a few more stories around the LAT that you may have missed this week

the photo above of Alie Ward, left, of Metromix about to be licked by the $5 Guy’s little doggie outside the Secret Headquarters thursday night was good, but the lede for her story about the Baker Lofts was even better: “Do you think she’s on ecstasy, or just really nice?”

in today’s Campaign ’08 section, Kate Linthicum asks the excellent question “why do we vote on Tuesdays?” she interviews Jacob Soboroff of Why Tuesday who not only answers the question but in the piece we learn that most lawmakers don’t know the answer which is, “It turns out that Congress chose Tuesday for a voting day in 1845 to make the process easier for citizens of an agrarian society. Back then, farmers needed to vote on a day that wouldn’t interfere with the three-day Sabbath or Wednesday, which was market day.”

regular Soundboard contributer August Brown has a nice long piece about LA punkers No Age in the Calender section today. apparently the duo are at a crossroads of breaking through to the mainstream but trying to do so without the cost of their punk rock – or Vegan – sensibilities: “We played a show for Fuel TV, and they didn’t tell us that the show was sponsored by Snickers,” Randall said. “So 10 seconds before we played, I found a marker and wrote ‘Go Vegan’ on the back of my guitar. If they’re going to try to force Snickers down your throat, here’s something different.” Brown also noted that the kids on the MTV message board who became aware of the band thanks to Fall Out Boy Pete Wentz’s new MTV show are torn by the originality of the boys and their original video concepts: “I don’t understand it, but it’s cool” and “I feel stupid because of this video. It is really messed up. Please stop showing it on MTV.”

the hero complex has been on fire this weekend thanks in part to Geoff Boucher‘s coverage of The Dark Knight’s record-breaking opening weekend. but i hope his feature on Milwaukie Oregon, home of Hell Boy, and also a little publishing company called Dark Horse which puts out tons of sweet ass comics that are slowly taking over the world. meanwhile Dark Horse is slowly employing the whole town: “Dark Horse is a pop-culture content company that has grown so steadily over the last 20 years that it currently occupies six separate storefronts along Main Street, and with 150 employees, it’s now one of the top five employers in the town of 21,000. Dark Horse made its mark as an upstart, indie publisher of comic books, but now its ventures go well beyond that, which is why its founder, Mike Richardson, hops a flight to Los Angeles every week to tend to Hollywood pursuits.”

adam rose goes to the Laker Girls tryouts

and shoots a photo essay

laker girl wannabes at the laker girl tryouts

i dont wanna say that the busblog‘s groundbreaking photo essays were even the slightest bit influential on photo essays at LAist. i dont want to float the idea out there that when Adam Rose was Sports Editor of LAist before he got picked up by the LA Times months before i got the call up that he learned a few things from yr boy, but if he did, perhaps todays photo essay from heaven the laker girl tryouts is a lil bit of evidence.

regardless, adam, who now ferociously writes both the usc and ucla blogs for the Times, busted beautifully last night and inspired these comments over on the Laker blog where he guest blogged for the kam bros:

– Dang, there are things better to look at than Kwame’s calves.
– Now that is some journalism that I can really get behind. Thank you
– Adam Rose, You’ve just made the greatest post in Lakers blog history.

and then the inevitable:

– When does Kobe get to pick the one he cheats with? Is that later in the process?

see the whole deal here

photo by Adam Rose, used with permission

mi amigos matt and emmanuelle are showing off baby dora

on flickr

matt emailed this morning with the Subject of: Did you people say you wanted to see pictures of the Frog-American child?

Hi, everybody!

This is where they (and other such things) live, and will continue to be added onto until God kills the Internet: http://www.flickr.com/photos/welchek/.

Feel free to pass around to Friends & Family who aren’t cc’ed above.

We are happy and healthy here on Day 13, with the French grandparents doing a very generous job of keeping us fed and sane and outside the foul DC summertime conditions. Even the rats are keeping a low profile….

Thanks to all of you for your kind wishes and direct assistances, and we’ll start posting appalling photos of the child in a pink Angels onesie before you know it!


some highlights:

one, two, three – dawwwwwwwwwww

leave well wishes on emmanuelle and/or matt‘s blog

gratzi for all the sweet questions

and now some sweet answers to Ask Tony

Dave C.: Does Kanye write all his own blog entries or does he have a ghost(weed) writer?

i would love to believe that kanye writes them all, but im not so sure becuase there are soooo many posts. the thing is though that anyone can write a post from a blackberry or iphone but kanye also has lots of pics and vids. so maybe he is writing them all but i bet you he has a helper or 4 who uploads the pics and vids.

Dan: Did you get the package?… I’m a little nervous…

i did. i love it. i also am very grateful for the book and cd. i will take a pic of the painting on monday. muchas grassy ass!

adrienne: k, i was seriously bombed last week when i was thinking about my ask tony question, and i can’t remember if i asked you something or not. and because of traveling, i wasn’t able to get back to the busblog before the answer post was sent into the enternal abyss that has become your archives. so my question this week is, did i ask a question last week, and if so what was it and what was your response?

yes you did ask, yes i did answer. my response was hell yeah baby bring it on!

Creepy Dude: I’m getting to the age where walking into a bar of hot twentysomethings is more “where’s my no good daughter?” than “lets get this party started”. But goddamnit man, I still rock. Where do old ragers go to die?

old ragers never die they just do fewer beer bongs in the parkinglot before motorhead shows.

Matt Welch: Aren’t you sad that even if the Cubs make it to the World Series, they’ll get horse-whipped by the Angels?

after watching the angels horse-whip the redsox yesterday, i might be nervous, but the junior circuit never worries me. plus f rod is about to totally implode.

timmay!!!!!: Aren’t you sad that even if the Cubs make it to the World Series, they’ll get horse-whipped by the Red Sox?

did you see manny being manny in left field yesterday going after that ball? dudes drunk! i would happily take on either the white or red sox in the fall classic. hell lets play 22.

zona: Aren’t you sad that even if the Cubs make it to the World Series, they’ll get horse-whipped by the Devil Rays?

if they were still called the Devil Rays id be nervous, but they took the best part out of their name, they have no real closer, very little post season experience, but worst of all they have no heart.

Aaron: Aren’t you sad that if the Cubs make it to the World Series, many of your disillusioned fans will see their AL teams horse-whipped?

i think even they know that this is the year of the Cub, so they wont be too sad.

Phaedra: If you were a South Park character, who would you be?

im a huge fan of towelie. he just wants to have fun and share.

Ciavarro: Aren’t you sad that even if the Cubs make it to the World Series, there’s going to be a huge spike in people getting horse whipped for no reason? Not sure what that’s all about. Is that what people did back in 1945 to celebrate World Series appearances? Bust out the trusty horse whip and start going apeshit in the streets? Go Cubs.

oh i was thinking that the horses were going to be doing the whipping. now this all makes sense.

Sharp (Azreal Darkskies): Are you into horsewhips in the bedroom? What other kinky shit are you into?

im the least kinky man in america. more than a few girls will tell you that sometimes i can find great joy in using my forefinger while tracing the curve of a womans jeaned thigh as she rests her legs across my lap. true i can fully represent when the time comes but theres a lot of gray in between that i also enjoy.

anti: will you come kick it with us at the beach this weekend? no, seriously, will you? email me.

maybe sunday. today im booked. crazy booked.

Andrea: Favorite Kool-Aid flavor? Also, thoughts on ‘guest blogging’? It is better to have someone guest blog for you if you’re going to be away from your blog for a few days, or to just leave it until you come back?

blogs are like jealous girlfriends. they like constant attention. in the bible it says that if a man cannot get his wife pregnant its ok to go into a surrogate to conceive. ahhhh old testament laws. therefore biblically i think guest bloggers are fine. but the results are usually meh, weird, and way uncomfortable if the guest posts are hotter than the normal ones. grape.

keir: What happened with the bike accident? Should I be looking at one of the other 43 blogs you run for the answer?

i didnt followup, but since i havent heard any news of any dead cyclists killed on sunset in silver lake, i will imagine that our prayers were answered and bro was fine.

John: Who’s your favorite Joker?

i liked the dude on tv cuz i grew up with him, but i also loved Jack. i cant wait to see the dark knight tonight with karisa at the arclight.

JackassJimmy: When not making sure the LA Times blogs are rocking, when not saving the peeps of LA from bad guys with the XBI, when not riding the busblog, or cougar-ing or hanging out with cool friends and scantily clad females… What does Tony like to do with “his free time?”

i enjoy reading the bible, taco trucks, indulging in television, and rocking out to the Buzzsaw on Sirius 19.

Mike: Did you know people use koolaid as hair dye?

since i didnt grow up in the ghetto, no. but i hear thats how greenday go their green locks.

lindsay: this is a 3-parter: were we really arguing about juries the other night? i was sooo drunk and i have no recollection of that.

as a follow up to that question was i being a sloppy drunk? i only vaguely remember being at the taco place and someone telling me to ride one of those kiddie carosel things. i can’t remember if i did! also: jack in the box or del taco?

yes we did argue about juries. i think you had negative things to say about certain types of them, i had negative things to say about certain types of lawyers and judges, and sarah had negative things to say about convos that werent about her. yes you were sloppy but you flashed boobs so that makes up for it. im pretty sure you read a kiddie ride but i was too focused on attaining three al pastor tacos.

although i appreciate the fact that del taco has fish tacos, they are really just fish sticks shoved in lil tortillas. therefore i will choose the 2 for 99 cent jack in the crack mystery meat tacos any day, including curley fries but dont rat me out to my nutritionist.

Suzie: will you still read me and promote my blog if I go private, even if it is just temporarily?!?! PS: your advice is always appreciated b/c you a the blog-king

i will still read you but i dont promote private blogs because i dont believe in them unless theyre super dooper hard core and theres a really good reason for them to go private other than an ex bf stalker being a predictable creep. chad had a great blog but it went private and i never go there, sk smith had a great blog but i dont go there for the same reason. i too have private blogs but im sorta ashamed that i even have them so im torn on the issues but i heart you and i always will, so you keep writing no matter where and i will support you.

the seven year itch

we’re getting very close to the busblog’s seventh birthday. it’s in early august. this thing has had its ups and downs and in some ways youre right smack dab in the middle of its downs because im not writing alot about some of the foundations of the busblog (public transportation, rock n roll, true bachelor lifestyle, etc).

and yet the bus rolls on.

at this point some bloggers might just quit their blog but for some reason im not that guy. i love this thing as much now as ever before. even though i have a completely different job and lifestyle than i had 7 years ago, one that provides me with so much mental and emotional stimulation that i really dont have 10 minutes in the day to put on my Break Hat and blog for your amusement and joy. but i do it anyways because i heart you i heart blogging and i heart this little url that we have nurtured together.

as in any good relationship you have to sacrifice to make things work. you have to stretch, you have to grow. you have to keep trying to make things exciting. you have to keep on keeping on, and after a while its not a have to, its a get to. even though this blog only gets 500-1000 unique readers a day, a fraction of what it did at its peak, it’s still a total honor for me to be able to write to that many people. thats more than who saw The Who on wednesday at the orpheum, and trust me i didnt write anything on that day on par with baba o’reilly.

if anything i think i feel more comfortable writing to my base. i feel more at ease to try newer things and to write in a manner that is purely from my heart as opposed to worrying about what snarker #277 is going to think about my stance on the economy or the presidential race or the use of the N-word on The View.

anyways, there is no seven year itch here, perhaps because of the 43 blogs that are on the Times if i ever wanted to “cheat” on the busblog i could and it wouldnt get jealous. which is why im pretty much a believer in polygamy if not permanent bachelorhood. so ha!

heard a bike vs car accident

on sunset last night as i was drinking wine outside the Secret Headquarters and immediately someone yelled F YOU< F YOU! SOMEONE CALL 9-1-1. and as we walked over to the scene of the crime, one guy tried to take out his phone and it went flying. and i tried to take out my phone but before i could there was a faint sound of a siren in the distance. and i looked west toward hollywood and i still considered calling 9-1-1 but there it was, an ambulance. almost like it knew. almost like it was destiny. help was on its way nearly before it even knew to come. and all these cyclists who had been riding with the dude waved their arms at the ambulance and clearly it wasnt coming for them but it had to pull over because the car who hit the bike and carried the rider across the entire intersection was still parked a little into the intersection and now 40 bikes were encircling it all, so the paramedics stopped, flipped over the lifeless body ripped off the legs of his pants and his shirt, and started doing their thing i started doing my thing and this dude was all, what are you doing? i said taking pictures duh. he said why. i said cuz im a blogger. he said what the f does that mean. i said it means i write about los angeles, and this stuff happens a lot in LA. he said thats f;ed up. i said yep which is why its good to document it. he said no, that youre doing it. i said well thats where youre wrong, feel free to move along. he said, well if youre going to write something write about how there should be bike lanes, i pointed at the bike lanes on sunset. he said write about how there should be bike safety. and i said how about i write about what i saw and just leave it at that. and just then a guy on a bike approached me and i said did the car run the light? and the guy said, i feel bad cuz i was behind the guy about 30 yards and i hate to say it but the bike may have run the light, not the car. and if you look at where the car was, sunset sorta curves so the car wouldnt had seen the bike until it was literally on top of it. all the car probably saw was the green light, it accellorated, and bam whats this bike doing on my windshield. the driver tried to say something to the pack of bicyclists but all they said was F YOU SHUT UP F YOU. and they wanted to beat him up but they probably knew too, that one of their bros, on a bike ride after watching a bike race downtown, had run a red light and hit a car and was now ironically so lucky because an ambulance just happened to be heading down the street and picked him up. but the weirdest thing was two fold. the cops came a good 20 minutes after the crash and the firetruck for some reason arrived after the ambulance had already left. after we finished our wine, piled into sarahs car, drove to midnight tacos, and argued about juries and what they should know and what they shouldnt.

this is me feeling old

when i was a kid there wasnt any sort of music or dance craze that i couldnt get behind.

other than anything on Solid Gold.

but as i have gotten older i seem to hate more and more music: Coldplay, John Mayer, Phish, new Radiohead, new Beck, Jack Johnson, etc.

there are some exceptions to that list, like *some* of their tunes might be passable, but theres one type of music i cant stand, even a little: techno.

thus when i read something about a new dance called Tecktonik (a.k.a. Tektonik), as described in this post on Soundboard, it makes me wretch.

Is it dancing? Is it music? Is it worthwhile? Isn’t it so bad that it’s even hard to take seriously? Who couldnt swing their arms around like that? Who couldnt get a series of synthesizers to make such annoying noises?

Are the drugs today that good?

Clearly they must be.

ever been so busy that you forget about the busblog?

i know, me neither.

k, today ive been working on our newest blog Hero Complex. have you noticed that Hollywood and video games and tv are a little obsessed with comic book heroes and graphic novels? us too.

in fact one of our best writers, Geoff Boucher gets to meet people like Martin Scorsese and the Stones, gets flown out to the UK to meet Harry Potter, gets to fly in Dexter of the Offspring’s russian Mig. When Coachella wants to tell the world who is gonna be in their lineup they call Geoff first. when george lucas wants to show off Skywalker Ranch to one lucky person in the press, that person is Geoff.

geoff appreciates all of that, but secretly he is a huge comic book geek. even though he has a lovely wife and two kids, somehow hes been able to keep his stash of 10,000 comic books. so when i learned that he wanted to lead a comic book blog i was all, nah.

jk i was all hell yeahs. he even had a great name for it, Hero Complex. so we got the blog together, we got some people who Geoff is close with to also write on the blog, and today i talked with your pal and mine Christie St. Hottie to help out and yesterday we launched the blog, complete with some exclusive interviews with some big stars, most interestingly David Duchovny of the X-Files. Geoff asked David if X-Files was bigger in some people’s lives than God, and David said that X-Files is equal to God.

next week geoff will be moderating several panels at comic-con, which is the superbowl of comics and scifi conventions. one of the panels he will be running is one with Eva Mendez, Sam Jackson, and someone else, i think Scarlett Johansson. so this week was a great time to launch this puppy so that the kids might be reading it before Comic-Con or once theyre there Geoff can say yo yo, check out my thing, yo.


got invited to this crazy thing in beverly hills

sorta thing sass does every day

show up and they give you a glass. then theres like 8 station. fancy restaurant. each station has 2-3 different bottles of sake and two small dishes of food. most of the food is sushi.

because it was sake and sushi i invited karisa to assist me in the shenanigans. of course she was genius. each of the sake bottles had a little business card that told you its name and what made it special. and in each of the stations was a man or a woman who told you little stories about the sake and the food.

theyd give you about 1/4 a glass of sake and you could put a roll or a sashimi or a bite of something on a paper plate. then you could eat it there or gravitate to a stand up lil table and munch.

we ate and drank for hours. im warm and full and on top of the world. the hosts were very nice and invited us to another event later next month.

i think this was an event to stoke us on this restaurant in beverly hills. i think that was the plan. i think they have these events for $45 a person, all you can drink and/or eat, which is a deal cuz some of those shot cost $12 a piece. i think every woman there was asian and a knockout. i think every morsel of food was delicious and i think every sip of sake was better than the next.

i also think that they had a deal at the last station where they had two carafes of sake and you had to identify each of them for the grand prize which was a $200 gift certificate to the restaurant. i think karisa got one.

i also think that one of my favorite sakes was the banana frozen desert sake. that and the one that was organic which meant they made ducks eat the insects off the rice. very hungry birds. birds who werent eating sushi all night with the lovely karisa who had a boustier on and some jeans and the bows of her unmentionables peeking out saying hi tone.

one of the hosts said she read LAist and the busblog and she looked 17 so if shes over 18 hi baby. see you in the val next month if you invite us. and maybe before that if you wanna go to bossonova.

i think i have the best life of my whole life right about now.