a lot of people have been very very amazingly cool about putting the coachella ad in their blogad space for free.
i cannot believe how nice so many of you are. thank you. thank you. thank you!
some of you have even offered to sign up for Blogads just to host my little ad for free. that is extremely nice but so unneccessary.
if you really want blogads go for it, but if what you really want to do is just host this ad for a few weeks i have made the JPEG of the ad right there for sweet folks like you who should beware of the sun because you’ll melt.
feel free to hotlink the pic if you want, just make sure that the link from the ad goes to http://www.buzznet.com/events/coachella/
Q. hey tony how do we link from a picture in a way that doesnt give me that lameass blue border around the image?
A. oh thats so easy you’re going to hate yourself for asking it.
the secret is border=0
so in your img src=”http://… tag, youre going to want to put that border=0 deal in there so it will be img border=0 src=…
Q. hey tony what if we want to put an image in the body of text and have the text wrap around it, like we see you do in your sweet pics on the world famous busblog?
a. oh now thats some fancy shit. but i think i can tell you. in that same image tag either bust with the align=left or align=right depending on how you want the text to wrap. you might also want to slide in a little funkiness that i call the hspace padding i like to add 11 hspaces. so in your average busblog image tag it looks like img align=left hspace=11 src=”…
Q. tony, i have two girlies who want your ass. how do i arrange this?
A. all inquiries go through my social director. Karisa J. Hotshit, 4845 Fountain Ave. #15, Hollywood, CA, 90029
Q. tony balogne, this is serious. I have FOUR lawn tickets to Jimmy Buffett that i need to unload Quick. he’s playing at the Verizon Wireless in Irvine tomorrow. as in TOMORROW. im willing to let them go for $80 total. thats $20 each. no fees. no hassles. no problems. Busblog special. and theyre email tickets. so your readers will have them delivered to their email boxes. how do i let people know how they can get these?
A. Readers, if you want to put on your party hats and boogie down with the Parrotheads in Irvine, email Chad aka Chokey Chicken at chokeychicken @ gmail.com
Q. tony are you going to the Cubs game tonight?
A. i want to but i have to do some secret xbi shit that suddenly came up. SUX!
Q. tony how many nudes from the ladies do you get in your inbox? seriously?
A. not nearly enough. but Spring usually is better than Winter as far as that is concerned. so thanks for asking.
Friends i must run. be excellent to each other, and if you really do put this image on your blog, email me or let me know in the comments and i will link to you at the end of a blog post or in the Specials.
now take on the day