today is the birthday of the one and only mr Os

long time host of the busblog, longer time musician and southern gentleman,
os first came to this planet disguised as a copyeditor for the world famous daily nexus

no one initially knew what his deal was, but we trusted that he came in peace

armingly quiet, like a boozy gremlin if you added some red wine os would find himself yirping from atop a desk or small vehicle

YIRP hed say


and then he’d hop down.

not sure when os learned how to play the guitar or sing, but one day he showed up with probably the most beautiful guitar in all america and when youd least expect it hed be strumming it and then playing it and then serenading the stars with his calm, perfect tone

did he secretly record vocals for Tsar? yes
did he somewhat secretly marry my lawyer? cant remember
do they have two of the most adorable kids since sliced bread? si!

my only regret in life is not following all of my friends to Prague back when they all moved out there and changed the world as we know it.

i dont regret missing out on trying to start that country’s first english language newspaper, i regret seeing german tourists form huge semi circles on charles bridge to listen to Os’s international hits.

happy birthday kind sir, and many happy returns!

photos via joel brand’s facebook

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