up $50

karisa not so much

i believe the night is going to include some sushi, tghen the girls are gonna pai gow

and the lads are going to take a limo to what the canadians call the rippers

right now we’re rockin brooke hogan as hair dryers primp the ladies

i ve been drinkin. youve been lurkin

no wifi in the hotel

just a long wire bound to trip someone up later tonite

90 in the shade

such a full day

and a fuller night

furst the truest and i went to see Tony Clifton at the Comedy Store


super dirty, ridiculously offensive, so much fun.

full band including horns, two burlesque dancers, and another young woman on stage

plus Tony. it was a marathon show.

then at midnite i dropped her off at her place and sped over to the grove to see MacGruber

andy sternberg and a young lady joined the LAT Movie Club

we ran into the DP of the film as well as @Zadi and her pals who were having girls nite out

im totally exhausted right now its 338am, but i had to write this cuz in 6 hours karisa arrives

to drive us both to Vegas for a long weekend.

when i return there will be a Lost finale to watch and be sad about.

but until then lets continue the fun.