yes sometimes i do believe the Lord hardens our hearts

mine too.

but i dont think he does it as much as i think.

personally i think the Lord has better things to do than micro manage our lives

but who knows, maybe everything else is running on automatic,

or maybe He created us just so he could tinker with pretty much everything.

which would explain why the weather’s so janky.

if that were the case, i wish He’d tinker with popular music.

seems to me that back in the 60s 70s and 80s there was a lot of divine intervention going on with the rock.

what else could you call it? tonight i downloaded (legally, natch) a greatest hits of Dio.

emusic. 12 units (about $5). theres more great music in this album for five bucks

than the hundreds of thousands being spent to convince me that todays sounds arent laughable.

i could use a little divine intervention from time to time.

i wonder if im hardening my heart to that possibility.

i talk about her a lot because

shes the only one who talks to me

and i only like to talk in hottubs.

she said i know you have a secret blog and im hurt that you wont tell me where it is.

i said baby trust me if i had a secret blog youd be the first to know about it.

she said but wouldnt you have a blog so you could write freely about all the other girls

i was all sweet miracle from Above, not only arent there any other girls, but if there were why wouldnt i just write To them instead of in secret About them.

the record player made it to the end of the record. the tone arm rose up a tad, glided across the top of the platter and waited.

a new record dropped ontop of the finished one, and the arm moved over a bit, slowly lowered, and the needle found its groove and music returned to the dark room.

outside the tub bubbled.

and they continued.

i just dont want there to be any more secrets, she whispered and watched the bubbles form around his muscular midsection.

bloggers arent known to be so cut, she thought, but this one, damn it, what a man.

he caught her looking at him. he was uncomfortable being loved for his body.

but he was growing used to it.

a tale of two bacons

this weekend the truest and i spent the weekend together.

we ate out a lot cuz i dont like her to cook when we’re together,

but yesterday morn she woke me up with some tofu bacon which i gotta say wasnt half bad

but it was nothing like the real crispy bacon we had at CJ’s on Pico on saturday

CJ’s is a place frequented almost completely by african americans

but run by mexican americans, who are also the cooks.

so when i ordered apple juice they asked “would you like fresh squeezed”?

who doesnt want fresh squeezed?

turns out they gave me a horchata. first one i ever had.

and not half bad either.

has it really been a month since Deltopia?

1. since when did doug kreigel move from knbc to keyt?

2. i love him, but why did they get the oldest guy on staff to do that story? for humor? ok then its funny.

3. why do you need 40 cops to handle a non-floatopia day?

4. why arent i mayor of IV yet?

5. do you believe that last girl saying she hasnt been drinking? love her.

how to keep a customer forever

i bought my mom a wii for mothers day. from amazon.

about a year ago i realized i bought a lot of things from amazon so i signed up for their Prime deal, which allows you to get free two day shipping on anything in their warehouse.

Prime cost $79 a year. and its gotta be good for amazon because you end up buying about 79 times the amount of stuff you should be buying from them because everything feels like a deal since its free shipping and it gets to you fast.

recently i bought a six pack of my favorite deodorant, a three pack of my favorite body wash, and some of these toilet scrubbers i like from amazon. normally youd buy em at Target or whatever, but you dont always think of those things when youre at target. plus its free shipping so why not.

what it does is it gets you thinking about amazon all the time. so when i wanted to get my mom a wii i figured i could go to target and put it on my target card, i could go to best buy and get those reward points for getting it from them, or i could get it from amazon and theyd ship it free and id skip a trip to the post office.

plus for $5 theyd gift wrap it. now i dont know about you, but im a dude, id much rather tip some kids at the mall $5 to wrap my gift than actually have to buy all those supplies and do a crappy job. so amazon gets the $5 tip instead.

mothers day comes and goes, no package. i asker if her nice neighborhood has gone bad, and shes all offended. well thats good. but no package? i ask her to look around back to the deck, to look under a bush, or ask a neighbor if maybe they are holding it for you.

negative on all counts.

sass and friend laying on my bed waiting for something interesting to happen

id never called amazon before. so i forget to call them on weds, and thurs. here we are now more than a week after UPS allegedly dropped in on her porch. suddenly i was afraid that not only wouldnt amazon ship out another one, on them, but theyd blame me for waiting so long to call them.

so i go to amazon, they have a “call” button that you click. but first you plug in your phone number and after you click the button your phone rings and its them. wth? i got a lady who was clearly in a foreign land but she was nice, she apologized like a half dozen times, she put me on hold and called UPS, she came back and said they swear they delivered it but theyd “investigate”, and she says

we will have a replacement wii sent to your mother’s house for free.

no fuss, no muss, no weird paperwork to fill out. just “okey dokey you’re a prime customer and yep you buy a lot of weird crap, we can see from the gift wrapping you paid for and the cheesy note you wrote you love your mom and you sent her a wii she probably wont even use, so sure, this ones on us and we’ll try to squeeze it out of ups on the back end.”

im paraphrasing. and now i trust amazon even more than i trusted them before. they are a very good organization who always gets me my crap fast and maybe if i ever publish that childrens book for christmas i will actually let them sell it for me, something i never did in the past.

k, now i gotta finish cleaning my pad so a friend of yours can have a comfortable stay here this weekend.

alecia is still on her trip in, around, and under thailand

not only did she find some black cock, but im glad to see she has a little theme going with her travel reportage

update on the diarrhea situation: still dire. anton has begun utilizing the poop hose. (spray hose that is in like every bathroom instead of toilet paper.) the diarrhea has reached unwipeable levels.

life does have a nasty way of balancing out the joy of our lives. whatevs. keep rockin you crazy kids

i dont know whats wrong with america

i think i do, but i cant get into it now.

but one thing that is definitely a problem that is working its way out is movie attendance.

not that people arent going to movies in droves, of course they are, its just that people arent going to as many movies as they would probably like to because theres this whole stigma and embarrassment about going alone.

my coworker Jevon and I realized that we go to movies almost every weekend. and because we’re confident brothas, sometimes we go alone.

so we figured out that we should make a cheesy-ass Movie Club.

which is what we’re doing.


Regal Theatre.


Robin Hood.

wear tights