dear bloggy blog

im sorry baby if ive been neglecting your sweet ass. i dont mean to do it. please dont take it personally. ive been so busy you have no idea.

we’re doing everything at Buzznet to make things look better and run smoother and be better that im up till 2am almost every night doing my part and the boys in the trenches are doing even more work.

stay tuned for our official relaunch late this month and meantime please pardon our dust as we reinvent the rock.

and i know it might not seem that all the time the buzzy is buzzing but thats because sometimes in order to build shit youve gotta break shit.

sometimes you have to take a few steps back to get a good start. sometimes you have to crouch low to jump high.

but baby i never mean to push you to the side or stick you on the back burner.

nobody puts bloggy in the corner.

today i had lunch with ms karisa the besta and the whole time she was looking at her watch and i was looking at my sun dial because shes making magic at her place of employment just like she always does whereever she works. and one day she and i will get to work together again and that day will be beautiful.

speaking of beautiful, cheese n rice that girl is hot sometimes. we ate at the la brea tar pits which is a favorite of the Field Trip crowd and some of these kids had obviously never seen a movie star before and they were running and running and they caught a glimpse of karisa and stopped dead in their tracks and the kids chasing them crashed into them and the pileups were humorous.

we watched the seagulls fight over the little kids’ forgotten wheatbread sandwhiches and speculated what it was that made kids these days so damn fat cuz we saw hella fat kids.

karisa and i both grew up in less than tropic enviorns and still we were outside running around until the wee hours, imagine if we had these sorts of climes back in the day.

we ate food from Black Dog and danielle if youre reading this theres no way i can go to the Dog without thinking of you. all of your favorite people are still working there so the next time you make your way up north to hell-a we’ve gotta eat there together and relive the past. and wear something see thru please kthnx.

ok back the grind bloggy. please know that when i get to austin i dont know how often i will be able to write because not only will i be rocking out all night but im also gonna be on the clock for buzznet. yes there will be wifi in the room and wifi in some of the events that i’ll be attending but shit man do you really want me to walk around with a laptop AND camera bag like a common tourist? ok i know you do, but idont wanna, i wanna drink and kiss random girls and encourage the rockstars to act like actual rockstars and not all emo and boring.

karisa said i looked like i had gotten a little color in my face and i said maybe the argentinian chick from the other day had rubbed off on me and she nearly choked on her egg salad.

no justice no peace,


ps last night i had an email chat with leah and shes pretty much the coolest twenty year old austinite ive never met

in 1997 when many of you were still in grade school

i was selling peanuts hot dogs and garlic fries in Candlestick Park, working for the san francisco giants.

i could have either sold shit there or across the bay in oakland, but instead of watching 82 games of the Bash Brothers of Mark McGwuire and Jose Canseco (with special guest star in left field Jason Giambi), i decided to keep it real and find out for myself what the deal was with Barry Bonds.

what i learned was Bonds was an enormous prick, everyone associated with him was a prick, and the only saving grace of the season was the Giants were in first place most of the year and i got to not only attend a playoff game but work it.

it was an awesome job. you could look in the paper to find out what time you had to go to work the next day.

and although the Gyros were successful it was a bittersweet ride because their star was such a fucking diva who you sorta rooted against.

well yesterday was the day when all that rooting paid off. barry bonds was exposed for being the asshole that he is. after hundreds of hours of interviews, thousands of pages of documentation, and even some hidden microphones recording secrets from the star’s personal trainer, two reporters from the SF Chronicle have compiled a book to let us know what we already knew – Barry Bonds juiced up and lied to us all.

just like canseco told us last year.

just like we always assumed.

apparently numbers dont lie, you cant hit 73 home runs when youre 39 years old unless youre doing something drastically different han everyone else.

and apparently would-be hall of famers do lie.

barry bonds is going down and it couldnt happen to a more miserable cunt. born in the lap of luxury to a father who was an all star (bobby bonds), and tutored by a godfather who was possibly the greatest baseball player of all time (willie mays). instead of appreciating that headstart and being humble, bonds walked around like he deserved the silver spoon.

instead of watching how former stars like willie stargell or willie mccovey handled their fame and fortune, he acted like a cock to the fans and a pussy to the press.

what he is getting now, in what should have been his first year in retirement, but ended up being his first year truly having to explain his behavior, is just desserts.

if only he hadnt been a greedy fuck. if only he hadnt tried to cheat to break hank aarons record. if only he had put down the needle and cut his losses. but pride is a motherfucker and juice is a hell of a drug.

the busblog rarely disses fellow Blacks, but barry bonds has given a black eye to all his brothers and sisters by trying to steal the home run crown away from a brotha who started in the negro leagues and was delivered death threats as he approached babe ruths record. hank aaron should have received the respect that he deserved from barry bonds, but instead barry tried to rob him.

and now that we have seen that one of the greatest players ever had to resort to cheating on such a large scale, perhaps one of the silver linings to this mess is that we finally know just how awesome hammering Hank’s record truly is.

meanwhile i hope barrys nuts start solidifying right now before our eyes and i hope hes kicked out of baseball and his numbers are erased from the record books. all his numbers. for all he is today is what he was when i watched him that summer – a zero – and the biggest dope in baseball.

aaron gleeman on kirby puckett + sk smiff + kitty bukkake + krista