged this afternoon about the fact that indeed they own the rights to the name, that they’ve been around longer, and if you simply use a search engine when youre scouting out names you would have found them:

So this morning I got an email from a listener with the following subject header:

“did someone steal your name?”

Hm. A company that used to call itself Pajamas Media now calls itself Open Source Media, which is — scroll down to our legal notice — kind of exactly what we call ourselves. They’ve collected $3.5 million in venture capital, and, to celebrate their re-naming of our already-named name, they’re holding an event at the Rainbow Room.

So what to do. A couple of blogs — Atrios, Stephen den Beste, Dennis the Peasant, Begging to Differ, Homocon — have picked up on this already, unprompted, perhaps because if you Google “open source media”, we’re the third result. Presumably the new “Open Source Media” Googled their new name before they settled on it?

Don’t get us wrong; we didn’t invent the idea of working with bloggers to make media, we certainly didn’t invent the concept “open source,” and there’s plenty of room for everyone to do what we’ve been doing. But they chose the same name that we established in May and, seeing as how we work in the same industry, people might find that a little confusing. And that has us puzzled.

my advice to Pajamas Media, their blogger/writers, and their advisory board: cut and run, kids, cut and run.

Or you can ask your keynote speaker, Judy Miller, pictured, top, if she thinks this is something worth going to jail over.

Meanwhile: the Instapundit says he would have liked to have blogged from the OSM/Pajama Party launch – but it would have been too obvious. huh? one of the world’s most popular bloggers was ashamed to blog from a launch of a new blogging venture because he would have come across as… a blogger? fascinating.

the KCSB Pledge Drive ends today – i donated, you should too + nay + amy

glenn reynolds is having a rough week

on friday Kevin Drum at the Washington Monthly put him in his place for posing the juvenile arguement that people who have the gall to suggest that the President misled us about the reasons that we went to war were unpatriotic.

according to the good professor the post created a load of hatemail. Glenn’s response: he says that Drum quoted him out of context. Drum sets him straight.

on Monday, the right-leaning Oxblog, who lists Glenn as the George Washington of Bloggers took Drum’s side… politely… soberly… and in a restrained manner, but basically says Glenn’s off base on this one.

in fact the fallout on that unfortunate post put the professor on the hot seat in what seemed like a hanging curveball for guys like oliver willis to knock out of the park.

the weekend seemed to just give people chance to reload in preperation for his next fuckup. in fact yesterday, for some reason, Glenn decided to send traffic to a blog who suggested that the media was to blame for Bush’s problems.

pro journalist Matt Welch took a billyclub to this argument and reminded his readers that this is exactly the type of thing that the Instapundit loves to promote – that Bush’s fuckups arent his, theyre everyone elses.

Glenn, in turn complained that Welch was dissing him.

but when soon-to-be blogger Andrew Sullivan defended Welch in his attack of Reynolds’s bizarre stance, i nearly felt sorry for the tennessee prof.

especially in light of the fact that his new venture Pajamas Media had started off on such a horrible foot, most recently when they hired and then fired Luke Ford – a move Cathy Seipp says they had to do. Seipp explains that the SD Reader wouldnt run a pro-abortion rights piece or an anti-Israel piece in the New Republic — but then she says that Ford is basically anti-porn and his coverage keeps them in check. which means that would be like the SD Reader firing a reporter simply for covering the abortion issue.

but now to add insult to injury, the renamed PJ Media, now Open Source Media, got a little press on Reuters – but the news service put pictures of the OSM launch in the CIA Leak Investigation slide show. Is Reuters trying to tell us something?

and sadly, Reuters chose to snap pics of several of the bloggers of OSM, including one of Charles Johnson of LGF (above) but alas, none of the blogfather.

and if the bloodletting couldnt get any worse, long-time journalist Jeff Jarvis, logs in from halfway around the world to see the launch via a webcast and is still not impressed with OSM. complaining that indeed Judith Miller is still going to give the keynote, and that theres someone on the panel who thinks blogging is “absurd.”

let’s see if glenn calls her unpatriotic and then blames the media for planting her on the stage.

[update: Dennis the Peasant reports that the name Open Source Media is the name of someone else’s company. Whoopsie. Maybe they should just go back to Pajamas Media. developing…}

kill poets is gonna get tsared tonight + brianna + land of ghosts

i was going to be eight minutes late for work

and i knew my boss was going to get on my case and i wondered if i should tell him the truth when he would ask me why i was late.

would i lie and say subway problems?

or would i tell the truth which is blonde girl showed up on my doorstep at 2am. the shoes that she came to retrieve were nicely packed into a box next to the satellite dish. in the box was a magazine with her favorite band on the cover and under the magazine was a tape of an hour of her favorite actress on it.

i might not ever talk to you if i break up with you, but if theres a box on a doorstep from me to you, odds are theres probably gonna be some good shit in it.

unfortunately, like most things, this made her cry.

she cried and knocked on my door. tap tap tap tap.

i snored peacefully.

bang bang bang bang.

more snoring. very little can wake me from my slumber. its the only time this haunted mind can stop dreaming and talking and rest. and when it rests it shuts off completely.

however, the hot woman who lives upstairs does capture my attention, pretty much at all time.

she was disturbed and she got up and went to her balcony and her hardwood floors squeaked and my heart fluttered and i woke.

knock knock knock knock.

i went to the door, turned on the porch light, opened the door. daisy princess sobbing. can i hug you she asks.


did you guys see giselle last night when the protesters hopped on the catwalk? she didn’t miss a beat. every step she made was exactly the step she would have taken if no one was there. more than just a hot brazilian, but a pro.

Photo Hosted at Buzznet.comi allowed the twenty year old into the home. let her hug my back. i turned off the porch light. shut the door. went back to bed and quieted the disturbance that my neighbor was experiencing.

perhaps this isn’t what a pro would do. and obviously im no expert on women. i am a victim. anything that happens to me is because they make it so.

when i was in college i learned from the frat boys. they were handsome and rich and they had nothing inside of them other than mgd and semen but what i learned was no matter what ignorance they spewed or how many times they’d listen to legend, because they were surrounded by women with low standards, they were always satisfied.

so i learned to show up in places where there would be hot babes, keep my mouth shut, and have a clean apartment with a second pair of sheets somewhere.

all my body wants is peace and quiet and a nice hand to hold.

ashley is much more than that, and she isn’t right for me and im not right for her and the frat boys would sometimes throw stephen stills in the boom box – you know the one- where the eagles fly with the dove…

some people can let the sands of the hourglass stream through as they wait for their dreams to come true. im not so patient. i have no willpower.

i might not ever find the girl of my dreams who also thinks im the boy of her dreams but im not so sure its a great idea to sit around alone while i figure out the answer.

she apologized and made promises and asked me if there was anything that she could do to prove that she was sorry and i thought of a few things.

let me sleep, i said, with all of your friends.

she sniffed and hiccuped still sobbing a bit.

even the fat ones.

she said, im the only fat one.

then i said take off your clothes.

for leather chaffes at three am when you’re trying to sleep.

leah just signed up for buzznet + my fav buzznet page + science blog

dear super hot chick who wrote me on buzznet

sorry im not writing you back on there but i really wanted to blog on the busblog so i hope you understand.

no you werent rambling in your message, in fact it was nice to learn a little about you. i get a lot of emails and i always like to hear what people are up to or where theyre from.

sometimes i get questions from people who often frame the questions with “i know this sounds dumb, but…”

today someone asked me about videoblogging, or vblogging as they called it.

maybe its cuz, like you, i studied english in college that i favor writing over video when documenting ones life or when writing about dreams or hopes or while ranting or while explaining things.

but i told her that no, i dont believe in vblogging. it takes too much effort to be any good at it, you have to edit you have to set up a good shot, you probably even need a decent script, and you need lighting and you need sound, and you need to have someone who’s really good in front of the camera.

and you probably need music and camerawork and costuming and makeup and hairdos and dancing girls and midgets and elephants and etc.

meanwhile with blogging all you need is a keyboard and blogger and electricity and someone to write to.

tonight its 3:55am and im writing to you, not pictured. pictured is leah who emailed me this morning the sweetest little thing and it made my day. not that my day needed to be made but she did. ive been reading her blog forever.

shes the exception, shed be good at vblogging i have a feeling.

infact leah does have little videos and theyre good and they show a little part of her world thats nice.

ok so i will end this in four minutes, what else did i want to tell you. oh, no im not famous. im far from famous. its not that i dont believe you when you say that all of your blogging friends know who i am but thats not a good judge of fame. fame is when your momma knows who someone is.

i guess deep down id prefer that you know who i am or leah rather than your parents, but deeper down i just would prefer to write interesting things, and when that fails to show cool pictures or turn you on to something halfway decent.

which brings us back to vblogging.

you know why vblogging is doomed? because when one of the biggest bloggers of all time, say for example the charismatic and brave mickey kaus has a somewhat funny vblog episode

but it gets blown away by the japanese yoyo champ

then vbloggings in some deep doodoo.

4am: ding.

raymi got 9,095 visits on her first day on Buzznet + dc’s show was super good + i have no response to this

Vancouver – are you out there!?@?

last week you gave me your heart, you gave me good weather, you gave me young girls, you gave me four days with your native son.

TONIGHT i give you my favorite band and the best one-two punch of all the USA.

TONIGHT at Richard’s On Richards, i invite you to witness the no-holds-barred duel barrell attack

of Juliette Lewis & the Licks AND special guests TSAR!

if i could be there you know i would. if i could be there i would be in line right now. if i could be there i would have bells on and a bunny costume and a big sign that says THE LORD LOVES ME AND I KNOW IT BECAUSE I’M ABOUT TO GET ROCKED!

Oh, Canada!

Do you know how lucky you are?

Do you know that the angels are smiling on you as we speak?

Do you know that this is the reason why Columbus discovered america and why the terrorists hate us? Its not because of our freedom it’s because of our ROCK. they dont have rock like this over there. they dont have smoke machines. they dont have model actresses writhing around on your dirty stage.

they dont have manish boys wearing american flag capes. they dont have fucking shit compared to you and me.

so jump in to the open arms of rock and throw your hands in the air and waving around like you just dont give a fuck and when you walk out of the sweaty club baptised in the holy spirit you remember who you need to thank: your momma for saying yes a long time ago, and your friends for showing you the internet.


Richard’s On Richards
1036 Richards Street

and be a dear and take pics for your pal in LA.


remember when the hindenburg crashed in new jersey in 1937?

if you dont, keep an eye to the haps across the bridge in new york this week as the Pajamas Media trainwreck is headed to the big apple and is poised to make a big… uh… splash.

heres some of the things theyve got going against them that theyve recently failed to address:

1. Judith Miller will be giving their keynote address. Yes that Judith Miller. Presumably because Jayson Blair and Armstrong Williams were busy, and Jeff Gannon was… ahem… tied up. [rimshot]

2. When even midwesterners like Ann Althouse take a pass while calling PM revenue scheme “skimpy compared to Blogads” you’re either holding out on the B-list (your base) or you’re off on a really bad foot. Althouse is one of Glenn Reynolds’ favorite people to link to and if the Instapundit can’t convince his bff to sign up with him there must really be some seriously small margins in the Pajama game.

3. 60+ Conservatives and 2 Liberals does not make, as PJ co-founder Roger Simon describes, “the best of mainstream media and best of blog media”. It makes for a Fox News on the web. And just like Fox News, if Pajamas Media doesnt identify itself for what it is: overwhelmingly right-wing it will be held in just as much regard as The O’Reilly Factor and the rest of those Fair & Balanced shows.

4. The Little Green Footballs problem. Not everyone has met Charles Johnson, the creator of LGF, nor do they know him as a long haired mellow, jazz and rock musician who comes across more like a hippy than anything else. Just the opposite is true on the blogosphere as most who read LGF consider the site hateful, racist, reactionary, and foolish. Like O’Reilly, that hasn’t hurt LGF’s popularity, but it might hurt the type of advertising that comes into the Pajamas Media kitty. Speaking of which, have you seen the ads on LGF? Neither has Charles. Similarily have you seen LGF in the Technorati Top 100? Us either. Despite admitting that LGF has close to 4,000 sites that link to it, Technorati apparently refuses to put the controversial blog in it’s Top 100. Talk about a hot potato.

5. The Luke Ford problem. Long-time journalist and Internet pioneer, Luke Ford, was hired and then let go once Pajamas Media found out that Luke was back interviewing porn stars. Apparently you can run LGF but you can’t run but thats not the real problem. The real problem is when LGFs scrubs the post welcoming Luke in shame/embarrassment, and when nobody at Pajamas MEDIA wants to talk about it, particularily PJ contributor and Ford’s best friend Cathy Seipp who chose to take the Fifth. “I have nothing to say about my friends at Pajamas Media first welcoming, then dropping, my friend Luke Ford.”

6. The New York Office problem. According to their own press release, PM’s office in New York is located at Rockefeller Plaza Center – 7th Floor, 1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, New York 10020, and their phone number is 212-745-1377. But according to blogger Dennis the Peasant, any time you see someone claiming to be on an entire floor of a Manhattan building, something’s usually fishy. Fishy indeed, he found. Turns out Despite their alleged $3.5 million in funding, the address according to Dennis is a “virtual office” and the phone number isnt PM’s it’s SJ Enterprise who knows nothing about Pajamas Media. Apparently on the interweb, people can factcheck your virtual ass. or something.

Can Republicans not get anything right these days?

Here’s my advice to my fellow bloggers, several of whom will be jetting out to New York:

A. If you plan on being like what good bloggers claim to be – Transparent – show us pictures of your 7th Floor offices. Use Buzznet to host your picture if you like. All you have to do is email your picture to and the proof that youre not using a phony baloney cheesy Virtual Office will be seen at

B. Fire Judy Miller as your Keynote. Are you kidding me? If you have no problem hiring and firing Mr. Ford, you shouldnt even think twice about doing the same to Miller. Your boy Bush did it with Harriet Miers, you need to do it to Judy. For if you don’t you will never live it down. Let Glenn Reynolds be your keynote. With no offense to everyone else, he’s your biggest star, but more importantly knows how to cover his ass. Or just say fuckit and hire Zell Miller. At least he’s guaranteed to put on a good show.

C. Explain the firing of Ford and address the LGF hate issue. If a roomful of lawywers and writers can’t get it together to spin, I mean educate us on these two concerns then you’re no better than any other mainstream media outlet – youre just newer, dumber, and more chickenshit. Show us all that you’re different.

D. Admit that you’re a Right Wing cadre. Transparency is a good thing. Own who you are. Bask in the glow. Admit the obvious. If you truly want to hire Lefty bloggers to balance things out, provide a list of 30 who you’d be interested in. Or say these are the types of Lefty blogs that we enjoy reading. There are 20 million blogs. If you cant find 30 Lefty bloggers that you can put on a list to truly make you the “best of blogging…” then you should just admit that all you care about is the conservative voice… which there’s nothing wrong with.

E. Pay your writers. The Althouse quote, oddly, is the most embarrassing thing of this list of embarrassments. If all of this hype is to make a few at the top rich(er) on the backs of the rest of the gang, it could be disasterous to everyone involved: the greedy will come across as one of the first scoundrels of the blogosphere, and the victims will end up looking like fools.

Bottoms up!

buzzmachine + the poorman + tell smelly shes cute and will bounce back

Get Rich or Die Trying

starring 50 Cent, Bill Duke, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, and Marc John Jefferies as Young Marcus
Paramount Pictures
directed by Jim Sheridan

there are many benefits of living in hollywood and having a blog.

and being in the xbi.

still. (secretly.)

theres the xray vision, the cool gadgets, the wine women and song.

and of course the black helicopters. mine being, as some of you may know, chopper one.

but the bad news is with all of those things there are rarely any suprises because you know about things before they happen.

in fact one of the xbi shrinks speculated that perhaps i was a stoner for the last 10 years because i wanted to dumb down so life would feel “normal” again, so that mundane things would feel interesting since my reality was so skewed.

false, but good try i told her and whispered nice ruffled pink panties.

she said what?

i said with xbi xrayvision contact lenses nothing is mundane.

but she was partially correct. i like pleasant suprises and there werent very many here in hollywood since it was our job to not only be in touch with the heartbeat of the city but to know what was going to happen before it happened.

which brings us to todays movie.

one of the things the xbi likes to do for its agents is take us to the movies. believe it or not but i dont like going because im an idiot and id rather go with a pretty girl and hold her hand and buy her popcorn and play footsies and giggle through the film all slunk down in the balcony. i dont like going with a bunch of dudes on a film lot in the middle of a sunny day.

but back when i was “working” at Look-Look i was called in midday to screen Fiddy’s new film as a summer treat.

because my bosses knew that we liked surprises they didnt tell us who was starring in the movie, who directed it, or what it was about – which is Exactly the way i like movies.

let me say that i LOVED this film. now we saw it while it was unfinished. two scenes were missing and the ending seemed so horrible that it felt to me that perhaps they were going to clean that up too.

but 50 was good, lil 50 was Great, the director who had done My Left Foot did a wonderful job of making it slightly different than 8 Mile but just as serious.

and you know what, it was a good story.

going into the film i did not like 50 – i thought he was a mumbling ignorant flash in the pan successful only because of Dr. Dre and Em, who didnt deserve to escort Vivica A. anywhere and would be forgotten in hip hop before 2008.

but watching this movie i understood why he spoke that way, where he came from, and what odds he overcame.

yes it has its flaws that probably wont be edited out or fixed, but it was a hell of a movie that anyone who enjoyed Boyz in the Hood or 8 Mile would enjoy, or anyone who doesnt understand hip hop should see because this is American music, when at its best, comes straight from the streets.

and we get to see how crack influenced both drug dealing and music.

now lets talk about the billboard bru-haha. apparently some are not happy with the advertisement of 50 holding a gun to hype his movie.

why not?

its a violent movie about guns violence and gangsta rap.

I see Bruce Willis holding a gun in the poster of Hostage, i see Al Pacino holding a gun in Scarface, i see Arnold Schwarzenegger holding a gun in True Lies

so why cant a brotha have a gun on the poster hyping the film about his violent life?

maybe its because the old adage is true: the only thing more frightening than a man with a gun, is a [black man] with a gun.

but these protesters, just like pretty much every other faker out there, are hiding behind the kids, saying that the billboards promote gang violence and theyre too close to schools.

anyone who watches this film will learn that this film explains that neither drug dealing nor gangs got 50 a movie, a career, or the fame: it was hip-hop. yes theres drugs and violence in here, but its music that saved this Black man. thats the lesson the kids should be taught.

on the busblog scale of 1 to 4 quarters… this film gets 75 cents because of its unbelieveably horrible ending and nonsenseical 10-minute middle passage. otherwise fascinating, riviting, believable, real, and suprising.

ebert gave it a thumbs up and 3 stars + E Online gives it a B + dallas morning news gives it a B