i think im over Lost

i was patient during the boring years. like a man in love with a woman but then realized he was just looking at her hair and not listening to her words.

Lost is like that. style but so little substance.

this was supposed to be the season where everything came together and made sense. instead we are getting this second path about what would have happened if they hadnt crashed. we’re getting bodies being inhabited with new souls. we’re getting even more questions, few answers.

it was cute for a while, a long while, indeed. but wheres the substance?

what are we supposed to learn from these people?

it feels like these characters were barbie dolls shoved in a box and then people shook the box around and we’re supposed to be entertained by it all and pretend that all the connections are more than coincidences or tomfoolery.

what was the purpose of this show? was it just a jigsaw puzzle and we should be happy when all the pieces are put together? but what picture is it going to make? it better make a kickass freakin picture because im pretty much through with this show. which is sad cuz for a while it was my favorite.

additionally: Metafilter had an interesting thread about Lost yesterday

5 thoughts on “i think im over Lost

  1. you know… I’ve never watched Lost.  I’ve never really been too tempted to.  In fact, we had season one on DVD from the library and didn’t even watch a second of it.  Now it seems maybe I was right to have avoided devoting my time?  Then again, this is from the pwerson who watches America’s Next Top Model religiously… WAIT did I miss the season premiere last night?

  2. I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels like you do.  I never thought it was boring until now.  I only continue to watch because I have invested 5 plus years and hundreds of dollars into this show.  I just want it to please pay off.   And am I the only one that think someone should have gutted Ben Linus at least 2 seasons ago.  Just the site of him makes me angry.

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