im not sure but i think…

i think the Instapundit admitted that the republicans did the wrong thing.

i nearly fell off my fucking chair.

you’d think a man who claims to be a libertarian wouldnt have a hard time acknowledging when this administration fucks up, but as we know, if the worlds most popular blogger has a fault, it’s that.

sunday prof. reynolds claimed that he had no opinion regarding the controversial and curious meddling of congress and the president regarding the young woman in florida who has been living on life support for the last 15 years.

i think everyone realizes that it must be pretty hard for a law professor to scrounge up an opinion about something as unprecidented as a late night powerplay that the chicago tribune called “an extrodinary day of political drama“. and opinions are tough to elucidate when the only sensible one, particularily for a libertarian, who, one would assume, would be violently against the federal government sticking their little cocks into the lives of a legally married couple who have been suffering for so long.

today however he says that he thinks that fellow tennesseeian bill hobbs is right when he blogged today that he didnt know what the right decision was or if ms. schavio’s husband was trying to kill her “but I do know that the Congress did the wrong thing, intervened where it had no Constitutional right, and solved nothing.”

the professor writes: Read the whole thing. I think he’s right.

quite a stand, bro.

and this in light of the fact that an overwhelming majority of americans, and even some respected conservatives have no problem being crystal clear in their objection to BushCo getting involved in affairs of the brain damaged woman’s alleged wish to be allowed to die.

on larry king last night her husband’s lawyer said that Terry Schiavo told her husband and two others, “I don’t want to be kept alive artificially. No tubes for me. I want to go when my time comes. If I ever had to be dependent upon anyone, I wouldn’t want to live that way.”

despite what issues I may have with other bloggers regarding their writing style, what they choose to cover and what they choose to ignore, if mr. reynolds was in a similiar tragic situation of having to explain to the world what he and his wife discussed regarding as serious a matter as this, i would be hard pressed not to believe his word.

and the last thing that a libertarian would want is the government holding special sessions and the president flying from texas to washington for the sole purpose of signing a bill and thus meddling into that couple’s beeswax.

speaking of trusting one man’s word, does the instapundit have an opinion on the president’s word? in his defense of signing the bill mr bush said, “This is a complex case with serious issues. But in extraordinary circumstances like this, it is wise to err on the side of life.”

the war in iraq wasnt a complex case with serious issues and extrodinary circumstances? was it not wise to err on the side of life in that matter instead of invade a country because of their alleged weapons of mass destruction which turned out not to be there?

or what about the time that Gov. Dubya Bush executed a mentally disabled man? is that erring on the side of life?

or how about the other 151 executions that he oversaw as governor (two deaths a month)? haven’t we seen that it’s far more likely for someone to be found not guilty of a capital crime in this age of DNA discovery than it is for a woman to snap out of a 15-year coma?

obviously the president is inconsistant when he chooses to err on the side of life, some would say hypocritically so.

the biggest blogger in the world *thinks* the president and the conservative congress did the wrong thing by poking their noses where it didnt belong?

i think he’s right.

matthew good + moxie + jennifer good

dear xiaxue,

Xiaxue aka Wendyfirst let me thank you for linking to me and talking about me.

yes, it’s true that i posted your picture the other day and i didnt link to your site or mention your name. im a very bad man and somewhat rude, and i want to change that behavior because i know the rules of blogging and i know better than that.

i used your picture because you reminded me of a girl i dated who is just as beautiful as you. you both have gorgeous hair and some of your features are quite similar.

i like your blog very much and i am glad to hear that you are becoming so popular on the blogosphere, and im happy that youre a fellow blogger-user.

sometimes people write me nice emails and they tell me that im the greatest and its nice to hear but sometimes i want them to tell me what they like so much about my blog or me because deep down i fear that they arent really telling me that they like me as much as theyre telling me that they like the pictures of the hot babes that i put up or they like the pics of the funny things that i put up or they just like the fact that i call president bush an asswipe.

therefore i will tell you about my favorite post of yours.

i loved it when on saddam husseins’s birthday last year you talked about how you measured men’s penises. i particularilly enjoyed the fact that you didnt measure using the traditional means like we do here in the US: a ruler, a shoe, or a baseball bat.

once i was on the web cam with a nice young lady and she started taking her clothes off. then she invited me to take my clothes off. i live in california and it was warm that day so i obliged her and did as i was asked. her eyes got huge and she was all OMG OMG OMG.

i was all ????

she was all youre gigantic!

trust me, xiaxue, i am the furthest thing from gigantic. i am very average. painfully average. i asked this young woman how many pensises she had seen before and she told me and it was a reasonable number and i put the camera next to my thigh so she could get a closer look and she got the biggest smile on her face.

i was very afraid that if one thing led to another she would find herself at my house, or viceversa, and she would be incredibly disappointed, so i looked around my home for a ruler so i could show her that her perception was incorrect.

all i could find were cd cases so i put my fella up next to a cd case and she was very impressed with the comparison. she typed “cd’s are about 5 inches and youre bigger than that by a lot!”

so i found a standard peice of paper which was 8 1/2 inches by 11 inches. (do they have inches in singapore?) and she was still smiling and laughing, in a good way. so then i put everything i could up against it, my shoe, my boom box, my remote control, my bowling ball, my coffee table. it didnt matter what i put next to it she just laughed and laughed and gave me the thumbs up via the web cam.

so im glad that you have figured out a better standard in which to measure, so thank you.

and again, please accept my apologies for not identifying you and linking to you. i meant no disrespect, i just didnt want people to think that i was talking about you when i was talking about someone very dear to me who simply resembeled you oh so slightly.

continued success in all of your blogging adventures, sweet xiaxue. i promise that i will not only link you as soon as i get home but when my camera is returned from the shop i will join all of you funloving kids in mr. brown‘s “im too sexy for my blog” conga line of photographs.

much love from hollywood,

mr pierce

xiaxue + xiaxue + xiaxue

three years ago,

this week on the busblog

i was trying to prove God to this buddist at the baja fresh and i saw my old boss signalling me from the salsa station.

my old fbi boss.

i excused myself and met him in the men’s room.

“long time, agent.”

“not that long, really, seems like yesterday.” i said.

“hows the xbi treating you?”

“the what?”

“ok, well, whatever. tony we want you back.”

“im touched.”

“we miss you and we need you.”

“you cant afford me.”

“what, are you suddenly materialist? has the xbi spoiled you?”

“it’s not money that i want.”

“figured as much, what do you want then?”

my old boss wasnt much of a negotiator, especially with me. all he would ever say is “no.”

“i want my old flying car back and i want to be a superagent, and i want my old territory back.”

“sorry kid, no can do. santa monica is taken.”

“yeah, i know, by your son-in-law. is he still in the hospital?”

“hal is back, he’s fine, thank you.”

“well, those are my terms, my fish tacos are getting cold.”

someone knocked on the door, my boss yelled, “one sec, buddy.” then he said, “we could get you your car.”

“and i want to pick my partner,” i added.

“next you’ll be telling me that you want to pick your boss.”

“get me santa monica back, and let me pick my partner and i’ll be happy with you as my boss.”

“boy, that’s a change.”

my boss always liked to get close to me and whisper in my ear. that never sat well with me, but i understood his motives.

he said, “i’ll see what i can do, agent. but your partner has to be someone from the bureau. none of those xbi hoodlums.”

i washed my hands with hot water and soap. my boss looked at his male pattern baldness and primped. i dried off with the papertowels and threw all but one in the trash and used the remaining towel to protect my soon-to-be fishy fingers and opened the door.

like a gentleman i allowed my boss to exit first.

he said thank you and as he passed, i attached a bug to the collar of his suit coat.

ej flavors + pepper blog + one ring

first day back at work usually sucks

blogging while black sxswbut not at the xbi.

people have been super nice. even before i got into the building one of my favorite agents told me that he saw me mentioned on msnbc,

then a hot babe told me that she saw me mentioined on wwdn,

then the parking dude who looks in everyones trunks told me that he had been noticing that whenever anyone talked about the Blogging While Black panel at sxsw they said that they really loved it.

then he asked me if i noticed that in all the pictures if you look at our nameplates it looks like tony pierce(‘s) brown johnson.

and i was all, NO!

but when i saw the picture i was all, who thinks like that?

the busride here was nice. everything was nice. im still waiting for something to go wrong, but it hasnt happened yet. maybe i’ll get shot at when im least expecting it and i will remember that im not on vacation any more.

a few people bought books from me while i was on vacation. thanks to the miracle of paypal and the usps those books will be out Today. so thank you good folks.

for those of you who would like a signed copy of How To Blog just send me an email requesting a paypal invoice and i will hook you up. the current sale price is $18 plus $5 s/h.

and im thinking that once we get rid of this box of books then that will be it. i love this book but its time for us to move on and maybe write an entirely new book or put together a different compilation or finish my xxx novel. who knows.

i miss you austin texas. i miss your bbq houses, i miss your texan beer. i miss walking down the street and hearing one band after another. i miss waking up in my motel room to the shrieks of the girls next door engaged in an early morning pillow fight, i miss the long nights of shots with sk smith, i miss not having to worry about what time it is – ever.

that is the life that i want to lead and maybe there will be a day when i can sucker someone into hiring me to live that way and blogging about it. these are the best days of our lives america. thats what the tv says at least.

tonight i will write all the things that people outside of the blogosphere have been waiting patiently for me to write. then i will dance around my house like tom cruise in risky business.

if theres one thing i hate its unfinished business. i hate things hovering over me. it sucks away at any semblance of freedom. i like blank slates. i like going home and not having anything that i have to do. i like knocking shit out and forgetting about it, and for some reason i have shit to do and it has turned from a “get to” to a “have to” and i cant have that in my life.

hung out with the old lady who lives in the shoe yesterday. 92 years old. just got a new maid. she wanted us to meet because shes always trying to set me up. very sweet of her. i shook the young womans hand and we were both embarrassed.

afterwards i took a very long walk on a very long pier

then i came home and read all of the email that so many of you have written. some love letters, some sweet letters, some semi job queries, and one hate mail item.

i knew i was still on vacation cuz they all seemed so nice. all of them.

and i dont know about you, but im glad that the lakers arent gonna make the fucking playoffs after trading away shaq for three nobodies cuz now i can say i told you so.

three from welch: the shame of the steroid hunt + Riod Rage? + Jock Sniffing

whenever i feel this way i always say the same thing,

“start running again.
get in shape.”

for some reason i thought that shhhh would stick around through this awkward period. for some reason i thought that even though we were from the total opposite sides of the solar system in so many ways that she’d trust me enough to let me lead the way.

but nope.

and for some reason i didnt think id feel so alone.

an old girlfriend called last night and told me that im still a stud. her word, certainly not mine. she reeled off a list of girls id “hooked up” with since she and i had broken up and she was wrong about one of them and i corrected her and still she was all, still thats a lot, stud.

and the list didnt cheer me up as much as her knowing the list cheered me up.

there is such a wide difference between men and women that im always suprised what women project onto us. and theres such a big difference between me and most men that i wonder how these women who have known me so intimately, even for a little while, are thinking when they try to lump me into such a broad group.

but the demons are persuasive
and relentless
and always there.

if i was the devil id do exactly the same thing. i would hide out in the ear canal and just say the most negative shit. no way would i take human form, why bother. id just lay low and spew. no need to be originial no need to be accurate no need to be logical. just be negative. just be dumb. just instill doubt.

in his book, just a geek, mr wil wheaton talks about the negative voices that haunt him as he tries to go through his daily life and he has funny names for them and the devil has tons of names.

but if hes gonna hang out with me

hes gonna have to outdrink me

and run faster.

and lord knows hes gonna find himself lost and confused if he ever gets much deeper in my head than my ear canal. cuz its fuck up in there. on purpose.

i have the easiest assignment tonight. write something about blogging for a very nice woman in new york city.

it doesnt have to be terribly specific, it doesnt have to be very long, it just has to be decent and come from me and touch on several logical points.

but for some reason the devil knows exactly what to say about this matter.

not, “you cant do it” cuz of course i can do it.

hes saying shit like, “youre gonna be so bored doing this”, “what you’ll end up with will be dumb”, “she’ll make you re-write it a thousand times”, “the end result will be so dopey and the process will be so long you could have done far more interesting things if you would have just said no thank you.”


but the truth is there are angels that whisper to us too

and some of them you can see

and some of them are the ones who ask us to do the things that we procrastinate

so my advice is, late at night, think about them

for a change.

but i will say this about the devil, he is right about one thing,

our cute little virgin will be much better without me.

sean bonner + nickerblog + let me get dat + splink + do i need a jacket?

hello canada, im doing good

you had some questions for us on our two year anniversary in iraq, here are my answers.

1) How come so many of your citizens thought that Saddam Hussein had something to do with 9/11?

americans, like many people want to believe their leaders. we’re not used to a full court press of lying and lying and lying. and we’re really not used to lies about war. not to our face. not on tv. not without the tv announcers saying bullshit.

also we’re not used to the tv announcers not saying bullshit. theyre liberals, right? if they dont say bullshit to the republicans who lie then its not bullshit. is it?

you dont really expect us to think for ourselves. when it comes to politics we usually wait to see what someone like george will has to say.

also, lets get real, most americans dont know the difference between a guy named saddam compared to a guy named osama. and most of us dont ever want to have to figure out the difference. we’ve got pick up trucks to wax.

2) How come so many of your citizens know so little about other places? I’ve met a lot of Americans and only three of them knew that Ottawa was the capital of Canada, and most of them had college degrees.

they dont teach us world capitals in college. they teach us how to drink, how to get financial aid, how to roll joints, how to understand pink floyd and led zeppelin, and how to study for a test on crystal at three in the morning.

we dont know about other places because we dont have to. straight up. everything we need is here in this huge country. ski surf steak shrimp accents architecture art tastes smells and diversity. and thats just in vegas. we want to go other places but most of you people dont speak english and even though its fun to learn how to say two big macs please it gets tiresome when youre on vacation because youre supposed to be on vacation!

3) How come so many of your citizens know nothing about the history of US foreign and covert policy? Why aren’t they taught about American involvement in places like El Salvador, Chile, Columbia, Guatemala, Iraq, Iran, and a very long list of other places around the world?

if it were taught it wouldnt still be called covert. and notice you keep throwing these cities and towns around like you think we know where they are or you think we care. you just said it, we dont know about ottowa and you fools are our neighbors to the north. our white neighbors. if we dont give a shit about our white neighbors, guess how we feel about our brown ones. this is a country who held back brown people for close to 400 years. your list there is full of brown people. so fuck those places.

and by the way, where is this edjumacation gonna be taught? high school? american history in high schools is one part european history, one part 18th century history, one part civil war history, and one part post-civil war history. we barely scratch the surface in talking about slavery and you think we’re going to get into guatemala?

unless someone takes a class in college called “dirty shit of america’s past” we’ll have to rely on the hippies and canadians like you to educate us in these matters.

4) How come most of your citizens supported the invasion of Iraq? Is it because they didn’t have all the facts or because they just wanted to see someone pay for 9/11 and were open to suggestions?

they supported the invasion because they were told that iraq had weapons of mass destruction. also they supported it because sometimes it feels better to be wrong and alive than wrong and dead. it’s a weird theory, but i think many americans share that subconcious mantra.

5) After the world found out that there weren’t any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and President Bush announced that he was calling off the search for them, why didn’t your citizens demand that President Bush be impeached? After all, they tried to impeach Bill Clinton for lying about getting a blow job – and no one was even killed because of that.

now who’s naive? we in america are very hung up about sex. perhaps you didnt see the superbowl a few years ago. when the tiny pixel claiming to be janet jackson’s nipple was exposed it was so earthshattering that we are still feeling its effects. currently if you say tit on the radio you could be fined a half million dollars. meanwhile if a company was caught dumping a barrel of nuclear waste into lake michigan they would only get fined sixty thousand dollars.

therefore what bill clinton did was basically unforgiveable. how dare he.

btw, clinton was impeached, and aquitted.

but the real reason why president bush wasnt impeached was because there werent many senators or congresspeople who asked for his impeachment. why? because many of them supported his march to war. if he were to get impeached, in part they deserved it too. so they shut up.

6) How come some Americans think these sorts of questions are bad?

because it has nothing to do with nascar or britney spears.

7) How come your citizens don’t care that the CIA and the Department of Defense don’t have to disclose information to them, even though the Constitution says that they do?

when someone from the cia or the dod knocks on our door we will be sure to ask them to disclose us information, thank you.

8) You make more weapons than anyone else in the world. How come America?

all kidding aside, you must admit that we make pretty good boom sticks. the question should be, “do you know that if you made cars as well as you made stealth bombers, people would buy american cars again?”

9) How come it’s legal to own an assault rifle but two men or two women can’t get married?

this country was built on the shoulders of men and women and rifles. all this gay shit is new to us.

10) Why do you spend more money on defense than education and healthcare?

as the world police its our belief that without safety the other two things are irrelevant. it’s also the american way to tell someone who works at wal*mart to quit bitching and get a real job if they complain that wal*mart doesnt offer health care.

and as for education, what does it say about the state of education when george w. bush went to yale and got an mba at harvard and he’s no smarter than most junior college dropouts?

thanks for caring,


matt good + jossip + terra + paige

people are linking me from all over the world

and people are linking to me from here in los angeles. and all of it is very nice. and someone in texas asked me if it caused me a little pressure to keep on with the good shit and i said baby ive never written any good shit so wheres the pressure.

so today starts selfish sunday where i can write anything i want. and by that i mean i can write about all the things that the demons in my head tell me that i cant write. and by that i mean i can also write in the styles that the little negative voices in my head say i shouldnt write.

the negative voices in your head, my recently xgirlfriend has taught me, are indeed little demons and not from the Lord and not Good and not Helpful and not Loving and not Productive and not American.

telling someone that they cant do something or that they shouldnt do something or that they’re better off Not doing something especially on something as fleeting and dumbass and faddish as blogs are not only ridiculous but worthy of being ignored.

while in texas at a show someone approached me and shook my hand and praised my blog and handed me what looked to be a lit peace pipe. never one to decline a generous offer i took the pipe and pulled a long drag. very little came out. the gentleman saw my dilema and reached into his pocket for a thin long metal device. it looked like the tip of a metal hanger. he took the device and declogged the pipe. and when i tried it again i recevied a full helping of aromatic smoke.

i want to be that declogger for you.

for all of you.

but mostly me.

pushing all that crap out that perhaps started off as wellintentioned “tobbacco” but turned into something that made you strain and pause and suck.

clean your mind of all the crud thats collected there, light the resin on fire, draw in the bad and type out the bad.

the Libras are represented by the scales. some say its because we want fairness, which we do, but for me it means that although we cause change and cull change and welcome change, when it actually happens we need a few minutes to collect our thoughts and get our shit together.

its a lot like if you have a bag full of money on one side of the scales and a goat on the other and you yank that goat off and put a lemur on there. the scales will get all rattled but eventually it will level off and chill and finally end up cool as ice.

i really needed to mellow out yesterday and i got that and it was so nice to crawl over to the computer and see all the nice people who have said nice things about this blog and me, and i appreciate it.

eida shomah mobarak + fat free milk + frozen toothpaste + fil

it was so nice to be at home yesterday.

so nice. until of course the little angel girl marched over and told me how i hurt her and how she could never get naked with me again and how its now really truly over as in the end and how she cant even french kiss me no more. and then she fell asleep on my chest and no letting me hold her ass.

who knows. she might be right. it might really be over. i hope not though. i liked her.

id forgotten that i wisely left my plants outside the whole time so it could get some sun. id forgotten that id set aside some porn for myself. id forgotten how cute all the girls i date are. obviously the gravy train has begun to dry up making me yearn for an invention that i presented in my still unfinished xxx novel where this pizza boy gets hit in a head with a microwave and his brain is radiated just enough that he can see into the future.

but only a little bit in the future and only about weird sex stuff, like he went down on this cheerleader and knew that he would only get to eat that shit until the fourth of july. etc.

its not a good book. theres a reason its unfinished.

id forgotten how much apple juice i’d stored in the fridge and this morning i woke and mixed in a little armeretto and sprite and here i am ready to do a fantasy live baseball draft.

have i told you that i was at sxsw?

sk smith is the greatest. forget all this blah blah, shes what a real writer is.

calm cool collected. smart as hell. knows how to spell. has npr on. thinks about junk. perfect.

she made me think, “how on earth could *you* apply for one of the most selective grad programs in the country with a straight face?”

but as the armeretto keeps getting poured into my raiders big gulp cup nice thoughts like

people who dont belong always make their way into cool places,

look at the white house.

look at jerry o’connell

look at sammy hagar

or jay leno

all thats important in life is how much money you make anyway

and i still cant believe that robert blake is gonna walk and nobody is outraged.


cello jenn + chaos theory + janice marie + faucet

next year i’ll go as a journalist

next year i’ll do everything as a journalist. other than a cop, how many other professions will allow you access to go into pretty much anywhere and ask other people questions and then take pictures of them.

count me in.

still drunk, fyi. drank in the plane, drank during the layover, drank on the other plane. everything was awesome. being home is awesome too. look ma no typeos.

the delivery hold mail situation worked out perfect. the ride home from ms rene spunikova worked out perfecto, the hope that the twenty three year old veergin would want to sniff me up and down to see how much of this blog is true is working out perfect cuz shes on the way whcich means ive gotta soak in the tub.

you know what friends are, friends are people who break into your howse lay out your slippers, robe and favorite pipe and rearange your furniture for your triumphjant return.

a box of pears were on my doorstoop from a pal who attatched a card that sayd congratulations on your award winning blogpost, does this mean youre rich?

i flew next to a very nice woman from austin who is in town to buy clothes for her boutique. at some point xshe handed me her card and alot of the kids at the convention had cards for each other. but we dont have any at the xbi for some reason.

and i should get some cards or make some up or something although it was nice to say just type tony into google and im not the tony awards and im not tony bennet and im not tony hawk.

earlier in the flight i was very happily reading wil wheatons “just a geek” which was kismet or something because apparently at that time he was on msnbc giving me a shoutout.

at the time i believe i was enjoying the chapter about wil at the star trek convention at the hilton in las vegas. very funny. count on me to actually finish this book, which is something i rarely do these days.

ok i must shower.

i cant believe i got to meet wonkette!

bluejake + flagrant + david duchovny’s blog