four years ago this week tsar played at the silverlake lounge

time flies so fast which is why i write as fast as i can because theres so much to get out.

its 12:05am i was drinking with tomdog and dvl and skampy and mouthy and several others and it was nice to be drinking in venice. and it was sorta a nice place, nikkis so obviously i couldnt find the place

even though it was two blocks from my first apartment ever.

later i got three fish tacos at campos and learned spanish from the fellas.

tried to at least

theres no good translation for asswipe.

pendecko or bendecko seemed to be the consensus but neither of the gentlemen felt very good about it.

do you know why i hate the writers strike?

because theres no bill maher show. love that one.

i got my Format Live at the Mayan dvd in the mail and i danced around like the biggest dork you ever saw.

but because im the super biggest dork of all, i was actually at the show and i asked my companion of she wanted to leave early cuz she had never seen em before and she said really? half way through? and i said, i just paid for the dvd, they’re taping it for us.

and we left and it was super cool to watch what we missed. ha!

q. whats wrong with this picture

whats wrong with this picture

a. im not there. with you.

prettiest girl ever called me today and said whats up and i was all where do i begin and she was all i heard you were supposed to be at blogworld and i said ha.

most days i wake up, take a shower, put on clean pajamas and fire up the interweb. yesterday morning i woke up did my thing and looked around to see if someone had left a window open cuz it was butt cold.

by 11am it was still 61 degrees and i was all whats wrong with this picture. isnt this LA.

fortunately the prettiest girl ever came over and its crazy how just one other person in the house can warm it up kid.

maybe ive stumbled into some green solution to heating homes.

its 252am, im supposed to wake up early and take pictures of the writers striking at fox tomorrow. i have two other photographers going, so i dont really have to go, in fact i probably shouldnt go so that theres someone at the computer incase something crazy happens but its sorta bizarre to have famous people holding up picket signs.

i cant get past tom morello on medium and its very sad

speaking of canada

if you recall the weekend of halloween i was in TO

and christie knew of a party and it had guitar hero and karaoke in the basement and ritual goat sacrificing in the garage and huge pieces of cement to throw at power lines if your name is chad.

i usually consider myself a nice and polite gentleman but rarely do i meet a brand new group of people, total strangers, and generally like them. particularly if they are dudes. but for some reason these freaks were awesome, it was a killer party, and look they made a damn video, as seen above.

if youre wondering why they stopped filming when we arrived it’s because, well, we’re very loud

and destructive

as seen below

two years ago today i was in canada for the first time ever

basically i was discovering canada. they should celebrate this day in canada and erect statues of me.

mr matt good had invited me up to take pics of his two shows at the commodore in vancity. for some reason i thought he had a spare room, but no i was on the couch, which was fine with me, especially when the lil doggies jumped on me in the morning to wake me.

i took pics of the show and it was fun and some people recognized me from matts blog or my blog (blogspotted as raymi says) and i met peeps whose blogs i enjoyed. but the best was when this super cute teen was all, youre not really tony pierce. which is quite a pickup line lemme tell you.

i kept snapping pics because thats what i was at the concert to do and halfway through i saw the teen again making out with mr ben allbright and she said hey thats the guy claiming to be tony pierce. and ben said, ashley id like to introduce you to tony pierce. and she let go of ben and walked to me, and her friend took her place making out with ben and she pretty much made it known that i could be the lucky man kissing her.

but for some reason i was all hmmm, hi canada, but sorry there are only a few songs left and i gotta take pics.

later ben found out the hard way that ashleys friend was the younger sister of one of the bartenders, and underage, and when the ladies invited me to bens motel i could only remember matts couch and how i wasnt the rockstar, i hadnt flown up there to defile canada, i was there as a guest and i should act with respect.

biggest regret of my life.

two years ago last month

dave markland took one of my blog posts

and made a short film from it called “How to Vote”

even though ive written thousands of blog posts, and several books, and hundreds of poems and stories, and written in dozens of journals and diaries

for some weird reason i never really felt like a writer

until total strangers were saying my words.

oddest feeling ever, i must say.

so since election day is about a year from today,

and in honor of the striking writers, who are are real writers, heres a cool vid.

my review of raymi’s marketable depression

lauren white, or as i like to call her at all times, raymi the minx came out with a blook called marketable depression way back in 2005.

as fates would have it, i didnt get my autographed copy “tony pierce, suck my dick, xo, Love, Lauren” until last month up in toronto at blogslayerstock.

at a breezy 79 pages, i was able to read the entire book on the plane between TO and LA and i gotta say, i was pleasantly surprised by how well raymi comes across in book form, and how funny the book is.

in it we learn some things about our girl that sorta connect the dots from her blog. we learn about her drug dealing boyfriends, about her time stripping for an online website, and the time she came to LA and ended up in the mental ward.

so many stories, so many jokes, so many ways of explaining to you how awesome she is. crazy thing is, after a while you sorta agree with her. a chick that drunk, that reckless, and that insecure has got to be dead by 22, but no, shes completely on fire and punk rock and girlie and up in ur blogz making u look at her ladyparts.

shes so honest you want to coach her out of saying the things she says in here. she admits several times that she has nothing to say, but she does. and in those rare moments when she doesnt, she can say it in a way thats interesting in itself.

she can do no wrong.

i hope she writes another book very soon because the good news is theres lots of stories in marketable depression but the better news is very few of the stories have solid endings so there are clearly more tales to be told.

by the way there are two more days to vote for her, which you should, here

i saw wyclef on monday

it was a taping for a tv show that gets broadcasted thru the internets.

i had seen him many years ago at the tibetan freedom concert at the polo fields in frisco when i used to live on the haight. crazy thing about being young and in love in those days were you could stand on a crapy field on a foggy day for hours and hours and hours and not get bored.

wyclef back then just had his guitar and his mind was so scattershot that it matched up with all of ours as we had already seen bjork and beck and the beasties and sonic youth and lord knows what else. god that was long ago.

last night he had a full band and some babe singers and he ran through the crowd and jumped right above my head and danced around on this impossible hand rail and did half his song way up there as i stared at his custom pumas and sometimes the spirit gets in you and you run around and it just gets stronger.

you could feel the magic coming from wyclef even when he was on the stage but standing right next to you it was dazzling.

and once i asked my college professor about creativity and she said that if youre in tune with it, it’s never ending. and id have to believe that dylan and bukowski and picasso and my man from haiti would probably to agree.

dear girl born with four arms and four legs

today i was so busy i coulda totally used four arms and four legs.

today i was so busy i didnt even have time to turn on the tee vee even though my phone was ringing saying that the congress was finally gonna impeach the vice president, i couldnt turn on my itunes to hear my new girlfriend that chick who sings the cover to hot in herre.

and worst of all i couldnt open the window to hear the little birdies chirp as they do each morning after the the autoshop next door gets done scraping paint off beaters.

LAist is having an editors meeting over at my house and i hafta clean up and order some pizza pies but i remembered that i hadnt blogged in the busblog and i know how four legged four armed girls get all sad inside when theres no movement on the busblog so i will tell you this little girl.

youre probably the most special person in the whole world.

if i was mtv id give you a show this minute.

even once they make you like everyone else, youre still the most special person in the world, narrowly beating out the guy who caught a bullet with his teeth on thats incredible.

please dont pose for playboy in 20 years.

i came to college a virgin, a boy, an innocent

and i dont want to pretend like i walked out a Man, but mama mia the things that i learned and experienced and am still trying to figure out in my head…

one of the most fascinating people i met was a tiny little whisp of a dream named Death.

somehow the lord put her in my dorm. st. nicholas dorm. aptly named because every day a little bit of Christmas arrived.

one day i looked out my window and there was Death dressed in black, platinum hair, reading a book, under a palm tree. just like it was the most normal thing in the world.

she was marilyn manson way before he even got outta grade school. she was s&m before there were letters for it. she was the scariest person id ever seen and yet incredibly beautiful and short and petite and thin and wow.

one day she came up to me and told me that she read my newspaper articles and i said hi and she said hi and we chit chatted very quietly as isla vista errupted around us and a week later i saw a party with all these people going crazy and there she was doing a tassle dance

later she said hi and i said hi and she said i have a knife under my bed

and i said please tell me everything about your knife and your bed and you.

and she said oftentimes i wake up and i cant believe ive been tricked into being close to another man, and i reach under the bed and i pull out the knife

and i thought, remember to make out with her on the beach.

timmmmmaaaaay brings us a recent picture of kim, who clearly stills got it

raymi sez giver more

raymi: why havent u blogged about my weblogs awards yet
look who is beating me for f sake

me: busy weekend. btw im speaking at that event

raymi: yes u said that. i need votes now! u wantto be speaknig about yourfriend right

me: tell people you will get naked or something if you win. or you wont if you lose.

raymi: no. jus tfucknig do it now!

me: crap, youre getting creamed

raymi: yeah but i can close in if u help me

me: why hasnt mg helped?

raymi: i close in and then at nite she magically gets 500 + votes the weblog guys are looking in to see if theres cheating afoot
cos he refuses to

me: ahahaha

raymi: i need your fucknig help now

me: send me a hot pic, and i will put it on my blog


me: ok youre getting there. but i need horizontal


me: how you gonna get votes in the shadows

raymi: dude ive got millions of fofots jeez they know wha ti look like
im stressing here and no onecares hjut do it already

me: i like the vid. post coming up in 1 min

raymi: thanky so much

they can vote everyday til nov 8

and talk shit abitu the competition
conservative soulless link dump blog

me: k

Vote For Raymi Y’all

Sent at 11:14 AM on Monday