last night my truest and i had a steak dinner

at a fancy dancy place on the wrong side of the tracks.

we were celebrating emmanuelles 24th birthday. sans emmanuelle but thats d’accord.

actually i had just gotten a $100 check from an aunt who thinks i just graduated from college (!) so we splurged in the 90210

we ate we drank we even had some desert. creme brule for moi and a tart for our tarty xgf.

the place was recommended by Jeanine who said a long time ago that The Porterhouse on Wilshire had great grub at a not-so 90210 price. and sure enough they had a prix faire special for $40 each that got us 4 courses and drinks. Out the door the bill was a clean $100.

heres the crazy thing about my truest: we love each other dearly. deeply. other worldly. but theres pretty much zero jealousy.

it makes me think that either we were married in a past life or a future life because theres NO energy about the present. the last time we broke up i didnt even cry because i know in my heart that this isnt it for us. none of it. i know we will be together again. or i know we were perfect back in the day.

whatever it is that i know its in my heart. which makes it more a feeling than a knowing, but its there. and it makes things miraculously comfortable.

and when you are comfortable with someone – like that – you can take risks in communication and trust, and with greater risks there are much greater rewards. and those rewards lead to even higer levels of love respect trust and communication and its just crazy.

i want everyone to feel what i feel because its so freaking weird.

last night i even liked the bread and fresh roasted garlic that you were supposed to spread on it, but i said baby i heart you so much i could eat this whole hunk of garlic no prob

please dont, she said.

am gonna! i threatened.

but it was semi fancy so i didnt. but man did i gorge on giant shrimp cocktail like a mother.

pictured is the truest about to chow down on the french onion soup that had a mind of its own disguised as crust.

i dont know why im not a Laker fan

ive lived here long enough

its probably Kobe. for some reason he never spoke to me. im definately team shaq.

but i have much love for phil, dr buss, magic, the laker girls, fish, pau.

and i like all the laker fans, some of whom had painted faces, who packed the subway this morning on their way to the crazy parade.

if you wanna see the crazy parade and the nearly packed already coliseum, click here and then click the red link that says “Live Video”

say it aint sosa!

for a long time sammy was one of my favorite players. so i will resign myself to not believing this hit piece leaked by anonymous sources on a test that was supposed to only be a survey. but still:

The New York Times is reporting that Sosa was among the group of 104 big-leaguers who tested positive in 2003, when the union agreed to supposedly anonymous, “survey testing” to determine if use was widespread enough to trigger a random testing policy. These were the same tests that Alex Rodriguez infamously tested positive for, according to his admission after a report from Sports Illustrated.

The New York Times cited unnamed lawyers with knowledge of the 2003 results as the source of its Tuesday report.

While Sosa has long been suspected of using steroids to fuel his historic binge of home runs in 1998-2002, he has avoided having his name linked to performance enhancing drugs, either directly in the Mitchell Report or through circumstantial evidence or government investigations. Mark McGwire, Barry Bonds, Rafael Palmeiro, Jason Giambi and Rodriguez are among the sluggers who wish they could say the same thin

the lesson here is always be careful when pissing into a cup.

Update: of course i was assigned the duty of posting about this on the Fab Forum blog

today is emmanuelle’s birthday

shes vingt-quatre.

only thing that has really sucked with matt moving to the east coast is not having emmanuelle to show us what we should be wearing and how we should be acting

shes so fashion forward and so sweet that shes hard to beat. but we try!

many moons ago matt and emmanuelle got married in the home of milky white cows called joncey, france.

me and chris were together back then and we took an airplane from frisco to amerstam, spent the night there, then took a train to paris and spent the night there, then took a train to a town and got picked up by dougie gyro, i think, and he took us to the joncy.

first beers were drank, then we all went to the the town courthouse. they knew emmanuelle’s dad since he was the mayor, after all. then we all marched through the streets to the church, then we all marched through the streets to another place with drinks.

then we went to the mayor’s house to party.

the story, as i remember it, is that emmanuelle’s family were the leaders of this central france small town for years and years. then in the late 30s or early 40s they were voted out. then hitler marched through france and came to joncey and said, “where are your leaders?” and they pointed to the people who were the leaders and hitler took them to a barn and hung them.

once WWII was over the french voted emmanuelle’s family back into office and not only has joncey never been happier, but some might say the world has never been better. coincidence?

now matt and emmanuelle are in our nations capital and this country has never been healthier wealthier or wiser. un outre coincidence?

furthermore is the business of the coincidence that they now have a nearly 1 year old child that looks ALOT LIKE THEM!

happy anniversarrie emmanuelle. and many many more.

melissa woulda done it better

most of the time everythings the same. then it gets a little different like it will rain.

but it hasnt rained here in a while and it doesnt seem that summer knew it was summer already.

but then it got really warm and i was all whaddup and she sent a little note in the mail

some things are definately girlie and when theyre aimed at you

and only you, then suddenly pink isnt so bad.

im starting to believe theres an element of magic or potential magic

in just about any situation. which is why we love magicians

yes i used to be hairier

yes i used to be skinnier. yes i used to pal around with hippies in berkley as they celebrated their children’s birthdays

and now im someone who sees a film like The Hangover and i fall asleep for a few minutes and i wake up rested and i think mmmmm maybe some junior mints would get this bad taste out of my mouth. and then i nod off again. but just until someone yells or a car crashes on the screen.

wanna know why sometimes the comments are the best part?

cuz say you have an arts blog. one that handles opera and ballet and paintings and stuff.

then say you have comments on this blog.

then say someone knows something about something and they wanna tell you and your blog: so they put it in the comments WHERE IT BELONGS!

then say you read the comment, call the people involved, oh like the Orange County Museum of Art who just sold close to a million dollars in cali impressionistic art, who then admit to it!?!?

well, if youre a newspaper blog, suddenly you have what they call a scoop

and if youre a good newspaper blog that scoop leads to a sweetass followup

which is what happened on Culture Monster today, which is why im so proud of them. which is why i decided to put this pretty picture of me next to it all, cuz back then i was muy impressionistic.

megan fox leaked photos

Sarah: What’s more effective for girls: laying it all out there or playing hard to get?

life is way too short for playing hard to get. lay it out there, see what happens, collect yr winnings.

Gage: I have a time machine. 1885, 1985, 2085… which one do you want to spend a week in and why?

i was so shy in 1985. and awkward. and so completely clueless. id like to do some of that over.

katie: if i blog about it…..will it come true?

has for me!

sass: What or whose smell are you most attracted to?

i like a little cigarette smoke in a girls hair.

anti: rank the top 5 most important news stories during the past week, and explain why you ranked them that way.

1. lakers world champs. what was it, like two years ago when kobe was asking to be traded? and phil is getting paid and he gets away with dating the bosses daughter. and somehow the lakers have gotten away with getting pau in that trade. and even without a totally healthy young stud center, the lakers have been to the finals twice in two years and last night finally won. its important for three reasons. it proves that phil can do it with only one full blown superstar. it proves that kobe can do it without shaq. and it proves that the nba isnt rigged – it was a boring fast finals and it wasnt kobe vs lebron.

2. More porn HIV cases disclosed. although the porn industry said there had only been 1 HIV case in the last 5 years, the LA County health department told the times that there have been at least 16. our total was 22. poor porn.

3. A hunt for Beau Brummell, at bargain prices. there are these stores everywhere claiming $99 suits or 3 suits for $299, etc. so steve lopez gets a $49 and $99 suit. funny video. and since we’re in the great depression, part two, its handy.

4. LAPD detective charged with capital murder. this makes her eligible for the death penalty if shes found guilty. death pentalty for a cop is mighty serious biz.

5. UCLA Undie Run: Who are you wearing? the future leaders of the world tell you what underwear they chose to flaunt drunkenly around their beautiful campus

Ali: 1. How does a sensitive, emotional scorpio girl harden herself to not be pushed around by work-related bullies? 2. What’s your favorite bedroom toy?

just know that emotion is inappropriate in the work place. my wii.

zona: have you ever been experienced?

dude. but the best thing about all that is this. real life is crazier and more beautiful and more vibrant than anything youre talking about. which isnt at all a diss to the subject.

katie: is rev run a real reverend? does it matter?

he is. it does. and its interesting that despite the fact that he helped contribute some classic music and timeless sounds, so many people i talk to mention the fact that he produced some super hot daughters.

timmay!!!!!: 1. have you seen what boston has done to new york this year?
yes, but – never mind
2. red sox-dodgers world series?
red sox – cubs, thank you
3. if so, who wins?
cubs sweep
4. favorite company in northern california?
my first computer was a IIc, ive had two ipods and three iphones, and im typing you front a macbook pro
5. wanna go see AC/DC in september?
yes but i think im seeing 10 other concerts in septemeber
6. fruits or vegetables?
the only fruit i like are bananas
7. why does san diego smell like whale vagina?
since i hold my nose at even the thought of that vile burg i never notice any aromas
8. did you know bigtanky is laughing right now?
ah what a beautiful thought
9. when you have bosses that keep giving you more and more work under impossible deadlines, what do you do?
listen to triumph: fight the good fight
10. have you ever been to japan?
no but when i was in sixth grade i was obsessed with Osaka for some reason.
11. did you read bill simmons latest column on ESPN?
no. west coast bias.

Butterfly Karma: Have you ever gone to Burning Man? If you haven’t, would you ever consider it?

i have always been curious about burning man. from what i hear youre supposed to be naked and wasted for three days, which i could probably adjust to, but that music is damn near the worst thing humans have ever created. not water bottles, not plastic grocery bags, not global warming: electronica. if they had a hard rock heavy metal burning man – you know, actual music – id be right there.

pitt: what gives?

the weak

g/d: sooner or later leaving Montreal for the fine, fine arts scene. what do you think New York or L.A?

ive been to new york a few times. one time i met a girl at a meet up, got kissed on the cheek by roommates, and spent the night with one of them. ive seen cool bands there, met famous people, drank all night – and loved it. but LA is my lady. probably because of the punk rock to fine arts ratio.

its friday

its ask tony. but first this weird coincidence…

when i was in austin in march for sxsw i was walking down Congress and i saw this crazy colored guitar

a frantic woman asked “sir sir can you take a picture of me next to this guitar – WE MATCH!”

turns out she was a soon-to-be American Idol Tatiana del Toro!

ok ask me your questions in the comments and your life will be changed forevers