i had a great vday

i hope you did too

vday really should be abolished because i think more people get super bummed out than are happy. when you think about it, if youre in love, every day is a happy day, and if youre single you really dont need a FULL DAY to remind yourself that youre not where you probably wanna be.

my truest was my vday date (and vice versa).
she made me a tin of homemade chocolate

she also suggested that we have a little fun

turned out she meant go kart racing fun!

little known fact: little kids CANNOT DRIVE WELL AT ALL!

fine with me cuz someone smelled sake and beer on our breaths and we were booted

so we jetted to a secret hideout and thanked Jah for one another. awwwww

after we went to maggianos and had such great food and even better dessert

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