theres a level of greatness that i think we all aspire to. i know i do.
i wonder if i dont get there out of laziness or out of the fear that i really cant make it.
probably the former.
went hiking on saturday with karisa and her friend mary. first we did outdoor free yoga.
trust me, i was completely uncomfortable. the extent of my yoga has been in the comfort of my bachelor pad via Wii, and that one time in the basement of the Times.
lets just say im a rank amateur.
out there in the morning with all these perfect LA types, most of whom knew exactly what they were doing was both inspiring and embarrassing because some of the balance poses had me shaking and teetering and at times falling down.
at one point i had to take off my shirt cuz it was getting hot out there and yoga takes a lot out of you when the instructor has you constantly moving.
after we were done we did the hike that karisa and i have done several times.
except this time i was able to conquer the mountain with little difficulty. despite the heat.
which gives me hope that with practice anything is achievable.
not only that, but mix a little confidence and swagger, dreams can come true in badass ways. as the mysterious banksy proved in the opening of last nights simpsons.
Hulu doesn’t like us Canadians.
theyre the only ones.