end of the year questionaire

1. What did you do in 2003 that you’d never done before?

shaved all my hair off

2. Did you keep your new years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year?

sorta. yes.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?

yes, mr. jeff solomon, who once was a business partner of mine, and who is currently the lead bass player in my favorite band, and his love, the amazing and talented erin of the walnut creek johnsons.

4. Did anyone close to you die?

ive always felt very close to johnny cash.

5. What countries did you visit?

i think i went to mexico.

6. What would you like to have in 2004 that you lacked in 2003?

a redhead

7. What date from 2003 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?

4/20: first time i got so drunk i completely forgot what i had done

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?

marrying bonnie and charlie

9. What was your biggest failure?

not capitalizing on the la times calling this blog the most entertaining blog in la.

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?

i think i was sick for two days.

11. What was the best thing you bought?

my 230-hour directv tivo

12. Whose behaviour merited celebration?

my true love was on fire this year

13. Whose behaviour made you appalled and depressed?

steve bartman, the jackass who ruined everything for the cubs

14. Where did most of your money go?

savings. 🙂

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?

i had a great idea for a dream job that nearly came true

16. What song will always remind you of 2003?

take it off, the donnas

one year old tony17. Compared to this time last year, are you happier or sadder?

probably the same

ii. thinner or fatter?

8 lbs thinner!

iii. richer or poorer?


18. What do you wish you’d done more of?

i wish i had written more. specifically the xxx novel.

19. What do you wish you’d done less of?

i hate to say it, but reading almost every webpage that i could find.

20. How did you spend Christmas?

with karisa, drunk, full, wet.

22. Did you fall in love in 2003?

nearly every day.

23. How many one night stands?

they all came back at least once, baby.

24. What was your favourite TV programme?

the howard stern show on e!

25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?

just one person: mr. steve bartman.

26. What was the best book you read?


27. What was your greatest musical discovery?

the dynomite local outfit: the corvids, athen georgia’s drive-by truckers, and the poormans jesus and mary chain: the ravonettes

28. What did you want and get?

i wanted to succeed a job i wasnt qualified for that would push me to my limits. i succeeded. bitches.

29. What did you want and not get?

the cubs to win the world series.

30. What was your favourite film of this year?

lost in translation

31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?

i went to a strip club with my true love, ate pf changs, and then a curvy brunette did me. 110.

32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?

a job offer from Playboy

33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2003?

dumbass who probably doesnt even speak english

34. What kept you sane?

dsl, dss, chris, liana, karisa (pictured)

35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?


36. What political issue stirred you the most?

lies about going to war typically stir me

37. Who did you miss?


38. Who was the best new person you met?

travis k. smiley, junior secret agent at the xbi

39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2003.

rush limbaugh does way more drugs than i do.

40. What was the best thing to happen to the web this year?


41. Who did you steal this from?


42. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.

heres the whole song, which came out in 2003 even though the cd wont be out till 2004


Star Time

Hollywood Records


LA is the place to be, and if it aint as shocking as it used to be

take the bullet out your head

put it back in the gun

get your finger on the trigger

welcome, everybody, to the city of sound

they feast on the defeated

turn the city around

all they want to do is get up on your action.

let em go.

my brothers are all proud rockers

wild and aloof and trippin on acid.

my sisters are all stun stunners

wired to the roof and rolling on adam.

baby you live like a suicide

hell, somebody’s got to stand up and die

well, i think i live down in hollywood

never liked no fraud who wastes his money for food

for fifteen-minute freaks

to fan the flannel flame

cuz he used you, man.

come on,

pass the pipe and take the test

cuz youre the young lee harvey

man, you’re david koresh,

and if you dont dig that

why dont you go home

and watch some tivo, fucker

my sisters are all nice rockers

shoes to the roof, and looking up at my way.

my brothers are all jean-cutters,

glued to the tube and jumping like an osprey.

the hey hey never let me down

they love the sound of it getting around

and we say, oh

american girl

fill my heart with gladness, lord

you gotta save my soul

clean my mouth of sadness,


my brothers are all proud rockers

trippin on acid.

my sisters are all stun stunners

rolling on Adam.


wash these devils off

star time

rock n roll

make up your mind

to this world, come on,

get ready to let it rock on

star time

we’ll steal the show

so many miles to goooooooo

and let it rock on

get ready

to let it

rock on


fimoculous + leah + gweilo diaries

well there he is: mr. britney spears.

instapundit doesnt care. jarvis doesnt care. steve hall had to seriously consider whether he cared and finally had to give in out of fear of being slammed by this very blog.

but certainly jason allen alexander (pictured) of kentwood louisiana cared that he married britney spears this weekend.

and you know what j-dog, i care.

for years now i have been barraged with images and “music” and gossip and “news” about whether or not she got a boob job, or whether she was still a virgin, or what was up with her and justin, or if she was a smoker(!)

christina aguilera came out with a dirtier and more beautiful record in 2003 than britney did.

she had five geniune hits: dirrty, can’t hold us down, fighter, impossible, and beautiful.

and yet madonna kisses britney and that image becomes one of the most identifiable moments in 2003. not when madonna kissed xtina seconds later.

but strangely, when britney decides on a whim to get hitched in vegas, its not news.

jarvis and reynolds arent the only one sharing adrants’s yawns, britneys nuptials arent even on any three of yahoos top 20 most emailed, most viewed or highest rated stories of the weekend.

i thought you people loved britney spears

and weddings

and elopments in vegas

and the palms in vegas

and the maloof brothers.

has britney jumped the shark?

well jason, i care that you married britney spears this weekend, at 5 in the morning, in the same little chapel that denis rodman married carmen electra while drunk and being held up my a midget.

i care that you had a wild vegas weekend with britney spears and of right now youre still married to her and youre back home and youve got some stories to tell.

too bad Lick only takes stories from women.


dogboy + vanmega + doc doesnt care. hes seen it all.

so britney spears wants to get married

as a joke, and then go an have it annulled.

well i think the joke should be on her.

if i was the pope or some other non-biblically elected church official i would suggest to the other church heads that nobody give mrs. alexander any damn annullment.

the institution of marriage in america today has a 50% divorce rate. what brit did the other night rubs its face into the fact that the Ultimate commitment isnt worth the keno card that its written on.

id make an example of her and her sham wedding.

and if i was the state of nevada i’d follow suit.

how can you get married in one day and divorced a few days later and not make the entire “institution” a joke?

she signed the paperwork, she paid the $55, she kissed the groom, she laughed and she laughed and then she danced with one of the malloof brothers in the real world suite.

and now she should have to wait till death till she parts.

either that or she should give her husband half of her income as a penalty.

but i say she should have to stay married. forever.

let no man tear apart what God has brought together.

and all that.


saying “i do” should not be part of a marketing campaigned designed to sell more records than outkast.

and anyway, i dont see a nevada statute that says you can get your marriage annuled because it was a joke.

closest i see is one that will annul your ass if youre crazy. which perhaps she is.

instapundit still hasnt covered this breaking media event + nor has the creator of entertainment weekly + fark was funny about it

Jeff Jarvis wants to know

why the Beagle website was so slow to finally announce on its site that it got a message from its Mars lander.

I’ve got the same question, Jeff, but different. Why is it that the Syndey Morning Herald is reporting that Britney Spears got married yesterday in Vegas and BritneyFans.com “the #1 source for Britney Fans” didnt consider it reason enough to update?

“Scottish news direct from Scotland”, scotsman.com is reporting about the 22 yr old songstress marrying her old hometown chum in sin city, and yet BritneySpears.com “the official website” is still congratulating fan club member Rebecca Graba who won the “In the Zone” CD pre-sale contest.

ABC News dot com has it, and yet MTV dot com does not.

and currently its 1am sunday morning. this shit happened more than 24 hours ago.

Britney.com, her record label’s site devoted to her doesnt tell its fans that their pop star is a mrs., which is mighty jive.

World of Britney dot com and britney spears dot org have the friggin marriage certificate, and yet the smoking gun is telling us about an old geezer who held up a pizza hut with an electric drill.

the web sure aint what it used to be jeff.

thats for damn sure.

how can britney.com.br, the brazilian fan club have the news of what might be the most famous young woman in the world getting married, and yet the los angeles times doesnt have a freaking word about it.

how many brazillians do you think they staff at britney.com.br?

how many vh-1ers do you think they staff at vh-1 who hasnt added any news updates since 12/30/03 when they reported on ms. spears’ “toxic” video. dont you think yesterday might have been a good day to stroll into the office after a long weekend, just cuz, you know, they are calling that section news after all. or does mtv and vh-1 have a different time frame for when news isnt new any more?

perhaps they subscribe to the la times’ and the chicago tribune‘s philosphy, which is news isnt new until they get around to reporting on it.

you’d think at least theyd read the paper of record who has several search results linking its readers to Reuters and AP reports of the big news.

my condolences to my man o-dub who shoulda been that guy.

metafilter, by the way, had the item posted at 10pm pacific tonight. and its first wisecrack came two minutes later.

who needs newspapers?

although if the LA Times had a blog, maybe they wouldnt seem so obsolete

my question though is where are the bloggers? wheres doc searls or boingboing? i thought the internet never slept.

all you people gave andrew sullivan money last year, wheres his lazy ass on a saturday night? not in front of a computer like he oughtta be.

my guess is, because of the time difference, blair will get it before glenn.

my guess is the times wont have it till monday.

britney@staples 6/6/02 + lauren defends britney 12/06/02 + interview with an escalator