fat sent me the sweet pic of jager

there on the left. apparently that was his birthday party 11 years ago. is it Jag’s birthday today? if it is happy birthday bro. i have no idea where we are in frisco in that pic but youre lookin good and im lookin drunk. plus i dont know any of those people.

i also got a very nice email from someone in toronto who didnt sign their name who is in los angeles today.

LA is gorgeous right now thanks to all the rain clearing out all the crap and all the hills being green and all the boobs settling into their bikini tops.

tonight ive got tickets to see the Cubs and the Dodgers. i will be about two rows behind the left fielder but not in the bleachers because they dont serve $10 beers there. ticket prices are outta control, btw. a man used to be able to take his wife and kids to a game and buy drinks and shit for under $100. parking included. four tickets where im sitting set me back $140 and that was not counting the Ticketmassah fees that i avoided by going to the box office during lunch myself.

the only good thing about not having a steady girlfriend is ive been able to save a little cash by not having to by dinners and drinks and flowers and movie tickets. of course that savings totally evaporates by going to sxsw and toronto and vegas and hollywood and this weekend im going back to austin for a wedding now that ive found a housesitter. but yeah baseball ticket prices suck. remind me to go to scalpers and rip them off from now on.

before i post this sweet email from a canadian in california, let me thank these people for posting the Coachella Blog blogad. i toooootally appreciate it!

Science Blog,
matt welch,
Just a Girl,
bicycle mark,
the holywriter,
sigh club,

if any of you have blog ads and you’d like to allow us to advertise for free on your blogad strip, email me and i will owe you one, or i will give you a two-week ad on my page, or we’ll work something out. but muchas gracias to the good kids above!

ok heres the email i got today that made me smile.

hi tony:
when i think of california, i think of you.
while visiting your beautiful state for the first time, i felt the need to
write and let you know what an amazing time i’m having here.
i’m visiting a sexy, incredible man who recently moved here from toronto.
in the past 24 hours, i’ve seen the freaks on the walk of fame, stars in
beverly hills, strolled the pier in santa monica, sampled some awesome
mexican food, watched lizards and hummingbirds go about their business,
spied 3 year olds surfing, grown more than a few freckles, and as i write
you i’m sitting on a huge deck sipping my fourth beck’s while taking
advantage of a free wireless internet connection.
i love it here. the people are so friendly it’s borderline creepy…and i
thought us canadians were the warm ones.
i’ve read you giving canadians props many many times, and thought i should
return the love.
aside from spending time with my favourite person, i didn’t expect to have
such a great time here. call me a smug torontonian, but i thought i knew
where it was at.
so big thanks to sunny california and your people for being so warm.
today i was told i would never pass for a native to SoCal, which made me
smile because it doesn’t matter. i’ve been welcomed with such open arms.
this is a fucking cool place.
you’re a lucky man.

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