the people asked. tony will answer.

right after this video from my last day of vacation

adrienne: when you get back from fla will you point me in the direction of that rental property?

im pointing east and south and almost right on the water

Ian: If I, and a friend, both 27, both from Canada, had 2 days to spend in the LA area in 2 weeks, other then Disneyland of course, what do you recommend we do or go? (particularly regarding hotels, clubs, pubs, bars, beaches and eats?)

at 27 years old i wouldnt go to disneyland. i would go to venice beach, then west hollywood, then melrose ave, then hollywood, then los feliz, then silver lake. hotels: the riot hyatt on sunset, or if you can afford it the Standard on sunset. clubs: spaceland, the echo, viper room, the whiskey. pubs: cat in the fiddle, ye rustic inn. bars: the edison, the good luck bar, 4100. beaches: venice. eats: have an oki dog, a pinks dog, and a skoobies dog. also eat the hamburgers: in n out, fatburgers, and tommys. and definately dine on a taco truck.

*bluenun: since you work downtown, can you please recommend some places that two ladies should hit up there this evening?

i like the edison for ladies to hit up. its classy at times but sometimes too loud. if it gets too loud walk east two blocks to the redwood and say hi to my friends.

Keira-Anne: Why is it so difficult for me to think of questions for the busblog? What’s your favourite book in the Bible? Comments are now the not-so-secret fuel of the busblog, so what’s the secret fuel of

my favorite book in the bible is Genesis. so much compacted into a pretty small section. and lots of bible celebrities say hi. the secret fuel of keira anne dot com is the hot blonde who writes it.

David: How will the Bears end up doing come playoff time? Why has their defense not been as solid as the past few years? And should they turn over the reigns to Rexy to lead them down the stretch?

the bears wont make the playoffs mostly because of that D. i dont know if theyre too young or too old, but someone said that Urlacher is the most overrated defenseman in the nfl and he sure hasnt been disproving that much. its a lot of pressure for a D to be responsible for shutting down offenses and expected to Score, but you take what the um critics give you i guess. they should trade sexy rexy for some hockey equipment. anything. i cant believe they didnt get some penny stock for him before the market went up. maybe a barrel of oil. f rex.

Sarah: How much do you miss California?

gotta tell you, i miss cali when im in canadah. but here on the water with the windows open at 2am and my ass hanging outta my speedos im not really missing anything except for that lost shaker of salt. be home soon though.

miguel: If there was a pill that would make you never have to sleep again, would you take it, and if so, what would you do with the extra time?

sleeping bores me. sleeping puts me to sleep. sleep is for the just and i aint just. id take that pill but my nutritionist frowns upon pills. with my extra time id actually read more books. i dont read many book books any more cuz they make me sleepy. so if i had such a pill id read.

zona: I’m gonna audition for MTV’s Gent or G. Can you put in a good word for me with Jamie?

i have no idea what youre talking about. you kids with your tv programmes.

-k-: 1. What a beautiful song. Thanks. 2. Favorite street in LA?

i like hollywood blvd because its grimey and full of history and filthy with tourists. to me its the real hollywood especially cuz its so fake.

pete viles: how you doing, bro? Tell me your newest favorite website or blog.

peter! we miss you so. my newest favorite website/blog is a great one that you and your son would probably enjoy. its called mlb trade rumors ( its updated furiously all day. great insight. great links. super fast blogging. party with you soon!

i think im warming to the kids

probably because theyre out of the house right now and its nice here. and also theyre adorable. but if i dont allow adorable humans to get away with murder, why would i change that rule for adorable aliens?

yes aliens. they are oddly shaped. they dont speak the language. they have no respect for our laws or guidelines. theyre clearly here to invade and take over. they come from another world. theyve time traveled and have refused to go back. theyre a drain on our economy. they have no papers. they flat out insist on not working. they wont even learn to drive a car or a truck.

you saw the little one play ball in the house with no regard to actual basepaths or commonsense fundamentals of baseball.

but the thing that bothers me the most is they take the straws off the juice boxes and then hide them or bury them or stuff them in the pool drain. hows uncle tony supposed to enjoy a juice box with no straw? what am i supposed to do, take a knife to an innocent juice box and pour the contents into a glass? you have any idea how little fluid is in a juice box? its like two shot glasses full.

why are there shot glasses next to the juice boxes?

its florida, dont ask. and dont tell.

this is a game called What’s Harder to Watch

The Attorney General collapsing during a speech (and then broadcast repeatedly on every tv newsshow while i am sitting here on vacation):

Sarah Palin yammering on while turkeys are slaughtered behind her like some Monty Python skit (and oddly not broadcast on any tv station anywhere – damn liberal media!)?

Or the fact that Turtle really does seem to be dating Meadow Soprano (something i thought was funny on HBO, but in real life i dont know how i feel about)

regardless I blame the Obama Recession for all of this.

rock history explained.

krist of nirvana revisits the LA night of his bass-tossing blunder on mtv

an excerpt from his weekly blog in the Seattle Weekly:

I walked around and checked out the stage area. Other bands were showing up. I said hello to the fellows in Pearl Jam and the Black Crowes. Sammy Hagar said hi. There was Howard Stern in a suit made to let his bare buttocks hang out.

I eventually made it to the food service area, where Kurt and Courtney were at a table with their newborn daughter, Frances. They told me that Axl Rose had walked by and Courtney started teasing him. She yelled, “Axl, Axl—you’re the godfather!” Upon hearing this, Axl apparently got very annoyed, walked over to Kurt, and demanded that he keep his woman in line. Kurt turned to Courtney and sarcastically asked his woman to keep in line and left it at that. Axl then split. Of course, Kurt and Courtney were musing over Axl’s response in the context of society’s patriarchal tendencies. My thought was that Rose shouldn’t have gotten bent out of shape. He should have walked over and asked to kiss the baby or something!

At the same time, Kurt wanted to play the tune “Rape Me” and was adamant about it. The MTV people were upset. We were being asked from all corners not to. I thought we should play something off Nevermind, do the gig, and leave. Easy, right? No. Kurt was very stubborn and refused to play another tune. There was quite a swirl around this issue.

I went back to the trailer and had a still-warm beer. Yuk, but I drank it anyway. To resolve the song controversy, we said we were going to do “Lithium,” but we decided among the band to pull a prank and play a few chords of “Rape Me” at the beginning. Even though the issue was resolved, the back and forth between their people, our people, us and them, or whoever—it was draining.

read the whole thing here

via Stereogum which also shows us that another grunge-era lefty Pisces is also going off the deep end right about now

keira-anne tagged me on a thing called

“six things you probably dont know about me”

The rules:
*Link to the person that tagged you.
*Post the rules on your blog.
*Share six interesting things/habits/quirks about yourself – anything that comes to mind.
*Tag six people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs … people you would like to know things about.
*Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.

– i havent smoked one puff of marijuana in almost a year. yes ive been to many a rock show, including roger waters, and have been involved in lots of situations where i could have puff puffed passed (such is the nefarious life of a busblogger) but as an aspiring scientist i wanted to see if i could resist the temptations of america’s silliest illegality and im glad to report i could and it was no problem. i hope they dont revoke my IV card.

– i pray every night and read at least one chapter of the bible every sunday. the bible is my favorite book ever and reading it this slowly is an interesting way to gnaw on the good book throughout the week. when i was last hiking with karisa i was thinking about how she approaches working out. i thought that it was probably the same way i approach blogging and reading the bible – just make it part of your daily or weekly routine and before you know it youve improved yourself in ways youd have never expected. karisa is probably the healthiest person i know and rarely backs down from a project and i can blog three times a day even on a super hectic day. and i can call bs on the religious right with a flick of a bible verse.

– i read dozens of magazines a week, including gossip and girlie mags. by girlie i mean Bust and Vogue and Cosmo Girl, etc. i used to subscribe to Sassy and later Jane, and recently i gave up my subscription to Us because all it was any good for was pictures, but the JJB provides all of those to me even quicker and with snarkier commentary. i read all of those because womens minds fascinate me and its always interesting to see if i can figure out what theyre thinking. lost cause, but whatevs.

– matt good is the only musician whose newer material rings truer to me than his older stuff. maybe thats because i was made aware of his music just a few years ago and thus everything from In a Coma forward made more sense to me, but what can i say. the only band that i love whose earliest music means nothing to me is Pink Floyd. sacrilege, i know, but Sid did nothing for me.

– i have zero faith that the cubs will win the world series during my lifetime. this isnt a sad realization, its merely a coping method that either i adopt or jump off a bridge. plus baseball should simply be enjoyed as the ballet that it is.

– i have extremely clean hands. not because im afraid of getting a cold (i hardly ever get colds), but for the same reason i keep a condom in my wallet – cuz you never know when a young lady is gonna want my hands all over her. and when such situations occur you wanna be prepared. you dont wanna say, oh excuse me while dr disgusting washes his hands for the first time all day. you wanna say… again?

tagging: leah, the pants, xTx, etorre, fil, and our pal danielle

i woulda picked zulieka and flagrant but they dont have comments, and i woulda picked karisa but her blog is asecret, oh well

ken writes –

see first foto:

What Not To Be For Halloween
Look, I know that anonymously judging other people on the internet plus 25 cents will get me a phone call. I know I can’t actually change anyone’s minds if they have it set. But let me please, please implore of you: DO NOT BE ANY OF THE FOLLOWING COSTUMES THIS HALLOWEEN. They are played out. A lot of people have beef with the idea of “sexy” costume like sexy nurse, sexy panther, sexy cop, etc… Look, if you’re going to dress as a sexy witch, there’s no advice I can give you about how cheesy it might be. God bless you if you want to take one day of the year to look extra slutty. I have much bigger fish to try with these costumes which purport to be clever and culturally savvy. Here they are:

Rollergirl from Boogie Nights: You will only remind people that you don’t look as good as Heather Graham. It’s a bad idea to do a “sexy” costume that’s modeled after someone way sexier than any real life girl is.

Tony to Ashley – not my fault:

Ashley to Tony – i know, i saw it awhile ago, didnt you see my comment there? someone said i was cute, so whatev. the author sounds like an ass anyway

and sure enough here are the comments:

Anonymous said… It costs 35 cents to make a call from a pay phone.

The first rollergirl was pretty cute.

Anonymous said…

‘Fake cocaine makeup’ is a *great* pet peeve.

HR Underling said…

GROSS. All of them.

Anonymous said…

You know, I actually think some of those rollergirls look pretty hot. Also, as a psychiatrist, I love the freudian slip costume (particularly the one that includes freudian phrases). And my boyfriend and I were margot and richie tenenbaum one year…i guess this all makes me a lame hipster but I’d rather see people in fake cocaine makeup than a sexy bee costume any day.

Neal said…

I’ve never seen a sexy bee. I want to see one. I would also be interested in seeing a sexy cockroach or a sexy bedbug. any sexy bug really.

Ashley in Wonderland said…

Hi I’m the first Rollergirl, thanks for being mean!

Ah the interwebs.

Above: Ashley a few years ago dressing up for halloween in vegas. Middle: me with the real rollergirl a few years ago at the shortstop on her birthday