my sleeping habits are all out of whack.

maybe it has to do with the two liters of coke that im drinking and the fact that i keep going to sleep when the sun comes up and waking up at 2:30pm. at this rate i’ll never make it inside all those museums.

they gave me a card where i can go into pretty much all the museums in town. my question is, why cant these places be open at 4am where a guy can really sit down in front of those bad boys and truly study them?

also, i dont think you should allow yourself to be considered five star if you dont have a real fridge and or a microwave in your room. i stayed in the worst motel in oregon and it had a real fridge And a microwave. yes the floors were so scary i didnt walk anywhere without my slippers but there you have it.

the lobby here is beautiful and modern. they say the huge Nightwatch is a copy but thats not what i tell my visitors.

people watch soccer here. they stand out in the cold and watch it being shown in restaurants. wednesday night soccer. you dont see people standing outside on a cold chicago spring night watching baseball. or basketball. so props.

i also like the flag of this city. its red and black and has three x’s on it.

it looks like a pirate flag. like someone saying our flag is a treasure map and we have three treasures here. sex is legal, drugs are legal, and our art is better.

i like the windy streets but i dont understand them. how did they get that way? did people build ten feet of street and then got bored of making it go straight? was it to make invading armys confused? whatever it is i like it. i feel like im on the stage of a shakespeare play.

someone offered me hash and i said, “Macbeth shall never vanquished be
until Great Birnam Wood to high Dunsinane Hill shall come against him.”

something is giving me munchies like crazy and if i ever moved here i would open up a Pink Dot because it’s not all that huge of a town so all youd need is three to cover the whole place. and the streets are empty at night pretty much so let people with munchies call up and ask for snacks and charge em for it.

let me tell you how much i love the world we live in.

theres a thing called peer to peer sharing.

im a subscriber to sirius sat radio. i paid for the whole year at one pop. but its only in my car radio. so i was sad that i was going to miss the howard stern show while i was on this trip.

well some very nice person started sharing yesterdays show and the day befores show. so i must say that its quite a bonus to be able to be here in this fair city And get to listen to howard late at night while watching the dutch broadcast of the olympics.

my bicycle must be freezing out there.

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