“no one home but the stove and thats fixin to go out”
so who is this fair skinned boy with jacket so mellow
eyes lashed with dew drops and memories of finer times
he drinks so much pop hes gotta pee a lot
always a half burrito in the fridge and some new scratch hes
gotta itch
and i want you
my numbers in the book says she and smiles back so effortless
he looks like shit always has its almost a game now
he wants to be as fat as a cow
he wants to sleep all tangled with you
and he wonders where you are and what you do and what you
write him he lives in san francisco
hed rather read what you write
hed read your shit all night
its tough going through your second teenagehood
staying up all night getting in dumb fights
he said im gonna say this once and forever hold my peace
if you ask pretty please i’ll give you a peice
and love and lust are sitting dangling their feets
kissin cousins thrice removed and im gonna remove so much
youre gonna stare at the strokes and not see
theres no one here but me
and whats inside of me
burrito and love and pop and pee