europe, im coming to invade you

it just dawned on me that i will be jetting off the day after tomorrow so lets try to get things planned for our meetup(s).

monday is a travel day and tuesday i will either be hung over jet lagged or bum rushed by the poets priests and politicians. so lets say on wednesday, humpday, there will be an official buzznet busblog blogger meetup at the De Bierkoning which is at Paleisstraat 125, 1012 RK Amsterdam. they claim to have one of the largest selections of beer in the world at over 750 beers, so i figure thats a good place to start a party. 8pm

because i have heard tell that some europeans would like to travel to amsterdam to meet me, we should also have a meet up on Saturday night as well.

so on Saturday lets meet at ‘t Arendsnest home of 350 dutch beers. people talk shit about most dutch beers but those are people who usually order Bud at TGIF. when im in a foreign land i like to taste the foreign brews. ‘t Arendsnest is at Herengracht 90, 1015BS, Amsterdam. 8pm.

if youre going to be at either of these events, please rsvp to me at tony at buzznet dot com so i can know to be somewhere else if no one can make one of these.

also be warned, i can drink.

know two things about me, i went to college at ucsb, the university of isla vista. and my hero is mr charles bukowski.

i didnt stop smoking pot because of any moral or social or legal reasons, i quit because it stopped working on me, so i wont be bothering myself with that nonesense. therefore if you are meeting me at a pub get ready to drink because if there are 350 dutch brews in the hizzie im gonna want to come back home with a greater understanding of how dutch beer diffrenciates from the rest of the worlds’ brews.

if for some reason you cant keep up with me and you have the urge to hurl, please dont be embarrassed, let nature take its course, just please dont expunge on me. and if youre going to kiss me after your little accident please make sure to eat a mint first. my pallet is quite sensitive.

tonight im hosting a party for my longest lasting girlfriend. ms christina spurnikova, pictured. she and i were together for almost five years. because she has a heart of gold and ideals that are like very few others she is going to move to africa to volunteer with the Peace Corps.

she was accepted a few months ago and theyre shipping her out in a matter of weeks, so she came down to LA to say goodbye to her friends here as she will be in Uganda for two and a half years.

ms spurnikova taught me so much i cant even scratch the surface in this post. but here are a few bulletpoints. she taught me to forget any ideas i had about bodyshapes eyecolors or hairstyles. she taught me how to see peoples hearts. she taught me how to believe in my ideals and not think that they were silly. she taught me how to kiss all night and she also taught me how to hold hands in every situation.

we went to europe twice, we went to every mall in northern california, we lived in three different apartments, we volunteered for various causes, we had very high highs and not many lows at all.

in fact it was with her that i had some of my deepest spiritual moments including the time that i read the new testament and decided that the story of the rich prince was something i should embrace and i sold all of my shit and i hit the road to see where the Lord would take me. he took me here to LA and i ended up making more money and having more success than i ever expected even though all i applied for were $10 an hour jobs.

i started blogging because of her, i started businesses because of her, i grew up because of her. i cannot imagine a better ambassador for what America could be like than her, so americans, consider yourself well represented.

there might be a time soon where i will ask you to chip in to help buy her some supplies or to help her fund small projects in africa. i hope that you will join me in sharing some of our riches with the very poor of the dark continent.

tonight we will drink in santa monica with her friends and tomorrow we will shop at home depot and in a few weeks she will be half way around the world and i will miss her dearly.

if there are soul mates, she is mine. even if she wants to pretend that im not hers. no one said soul mates have to agree on every little detail.

unrelated: matt good invited me to blog with him and two others at thought mechanics and i said oui

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