starring tony as the teenage jerry fallwell.
if you dont know you better axe somebody but my life is 2903742343 times different today than it is a year ago or two years ago. the biggest difference is my job my car and the girls who get naked for me. and out of that comes all the other little differences.
last night for example i studied about my new job and then i called someone from my new job and we talked about my new job and all the behind the scenes shit that i have to know about my new job
and then christie st. martin (pictured) chatted me up and we decided to have a podcast and it was only supposed to be fifteen minutes long but we totally hit it off so it lasted 50 minutes
and all along i was making chicken on my george forman grill so if you actually do listen to it and hear what might sound like distortion its actually chicken being foremaned.
and a year ago or even two years ago or even three years ago there would have been a hot babe waiting for me in my waterbed or watching tv on my couch but thats not the case right now. right now im attatched to no one, which is also weird for me, and youd think id be more productive but no, im running reruns on this shit and deep down i wonder if its because i just dont think i have anything to write about but deeper down i know thats not true
cuz i could write pages and pages about the republicans and how theyre the tightest sorority on greek row.
yesterday i was driving to work and i was a tad late, by a tad i mean a schmidge, so it was like 9:03am and rush limbaugh was on my new car stereo and he went into this little pompous rant about how all these mainstream media outlets had called him before the show to ask him if he was planning on talking about pat robertson’s bizzare comments on everyones favorite show The 700 Club where he said that we should assasinate Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.
limbaugh proudly said something along the lines of “no i will not be commenting about that because You dont determine the content of this radio show, mainstream media, I DO.”
and it made me wish i was a republican because that sort of loyalty is priceless.
btw, how rush got away with keeping his job after getting caught being a druggie still blows my mind, and how he kept his ass out of jail during the same time that tommy chong did hard time for selling bongs is still intensely curious to me, but pretty much everything is.
i reran the previous post from two years ago because it shows you that two years ago when arnold schwartzeneggar was running for governor that the repubs were behind him despite the fact that his father was a nazi police cheif and despite the fact that he had been shown smoking weed on video and despite the fact that he had no experience and despite the fact that he had been boning a kennedy among other women
all things that you’d think the conservative party would rally against, but no, because he put an (R) next to his name all was good in the hood
and quite a hood it is, if even blowhards like Rush who have a few hours to kill each day on the radio wont touch a church leader expressing illegal activity on the head of democratically elected sitting president, thats a brotherhood i think we all wish we could belong to.
im still waiting for guys like the instapundit to try to spin the latest harris poll that says that bush’s approval ratings are at an all-time low, infact lower than Nixon was during watergate.
but i dont control his content any more than i control rush’s.
what rush doesnt seem to understand is he’s the master of spin and this is his chance to show his stuff. glenn did the right thing yesterday and called the minister “one of the original models for the term “idiotarian,” which is accurate, but im not going to hold my breath to wait to hear him say that about our dear leader who might not be the original model of anything
but he is a dipshit
and id give my kingdom to a right wing blogger or radio talk show dude who just owned up to that one day.
but like my new cohort explained to me last night, not everyones as honest as i am
about anything
and sometimes you just have to chill out and be mellow about things.
even if we’re at war.
even if people are dying over nothing.
even if gas prices are $3 a gallon for no good reason.
and one of the nice things about rerunning posts is we get to see how times have changed and arnold was the right’s bestfriend back then and now he’s done absolutely nothing good for california and it’ll be interesting to see if he even wins the republican nomination, but he will, cuz theyre all in lockstep with each other.
be as much as they call california crazy, we dont mind voting out retards when they are proven to be bad for our state, which is nice, but its too bad that trends that start here take years to spread across the country.
all things christie + best week ever blog + my podcast with christie