seems like just the other day i walked over to my computer to find me someone to talk to when i stumbled across her folder of pictures on the internet, and subsequent email address.
things arent really supposed to work out that easilly. are they? oh look, a super cute girl, i think i’ll email her. look at that, she emailed back. a few months later – she knows everything about you, and still wants to be naked with you. constantly.
the only thing that ive encountered in my 111 years thats weirder weirder
is dubyas reelection.
but nothing makes sense.
life isnt fair.
may as well ask the pretty girl to the dance.
she might be adorable and fun and never boring and exciting and
she might even put a smile on your face
if you let her.
friends, when i met ashley i was a broken man.
down on my luck.
kicked to the curb.
i had no money, bad credit, no job, no car,
and a bad attitude.
fortunately she was so young most of the dudes she dated were in the same boat.
pretty much up for anything except watching porn.
cant get everything, i suppose.
once we took a little moonlight drive to nowhere,
pulled over and laid down in the grass beneath an old oak tree
crickets chirped and frogs croaked
and when the summer breeze picked up a tad you could hear the brook bubbling its way to the desalizination plant.
that girl could fall asleep anywhere
and as a shooting star arched its way across the galaxy
her eyes blinked shut and i sat there and i held her
and watched the moondrops spill into the ocean
while the nightingales danced atop the tall grass
and im not with her anymore for her own good
im not with her anymore cuz im a dumbass.
ashley and her groovy friends + mrciabrdy wants to direct connect + our last days together