fucked up

again. but its cool. i think. i said baby i realize you havent gotten to kiss anyone for twenty three years other than your first boyfriend and me and therefore if you ever find yourself at a party or a masquerade ball or a pie eating contest and some dude wants to kiss you and you wanna kiss him back, don’t let me get in your way, kiss him. enjoy it. dont think about it, do it. and she was all whaat?

and i said just cuz youre my girlfriend dont think that you should be limited in any way, it should be a good thing not a bad thing on any level. a black man understands the importance of feedom so why would he bind someone he cares about in any way. and again she was like what on earth are you talking about you insane creature.

then she was all are you saying that you want to kiss other girls? and i was all no no no and its true i wasnt. i was just saying hey if the cork is off the bottle let the wine spill where it will. but that didnt sound really all that perfect either and she looked at me funny and it wasnt really a fight but it was the first time that she seriously doubted my ability to think like a proper human.

humans of course being the ones who enjoy limits and boundaries and excess of fun. excess of calories, fine. excess of gas guzzling things, a-ok. excess of debit, no prob. but happiness, joy, laughter? you crazy. so we went to the beverly center and stood in line at the coffee bean and perhaps i should just make the point that, well, perhaps these are several points, the beverly center has hot chicks everywhere and the coffee bean attracts those hot chicks and because its the beverly center people dress pretty damn good and im a visual animal so i looked at my girl and poked at her and got a little too close to her so as to disrupt her anxiety about pda etc and soon i only saw the only girl that mattered which wasnt hard cuz shes hot and looked cute in her low top chucks.

shes so little you can put her in your pocket but that doesnt mean that she likes being picked up. we went to the pet store which is right there at the main entrance of the beverly center and right in the front are the puppies and who doesnt like puppies so we looked at the damn puppies and some puppies were sleepin and some were trying to hump each other and some were digging at imaginary bones and some were just staring out with wet hair from where one puppy peed on his head when he wasnt lookin.

as we left we saw a nice young mexican couple exiting the store and taking their little white poofball of a puppy out of its box.

and yes i was a little buzzed from a quick swig this brotha passed me outside the ladies room, but it struck me odd that someone put a puppy inside a box in order to make the transaction official.

when we made it to chipotle the man said hello how may i help you and i said first i want to say that we’re very happy to be at chipotle today. and later she said your honesty is freaking out the help. then we drove home and watched american idol and i dont know whats wrong with simon because both those rocker dudes sucked.

raymi + meets a fan + chokey chicken

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