this week’s most talked about blog

Blogebrity, interviewed me!

heres an excerpt

blogebrity: for starters….you use blogger pro, and always have, to publish the busblog, right?

tonypierce: yes
tonypierce: blogger has been berry berry good to me

blogebrity: never any thoughts about moving over to a movable type or anything like that?

tonypierce: yes, thoughts, but in a few bizarre ways i try to live by example
tonypierce: and i want to show people that you dont need anything fancy to have a good blog
tonypierce: and get a fair share of attention
tonypierce: so yes ive been tempted to move over to something else, and/or get a designer, and/or get people to edit my shit
tonypierce: but i think this is best in the long run.

blogebrity: while you have started other blogs, like lickmagazine, you currently dont blog anywhere else, do you?

tonypierce: no, ive been a slacker
tonypierce: i do comment on metafilter about once a week
tonypierce: and throughout the blogosphere
tonypierce: i dont even update my secret blogs
tonypierce: i suck

blogebrity: now, as for blog-reading….do you have a blog/rss reader of choice?

tonypierce: I like the old fashioned way of having a homepage
tonypierce: but when i do use a Reader i use projectdu

blogebrity: you still have a promotional deal with them, correct?

tonypierce: yes, its a great relationship

blogebrity: sort of like jordan and nike?

tonypierce: hahaha
tonypierce: not in the slightest
tonypierce: project du has no sweatshops
tonypierce: on whose backs i make millions
tonypierce: i really dont like athletes who do things like that
tonypierce: sponsorships are ok
tonypierce: but think about who youre in bed with

read the rest here

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