To: tony
Subj: Re: LA Times Registration
Hi Tony.
Thanks I will try it later. I have been on your web site for a couple of hours; now I must do my income tax.
I enjoyed reading your Blog.
You are such a good writer.
I also looked at 3 or 4 photo essays. I enjoyed them all. Where do you get all of those pictures?
They are very good.
I really liked the running of the bulls pictures. I didn’t quite understand where the Benjamin Banaker was going but you ended it very well.
Though I lived in D.C. and Arma told me about Banaker, I had forgotten it all.
I also looked at the Xmas with the Cam girls, and your 2002 vacation and You are Right.
I figured out how to use the right click and more quickly get back to where I had started.
Good luck in finding a way to put all of your talent into some kind of job doing these things and making money for them.
Someone asked me why you don’t create websites for people and I can’t remember if you ever told me why you don’t.
I do remember your experience with Chris’s boss but I’m sure there is something more than that.
Well I must go now.
Love, Mom