but then it takes another half hour to get to indio where coachella is.
we got to our little tent and set up and got a ride to the area where the bands would be and where goldenvoice is, and we got to meet the artists who are decorating the dressing rooms. each band gets a different peice of art. very cool.
then marc noticed all these paul frank bicycles that were locked up. above them was a little sign that said “you must sign out if you are going to use a bike.” so marc asked where can i sign out two bikes. and they gave us bikes and we biked around over to where the campers were camping out.
the camping area doesnt allow any booze but there was a huge drinking area where you could buy beers. that area also had food areas and two different places to take showers. at only 6pm a surprisingly large number of the 12,000 who bought tickets to camp were there.
we met the dude running the security of the camping area. this is his second year there. he does the warped tour. the cops camp right on the edge of the place next to the entrance and exit, so its safe. and there was a huge inflatable movie screen that they were going to play movies on tonight. including the new coachella dvd which woudl probably psyche me up to see right before i went to sleep under the stars of indio.
then we found ourselves at the goldenvoice aeg bbq dinner. we ate with the aeg guy who was about to go to new orleans for jazz fest. he was very cool and his wife and daughter knew tons about music. we ate chicken fish and steak as depeche mode warmed up down the hill. allegedly last night tool went through seven songs during their sound check to an audience of about 15 as the sun set.
alot of people are here to see Tool.
did i miss the boat on Tool?
it was about 93 degrees today but it cooled down nicely.
we’re staying at marcs uncle’s winter house about rancho mirage. the pool is very nice and the hot tub is warming up as we speak. if im going to retire one day i believe i will buy a house with a natural warm springs. i know of one in santa barbara. i think i’ll have to start saving up for that shit.
when sun went down the lights of coachella were lit and it was beautiful. gorgous lighting on the palm trees. spotlights shooting up in the sky forming a canopie of a half dozen arching rays of blue over the crowd below.
met a man who confided some personal details with us regarding one kanye west which i chose not to believe.
currently we’re waiting for the rest of our party to arrive. our three content editors who are driving from hollywood where they attended the secret afi show.
its 148am and im exhausted. ive loaded pics and videos for your ass.