leaving work yesterday i was pretending that i was marching

high stepping like a drum major

a woman who has worked for the paper for the last 15 years asked me if i take happy pills because i am almost always happy.

i consider that a compliment because No, i do not take any pills whatsoever, but also because she works within shouting distance from me and even though i love my job, its incredibly challenging since there is no more challenging space than the interwebs and she has the misfortune of seeing me during some very trying times.

but seriously only a jerk wouldnt be happy if he was in my shoes, especially at quittin time because i get to drive my little car to my many mansions and because ive somehow eluded most of the trappings of modern life i can do pretty much anything i want once the sun goes down.

that includes playing any variety of video or computer games, gardening in nothing but a Speed-o, or catching up on my ever bulging Tivo.

last night though karisa was throwing a little dinner party for a few of us. she hadnt broken out the fondue set in a while and with the holidays rapidly approaching who knows when we would all meet up again to dip our meats in her warm cheese.

for such a healthy lass she had cheese on pretty much every dish. there was a pre-fondue cheese plate, there was this fancy tiny plate with tomatoes and cheese, and then of course there was the actual fondue cheese of which we had delicious steak cubes, shrimp, and bread.

and wine for days.

our host has been in major detox mode for the past week and a half but couldnt resist having a few (dozen) glasses with her BFFs while Pandora shuffled on the tv.

ive noticed that wine has an extremely wide variety of reactions from people. some people get very happy, some get loving, some get freaked out, some start crying, and ive even seen some people – mostly girls – get oddly violent.

i get sleepy. so i drank sam adams’ oktoberfest brew, because i love america.

i pretty much love everything. even dumb things make me laugh. i think i laugh more than anyone youve ever met. im sure i laugh more than anyone ive ever met. maybe its because of the Cubs. compared to them everything is beautiful and lovely. for example da bears are 4-1 despite the worst backup qb in history.

the only thing that isnt beautiful and wonderful in my life is the cleanliness of my home and car and desk and mind. look at this room. most people look at this and say omg. which is what i say. omg wheres the stuff? the stuff is there. its just translucent.

secretly i think that karisa secretly threw the fondue party so she could wear her new six inch heels and tower over everyone.

when i throw a dinner party im gonna wear seven inch heels cuz secretly im extremely sad at all times. ps secretly nothing in here is true. i dont even know those people. only the dog.

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