how is it 5:06pm

i had a wild weekend, in which i can tell you this much. i was at a party and Mickey Rourke was there. but because i was drinking and because i was enjoying the company of my company and because there were all these other cool people there i didnt even notice that The Wrestler and the first person to portray Henry Chinaski was in the hizzy.

theres this move in hollywood that i suppose i never picked up. that is when you dont look at the person youre with, you look over them or to the side of them as you make mental notes as to who all the other beautiful people are.

ive never understood that move. to me its like, if you dont like the person youre with then just excuse yrself, take a lap around the room and meet someone new.

anyways karisa and i drank and danced and even got to talk with bill maher after the talk show host was done talking with Chris from Kid n Play. even though karisa knew one of their dance moves, when i challenged her to tell me One song from their storied career she couldnt come up with anything.

sadly i couldnt either. guess we hate hip hop.

what else did i do this weekend? watched the cubs sweep the cleveland indians. thanks Kerry Wood! and welcome back, d lee!

i ran around my neighborhood. i cleaned up my closet. i recycled. and i read the entire sunday paper.

when i got back to the office this morning i saw Brand X superhero Alexandra all bundled up because the A/C was workin overtime down on the 2nd floor. twas crazy.

tonight wilco is playing at the wiltern and i might try to sneak into that. tomorrow im going to dinosaur jr. and wednesday ali told me that Spinerette is rocking the troub with Har Marr Superstarrrr opening.

quite a week in rock, lemme tellya.

this post is dedicated to a lovely canadian who has decided to stop blogging for a little while. although i can understand why people put their blogs on pause, i secretly hope that when they do such a thing they create a private blog and write down their thoughts hopes dreams and wishes on that new space. why? because i think theres a magic involved in writing.

and that magic can make dreams come true

soon2Bsinglegrrl says: tony, i’m sorry i missed asking on friday.

but you know everything, so tell me what eyeshadow lily allen is wearing and you can take me out this weekend.

iron yr booty shorts cuz Amy Chance, makeup artist of the stars not only is responsible for that look, but she keeps a really cool beauty blog in which she revealed all.

She’s rocking the Dior 5-Colour Eyeshadow in Electric Lights (available next month at Sephora) on her eyes with some beautiful Shu Uemura lashes.

this time, drinks are on me.

special summer double issue

John Wayne: two things – why are your iphone pictures not rotating? foul iPhone 3.0 firmware? How is Lost not just a fancy Gilligan’s Island? If the Globetrotters eventually visit the survivors of that plane crash it’s practically the same show.

a very long time ago, when i was 20 years old i think, i wrote an epic poem about a prince and a princess who fell in love with each other. only problem was their kingdoms were warring against each other. they knew that their love letters would be examined and portions would be censored by the black markers of security in both countries, so they told each other “forget about what ends up in the letters and what doesnt end up in the letters, as long as the stamp on the envelope is upside down, know that i love you.” sideways pics on the busblog have nada to do with any firmware. well, not much, at least.

Lost is not only just like Gilligan’s Island, but since the Lost gang have been globetrotting the last two seasons, the series is actually a spinoff of that particular episode.

Krista: My fiance is in BC. I quit my job with nothing lined up. I have no idea where I’m going, or when I’m leaving where I live to start my new life. Most people IRL are giving me doubts instead of encouragement, so my question is: should I be excited or scared?

it all depends on why youre scared, why youre excited, and what are your reasons for doing what you’re doing. in sports theres two ways to play: you can play to win, or you can play not to lose. when you play to win you can do some amazing things. when you play not to lose you restrict yourself from doing the amazing things. the people in yr real life who are giving you doubts probably love you very much and know that half of marriages fail, in part because young people are chemically imbalanced and probably shouldnt even be given drivers licenses let alone marriage licenses. even at 102 years old i do dumb things, but the dumbest things i ever did i did when i was young and i thank God that none of them had lifelong consequences. however i believe that you know what youre doing and if theres a special new word for the exception, its probably oceanaria.

xTx: Artie on Joe Buck. Joe Buck: A. Got what he was lookin’ for B. Completely shocked and clueless that Artie would behave as such. (i know what MY answer is…) I am completely NSFW today. I blame the coffee.

what artie exposed masterfully is what a phony baloney joe buck is and how out of place he is hosting a talk show like that. guys like him and chip caray are the stiff, bland, milquetoast leaders of the Dockers generation. theyre bad enough doing play by play, they have no business trying to pretend that theyre cool worldly or witty on a channel like hbo which at its best is pushing boundaries. artie acted like an ass because guys like joe buck repulse blue collar joe sixpacks like artie and his friends who cant believe that there could have been anything worse than costas. hbo should have the baby gorilla hosting such an event, or at least a rotating group of edgy self destructive trainwrecks talking to people instead of whatever that mess is now.

PatZ: 1. Beyond next season will the Coyotes still be playing in Phoenix and why? 2. Krista should be excited because that excitement will undoubtedly carry over into her moving to BC where we’re all waiting for her to get out here.

man does time fly. i cant believe its been 13 years since winnepeg moved to arizona. if life was fair they would return there, or at least hamilton.

g/d: if you could be one sentence in a Jenny Holzer projection what would it be

nothing in here is true

vinny: Be excited Krista. Your living and loving life to the fullest that’s your job right now. Question when the first girl you ever loved comes back into your life do you hold on or do you leave it alone since it didn’t work the first time??

i was reading this one girls blog the other day and she was going on about how there are all these different kinds of love. and that when we only think theres two kinds of love (love involving the one yr doing it with or the love you have for people yr not doing it with) we miss out on all the other shades of gray. but shes a lesbian so she called them shades of gay.

as living creatures we should always be growing. the fact that two people were totally perfect for each other during the end of a certain stretch of time should be considered normal. likewise its normal to feel comfortable being intimate with someone who you were once intimate with. this “working out” concept is based on the fantasy that two people can be totally compatible their entire lives. enjoy the times youre into each other, and when youre not that into each other, enjoy the times apart.

BobD: Why are we getting so much rain?

thats not rain, thats harry buying everyone old styles in heaven. and spilling.

Mike: Could the US Open really come down to two lefties? Mickelson and Weir?

when tigers not in the hunt, there is no golf.

Steven Allen Adams: I just bought a new Zune. What are the top five songs I should download for it?

elvis costello, “brilliant mistake”, king of america

tsar, “band girls money”, band girls money

dinosaur jr., “been there all the time”, beyond

monster squad, “monster squad theme”, mo mummy mo problems

valient thorr, “man behind the curtain”, total universe man

jon: Why do you think this mobile gourmet food truck phenomenon has taken off?

people like to eat. a lot. wall-e wasnt that far off. im eating right now typing this. so if you can just roll a nice korean bbq taco truck near the bar im about to enter into, or if you have some nice burritos ready for my drunk ass once i leave the rock, or omg expensive cupcakes? if we walked into every restaurant we wanted to gorge into we’d feel like pigs, but if we dont have to sit down to consume the delights then somehow it doesnt count. as a former ice cream man guy i applaud the trend.

meredith r. mistletoe: How jealous are you that Sass and lowercase carmen and I all partytime without you?

omg so jealous, but i do appreciate the pics you all send me.

sass: Which city do you think I’ll find my new boyfriend?

west hollywood, ca, 90069

Andrea: My family and friends keep bugging me to start a blog. Should I shut them up and tell them I already do?

if you dont start a blog that would repulse and offend your family and friends immediately i will be sorely disjointed.

Kemp: All right, Mr. T. Quick. Name your three favorite bands living/performing in LA right now.




timmay!!!!!: is it OK if i take a break from asking a question this week?


keir: Krista: Be excited, no contest—but don’t ignore the scared because it will keep you on your toes. But be excited. Tony: when was the last time you felt as our Canadian friend does right now? For me it was six years ago when I quit my droll UCSB office job and played in a band and went to night school and destroyed my savings. It was pretty terrifying but plenty fun.

you should do things all the time that make you scared and excited – as long as they are for the right reasons, and as long as you have everyones best interests at stake. but feeling excited and scared means that youre stretching out of yr comfort zone, and thats usually a good thing. keep going.

JaG: Krista: I’m with Keir, all the way! Tony: What would you like me to ask you?

you should ask me why i think youre too frightened to visit LA.

Jennie: Krista: Be excited. There will be many years of your life that will be stable and predictable. This is the time you’ll always remember, so take in every moment and put your worries aside. Andrea: Don’t tell them. It could potentially change your writing style. I know this. Question: Does the new media spin (tons of videos, tons of tweets) on the Iran election protests make you feel obligated to spread the word or perhaps guilty if you don’t talk about it since everyone else is?

i feel zero obligation to do ish. i owe very few people anything and vice versa and id like to keep it that way. i want people to feel free to do what they want and id like people to allow me to be free as well. in regards to spreading any word, the only word i should be spreading are words that i know something about. and since i know very little about anything outside of the good old usa, its probably to everyones benefit that i keep to much simpler pursuits like spreading the word of the Lord, especially on a Sunday like today. so here goes: i read at least one chapter of the bible every sunday. i highly recommend it to everyone. the end.

if you want to spread the word about Iran, you should spread the word of our fine writers in the middle east who are blogging their booties off in the Babylon & Beyond blog

its tony

its friday. its ask tony – the Friday Edition

but since Krista asked a pretty great question in the previous post, either you can ask tony a question in the comments, or answer Krista in the comments.

it’s our way of continuing our attempt to bond our two nations together.

true there are those who’d prefer to burn bridges than to build them but here at the busblog we choose the latter.

how is it friday already

time is flying so quickly. how is it the middle of june?

hot girl called me in the middle of the day and said what r u wearing.

i was all jeans a dress shirt and a top hat.

got home and watched the WE channel for the first time, probably ever, today. they have a show about a family with sextuplets. its like Jon & Kate – except the people like each other.

they still bicker because its really hard work, it seems. six little kids. a year and a half old. she leaves one in the driveway accidentally, he calls one of the boys the wrong name and corrects himself and says the right name, followed by “or whatever your name is”.

both of these shows make it look like raising just one or two kids would be oh so easy.

which is probably super true.

but still i bet one of em would ruin my top hat.

omg my girlfriends in the Ukraine sure have moxie

have i mentioned how much i obsess over hot water? my man matt welch’s dad is in the same boat as i am. he has a hot water heater thats probably 3x larger than the one in your house. he says he likes to be able to take showers for as long as he wants.

i think he should help me adopt marry some of these women whose hot water gets shut off every summer (“for essential maintenance work”).

but my other question is – what crazy country lets its government control the temperature of its water?

life be so crazy.

cant get enough Undie Run videos?

who can, really?

this one features some exclusive interviews with some of UCLA’s finest football players because the pressing question of the day is “how did you train for Undie Run?”

sure that might be trivial to you, but when you consider that for three days people have been squawking about the fact that the president killed a fly.

at least this involves health and nutrition, which is paramount to all our lives.

your welcome for looking out for you.

this is why i dont understand youtube

i think this video is terrific. its informative, it uses rare archival images, its a super rare tune from long ago, and its current as we eagerly await Dinosaur Jr.s new record.

but the comments are unsupportive and critical, and it only got 20k plays. how is that sort of feedback going to inspire people to do cool things?

meanwhile ive seen some of the crappiest crap get a million views no problem.

this video charged me up a little for Farm and it taught me a few things about a band i thought i knew.

so thank you JustinStarbuck, your work is much appreciated!

i heard some great stories about this parade today

one guy i know shadowed one of the top LAPD cops, rode a few cars ahead of the team, walked around the stadium, was even in the lakers lockerroom before it all started

talked to another guy who went all the way above the stadium, and finished the day a few feet from the basketball court that they had laid out on the football field that doubled as the stage.

they both told me how much weed they smelled everywhere (which may have lead to lack of drama?).

but the most interesting story i heard was from bryan chan who told me how he created this panoramic image from the middle of the stadium minutes before the Lakers arrived.

and then he showed me the “errors” in the image which were so tiny i would have never noticed.

and for some reason thats what i liked the most.

it inspired me to gather my little camera so i can video interview him for you tomorrow.