you really shouldnt try to attempt any of this at home

from back in the dayi have the weirdest schedule. last night i didnt go to bed until 5am, only to be awaken by a cuban girl who never really told me what she wanted. now here it is 255am and im not even close to feeling sleepy so im sipping rum and writing things for LAist and listen to my Mellow folder on the itunes which right now is bumping the pixies gigantic and im thinking about you, yes you, the one in the pink.

karisa pinged me at 9pm, by 10pm i had showered and was headed towards her miracle mile rendezvous locale, curiously near the xbi hq. she claimed to be “starving” which was funny because i had just gotten off the phone with my true love in africa who told me about a few of her experiences with truly starving people.

we decided on Swingers, the ultra hip diner on 3rd street near the Grove. the service was horrible, the food was eh, the company was amazing. even in the dark karisa’s a knockout. she plays these games where she tries to get me to check her out but i only have my mind on my money and my money on my mind so i only had eyes for LAist and took pictures of our plates of food so i can review the joint.

but they dont need any love. there it was 10:30p and they were packed. even the outside was full. the waitress never asked us how we liked our shit, never asked if we needed anything else, never asked us if we wanted dessert, never asked us if i was really tony pierce and if my dining companion who wanted the grilled cheese was truly The karisa j hotshit. so she only got a 19 percent tip.

before i left to go to dinner i dissed kobe on LAist which ended up with lots of readers of LAist dissing me. ME!

its been a funny week with me and the readers over there. they obviously dont understand the rules of the game which you kids follow beautifully. and those rules are simple “when tony hits publish post, you tell him how rad he is in the comments.”

several members of the peanut gallery seemed to overlook that rule and told me that my reasoning was indefensible and even vapid. big words i know. but i have a thesaurus around here somewhere. anyways kobe does suck, shaq has another ring, and lookatthat so does Riles. it was a win win for me because the Mavs are my team after the Heat so i was in hog heaven and Cuban will get his if he doesnt go bankrupt with all the fines, but its fine, its fine.

and this mellow mix keeps getting louder. dont people understand that 3:13am means shhhh it means


it means


thats right it means so quiet you can barely hear it.

and tomorrow i have to rule the world again and see if anyone notices.

wonkette noticed + i put a green bud on LAist yesterday + dissed pearl jam today

to the right we have exhibit a

ray whitney of the carolina hurricanes screaming FUCKING RAD (or FUCKING RIGHT, my intern is analyzing the audio) on national tv in the middle of prime time tv.

for my children to hear.

now we all understand why he’s screaming and smiling and cursing, bro just won the stanley cup in the seventh game, 14 yr veteran and two-time all star who had never been on a stanley cup winner before – of course he’s going to say the f word.

but unfortunately he said it when children were awake, he said it on free television, and he said it during an event that American children love to watch: stanley cup hockey.

now you might be saying, “but he didnt say ‘fuck’ he said ‘fucking’ he used it as an adjective or adverb or something. and he said it exhuberantly.”

but then i would have to remind you of one mr bono hewson who in 2003 won, with his band, a golden globe award and exhuberantly said, “fucking brilliant”.

that was a more than a year before the janet jackson + justin timberlake super bowl, but if you recall, after the superbowl chairman powell announced that they had reversed their decision on bono and said that although they wont fine him, that there would be “substantial” fines in the future because it’s an offensive, indecent, and obscene word.

Heres some of the things Powell said on the day they reversed the Bono decision

* For the first time, the Commission has applied the profanity section of the statute for the broadcast of this highly offensive word

* The Commission has an important obligation to punish those who violate our law…

* Given that today’s decision clearly departs from past precedent in important ways, I could not support a fine retroactively against the parties

* Prospectively, parties are on notice that they could now face significant penalties for similar violations.

what’s also interesting is this utterance comes four days after bush signed legistlation that upped the max fine from $32,500 to $325,000 per station. a few months back CBS got dinged $3.3 mil because they had to cover 111 stations that ran the simulated teen orgy on Without A Trace that i must get my hands on. which means if new fcc chairman Kevin Martin agrees with powell, bro’s f-bomb could be the most expensive one of all at over $30 million.

which it has to be

because he said it on abc at 8:10pm pacific time

right after my littlest one cleared her plate of spaghetti-o’s and had walked into my study to show me her achievement.

they must fine nbc $30 million. and they must do it for the kids.

tar bloob + b-rock + amanda + miss 604 + jeff jarvis

Ask the LAist

friends, as you know ive been working hard at another blog.
a blog that has been paying me actual money. i know, wtf?
that blog is called LAist, you may know it as the blog you dont comment on.
whatever. anyways we have a feature called Ask the LAist.
this week we’re going to let you, the busblog readers, ask the questions.
so here in the comments below, ask your Q’s and i will provide the A’s on LAist.
now im off to see Nacho Libre because some people hate it and some people love it.

its 256am

superhotchick i met at the home depot fell asleep on me as we were watching the ice storm. not pictured.

do you know how old i am? im old. back in the day i used to make out with this girl in westwood named money. this was back when mtv played videos. so some nights i would go to her apartment and id climb her stairs and she would sometimes freak me out with the crazy wiccian shit she would wear or shed put on all this eye liner and talk real slow and serious and i would be all baby i just wanna make out and watch cure videos.

but thered be incense in there and candles and this was so long ago that i had never been with a woman in the biblical sense. nor did i expect to any time soon. which is why so much depended on the quality of the late night viddies. money liked boys and girls and was way out of my league. she bit when i barely knew how to lick. she knew how to move when i barely knew the first rule of ass club. but what i liked best about her was her honesty. when she looked at you you were the only person alive which was hard to believe because everyone wanted her attention. but there was an honesty in that look thats still hard to describe.

i write about some of my old girlfriends but not all of them. not because im trying to hold anything back, i just still havent figured out what the hell was going on there. not that it was bad, it was far from bad. nothing was bad. bad isnt close to being the word. unless you mean seventies bad like damn, that bitch bad.

some records i cant play any more because it will send me directly back to a moment in time the psych furs mirror moves sends me right back to that futon and the discovery that this totally confident punk rock girl had been cleverly concealing huge ass titties underneath layers of ancient tshirts thrift store sweaters and a vespa brand trenchcoat which she somehow kept on regardless of the situation or climate.

and that record reminds me that that was the day that i realized that boobies are fine but what do you do after you say damn bitch and kiss em for a few minutes. her name was drink this so i drank it. her name was let me turn off the lights now. her name was lets go on the roof now. her name was my roommate isnt coming home tonight.

but her nickname was you will never ever forget about any part of me.

youth is so wasted on the young

and the wasted youth on my wasted couch is young which is why i brought up age in the first place and all i was gonna say was when i was young i would never be able to fall asleep on the couch of some dude you just met whose blog youve only been reading for a month.

why wont ann coulter leave la + john murtha says fat backside + LA Passes Vampire Slayer Act

two years ago today there was a disturbance in the force

madpony calls it quits

weeks after madpony started, the busblog was telling you about them. two sweet oklahoman sisters. one in highschool, one in a sorority at ou. but these were different sisters from oklahoma than all the others. they were special.

since then this site has posted profiles of both young women. their absence in the blogosphere will be deeply missed.

Thursday, June 17, 2004

i think it’s time to state the inevitable. madpony has come to an end. it’s been a very fun (almost) two years sharing my stories with you all, but i feel quite literally like i’m beating a dead horse.

– kristin,

dumbass_dumberass: πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™

kristin: hi sweetie

dumbass_dumberass: right before i found out about you, i found out that the drummer of tsar quit on monday

kristin: double sucks
kristin: i’m sorry πŸ™

dumbass_dumberass: will you give me an exclusive interview

kristin: i guess πŸ™‚
kristin: but not tonight

dumbass_dumberass: you dont have 15 minutes for your #2 fan?

kristin: oh sweetie
kristin: i’m just exhausted

dumbass_dumberass: 14 minutes?

kristin: sigh

dumbass_dumberass: should i blame your bf?

kristin: nah

dumbass_dumberass: whats the reason then?

kristin: i’m just tired of it
kristin: interview tomorrow if you want

today is the beautiful and glamorous emmanuelle’s 24th birthday

shes 25. born in switzerland in the totally krazy 80s she defected to france as soon as she got out of grade school and never looked back.

now an american, a los felizian, and a die-hard dodger fan, emmanuelle blesses us each day with her joi de vivre, hot outfits, and sweet sweet disposition.

probably the most overlooked journalist of all of our friends, emmanuelle knocks out story after story about LA culture, politics, and hollywood entertainment. unfortunately she does it en francais and often times on french radio so its hard to copy and paste it into our blogs

the way we do with her husband matts fine work over at the la times.

i like emmanuelle because she adds a spash of class in the joint. no matter where you are i always feel that if emmanuelle is there its already up a few notches on the cool factor.

i also like it that whenever she introduces me to a hot babe i usually get lucky later that night or sometime that week. merci beaucoup baby.

a convicted communist and role model, emmanuelle is part of the star chamber behind the events that take place in the name of the los angeles press club, which sadly i will have to start attending more often now that i do what i do. but the good news is i will be able to spend a few minutes with todays birthday girl and gossip about celebs and trade arms for hostages.

born in a row boat, married in a castle, secret hairstylist of lyt, bonne anniversarie jolie jeune fille. + matt + lyt rules