the instadebate will never die.

yesterday there was a question about the chart that i used from Reuters that accompanied my retort.

inflation, steve, the reader/commentor said, was not being accounted for in the chart. he repeated this claim in greater detail on his blog.

in the comments of both my post and his, i asked for a link to a more accurate chart. to which he wrote this:

I don’t think you understand the point of the objection. It isn’t the accuracy, but the units of measure. For example, if I say you weigh 150 is that good or bad? Depends on whether I am using pounds or kg. If it is pounds that isn’t that bad. If it is kilograms then it also means you weigh over 330 pounds. This is the inflation part of the objection.

Another problem is the context. If you are 5’4″ tall 150 lbs. might be a bit overweight. If you are 5’10” then that weight is pretty darned good. Further, there are things like muscle mass and so forth. This added “context” is the percentage of GDP.

Now, Tony, if you are still scratching your shaved head (and I don’t know why you are complaining about hot babes…the girl in those pics is pretty darned easy on the eyes), think of it this way. What will inflation do over the next 40 years? Double the prices? If so then a deficit of todays size in those future dollars is going to also be double. But is it really twice as big? No. It is the same size (assuming no economic growth, but economic stagnation). Further if GDP doubles then deficit is actually half as large as a percentage of GDP.

Basically it is all in how you measure things. Didn’t your grandparents ever talk about going to see a movie for $0.50 or something? Why does it cost $8+ no? Is it simply evil movie theater owners jacking up prices? Or is part of it that we have seen inflation causing all prices to increase?

to which someone else, sofla, typed this:

Steve, most everybody on your site here can understand the difference between a ‘nominal’ dollar record and an ‘inflation-adjusted and/or constant’ dollar record, and while they are different, both terms exist, and can be correctly or incorrectly used, on their own terms.

It is entirely correct to call the current budget deficit the record **nominal** deficit, as you well know. And it is obvious from the numbers displayed in the legends on the graph that nominal billions of dollars is the unit used for the y-axis. If the axis were labelled ‘1990 constant dollars’ or something, this graph would be inaccurate.

Since simply changing the heading to include the words ‘nominal’ or ‘current dollar’ before ‘deficit’ is enough to make this chart entirely accurate, what exactly is your beef, which, by the way, is not with this guy tony, but with Reuters?

In fact, just about all the media, including specialized business wires, Business Week, the Economist, etc., routinely call nominal record prices ‘records,’ and then mention how they stack up in real terms only toward the end of the piece, if at all, but with a headline that you claim is wholly illegitimate on any terms (I guess).

Have you broached this extreme and inflexible position of yours with the business and economic writers for BW, Fortune, Reuters business wire, etc.? Why do you think the specialized business press continues to make what you consider such an egregious and howling error?

Because they’ve never heard of, nor understand, the difference? Or just possibly that, although understanding the difference, there are purposes for which the uses of current dollars are more traditional, and have utility, although you disagree?

This insistence that a near-universal usage must be stopped makes you somewhat like King Canute, ordering back the tides. It’s eccentric, and has you insisting that something that is true (the nominal record status) cannot be mentioned, because it is false.

When people have the experience that a tankful of gas for the first time in their lives costs them over $40 (current dollars), that astonished feeling of sticker shock is only slightly diminished by explaining the $20 they paid in ’76 was more in real terms.

Beside the theoretical issue raised above, the chart shows unfortunate trends, even if you adjust it for inflation. A period of decreasing deficits, culminating in surpluses, was suddenly reversed, and the deficits are worsening, not getting better. Put it in nominal dollars, constant dollars, or by all means, in the gold standard, as a percentage of gdp, and this trend still exists, and will persist and worsen under this president’s economic policies.

Something need not be the worst of all time to be bad.

well today Steve put together a very civil post, which includes not one chart but Three!

and as promised, i happily link to his fine blog for you to enjoy his findings which are that this is not the worst deficit ever.


who said comments arent useful?

masslive + in whack + jay caruso

Fear and Loathing, Campaign 2004

by Dr. Hunter S. Thompson

an excerpt from his current Rolling Stone column

Armageddon came early for George Bush this year, and he was not ready for it. His long-awaited showdowns with my man John Kerry turned into a series of horrible embarrassments that cracked his nerve and demoralized his closest campaign advisers. They knew he would never recover, no matter how many votes they could steal for him in Florida, where the presidential debates were closely watched and widely celebrated by millions of Kerry supporters who suddenly had reason to feel like winners.

Kerry came into October as a five-point underdog with almost no chance of winning three out of three rigged confrontations with a treacherous little freak like George Bush. But the debates are over now, and the victor was clearly John Kerry every time. He steamrollered Bush and left him for roadkill.

Did you see Bush on TV, trying to debate? Jesus, he talked like a donkey with no brains at all. The tide turned early, in Coral Gables, when Bush went belly up less than halfway through his first bout with Kerry, who hammered poor George into jelly. It was pitiful. . . . I almost felt sorry for him, until I heard someone call him “Mister President,” and then I felt ashamed.

Karl Rove, the president’s political wizard, felt even worse. There is angst in the heart of Texas today, and panic in the bowels of the White House. Rove has a nasty little problem, and its name is George Bush. The president failed miserably from the instant he got onstage with John Kerry. He looked weak and dumb. Kerry beat him like a gong in Coral Gables, then again in St. Louis and Tempe — and that is Rove’s problem: His candidate is a weak-minded frat boy who cracks under pressure in front of 60 million voters.

That is an unacceptable failure for hardballers like Rove and Dick Cheney. On the undercard in Cleveland against John Edwards, Cheney came across as the cruel and sinister uberboss of Halliburton. In his only honest moment during the entire debate, he vowed, “We have to make America the best place in the world to do business.”

Bush signed his own death warrant in the opening round, when he finally had to speak without his TelePrompTer. It was a Cinderella story brought up to date in Florida that night — except this time the false prince turned back into a frog.

Immediately after the first debate ended I called Muhammad Ali at his home in Michigan, but whoever answered said the champ was laughing so hard that he couldn’t come to the phone. “The debate really cracked him up,” he chuckled. “The champ loves a good ass-whuppin’. He says Bush looked so scared to fight, he finally just quit and laid down.”

Ali has seen that look before. Almost three months to the day after John Fitzgerald Kennedy was murdered in Dallas, the “Louisville Lip” — then Cassius Clay — made a permanent enemy of every “boxing expert” in the Western world by beating World Heavyweight Champion Sonny Liston so badly that he refused to come out of his corner for the seventh round. This year’s first presidential debate was such a disaster for George Bush that his handlers had to be crazy to let him get in the ring with John Kerry again. Yet Karl Rove let it happen, and we can only wonder why. But there is no doubt that the president has lost his nerve, and his career in the White House is finished. NO MAS.

Presidential politics is a vicious business, even for rich white men, and anybody who gets into it should be prepared to grapple with the meanest of the mean. The White House has never been seized by timid warriors. There are no rules, and the roadside is littered with wreckage. That is why they call it the passing lane. Just ask any candidate who ever ran against George Bush — Al Gore, Ann Richards, John McCain — all of them ambushed and vanquished by lies and dirty tricks. And all of them still whining about it.

That is why George W. Bush is President of the United States, and Al Gore is not. Bush simply wanted it more, and he was willing to demolish anything that got in his way, including the U.S. Supreme Court. It is not by accident that the Bush White House (read: Dick Cheney & Halliburton Inc.) controls all three branches of our federal government today. They are powerful thugs who would far rather die than lose the election in November.

The Republican establishment is haunted by painful memories of what happened to Old Man Bush in 1992. He peaked too early, and he had no response to “It’s the economy, stupid.”

Which has always been the case. Every GOP administration since 1952 has let the Military-Industrial Complex loot the Treasury and plunge the nation into debt on the excuse of a wartime economic emergency. Richard Nixon comes quickly to mind, along with Ronald Reagan and his ridiculous “trickle-down” theory of U.S. economic policy. If the Rich get Richer, the theory goes, before long their pots will overflow and somehow “trickle down” to the poor, who would rather eat scraps off the Bush family plates than eat nothing at all. Republicans have never approved of democracy, and they never will. It goes back to preindustrial America, when only white male property owners could vote.

Things haven’t changed all that much where George W. Bush comes from. Houston is a cruel and crazy town on a filthy river in East Texas with no zoning laws and a culture of sex, money and violence. It’s a shabby sprawling metropolis ruled by brazen women, crooked cops and super-rich pansexual cowboys who live by the code of the West — which can mean just about anything you need it to mean, in a pinch.

Houston is also the unnatural home of two out of the last three presidents of the United States of America, for good or ill. The other one was a handsome, sex-crazed boy from next-door Arkansas, which has no laws against oral sex or any other deviant practice not specifically forbidden in the New Testament, including anal incest and public cunnilingus with farm animals.

Back in 1948, during his first race for the U.S. Senate, Lyndon Johnson was running about ten points behind, with only nine days to go. He was sunk in despair. He was desperate. And it was just before noon on a Monday, they say, when he called his equally depressed campaign manager and instructed him to call a press conference for just before lunch on a slow news day and accuse his high-riding opponent, a pig farmer, of having routine carnal knowledge of his barnyard sows, despite the pleas of his wife and children.

His campaign manager was shocked. “We can’t say that, Lyndon,” he supposedly said. “You know it’s not true.”

“Of course it’s not true!” Johnson barked at him. “But let’s make the bastard deny it!”

Johnson — a Democrat, like Bill Clinton — won that election by fewer than a hundred votes, and after that he was home free. He went on to rule Texas and the U.S. Senate for twenty years and to be the most powerful vice president in the history of the United States. Until now.

The genetically vicious nature of presidential campaigns in America is too obvious to argue with, but some people call it fun, and I am one of them. Election Day — especially a presidential election — is always a wild and terrifying time for politics junkies, and I am one of those, too. We look forward to major election days like sex addicts look forward to orgies. We are slaves to it.

read the rest of it on

bicycle mark + sk smith + kitty bukkake

my friends are not only the greatest

but they have the greatest weddings.

two of my favorites, ken and laura got married three years ago on the baja coast on a dramatic mexican cliff surrounded by family friends and a string quartet.

they say if you remember very much about it you werent there.

all i can remember is how pretty it was, how much i drank, a dance competition of some sort, an issue regarding the dj and how loud he could blast his sound system(?), and the irony of feeling safer in mexico a few weeks after sept 11 than in west la.

i took pictures with a bulky sony mavica that recorded its images on a 5 1/4″ floppy, a modern day brownie, but evena camera obscura would have been able to document the beauty and love and good feelings.

i remember ken beaming like crazy and i dont seem to remember laura running for the border before its too late.

i remember the dj playing a beck vs ac/dc mashup of mixed bizness

i remember a late night allstar acoustic guitar pass along with the waves crashing beneath us

and i remember driving down the coast the day after with my truest as i showed her the rosarito motel where jeanine and officially became boyfriend n girlfriend.

i remember hearing a story that ken had been secretly hiding out in baja for six weeks before the nuptuals, holed up as he finished writing his fine fine novel dot.con, my favorite novel of 2001.

not only was the wedding magical, but if they hadnt gotten married when they did, odds are ken wouldnt have turned over the keys to the hollywood bachelor pad which i have occupied ever since.

best wishes laura and ken, maybe one of these years we can all regroup at that colorful cliffside resort now that mexico has finallyreplenished its tequila reserves.

my pics from the wedding + greg’s pics + welch’s pre-wedding post

how to leave a comment

1. kiss my ass.

2. if you cant kiss my ass, ask a question.

3. if you cant do either of those, have the guts courtesy of filling in the email address or home page portion of the comment box. everyone agrees that anonymous negative commentors are pussy ass bitches whose opinons are not even worth the milisecond that it will take to delete them.

if you have the nerve to come into someone elses house and talk shit, have the backbone to identify yourself. i wouldnt accept a check without your signature, so fuck your pissy comment without a real email address.

and that goes for you democrats too.

4. but people say oh but i will get spam oh i will get spam.

a. only fools put their primary email address on the internet.
b. when they ask you your email address type it out like this busblog@g[mail].com
c. create an email account for spam, look i just made one on Yahoo

im runnin with scissors im runnin with scissors

d. notice that the world didnt end.

e. a sincere commentor should want the reader to know that theyre serious about their rebuttal. the simplist way one could discount a negative comment is to say, that person was certainly kidding as they didnt even leave their name.

f. only cowards hide and snipe from the shadows, the only thing more pathetic and hopeless is someone who does it on a fucking blog on the internet.

5. politely alert me of a correction that should be made. if a hyperlink is available, please use it.

6. if you have nothing useful to say, be funny. be the guy who pops in with a little joke and then pops out real quick.

but you better be funny.

7. if youre busy at work, inarticulate, or flying a helicopter above the dreary clouds of hollywoodland, keep it short and/or use these:

a. right on
b. fuck yeah
c. omg for sure!
d. you know, bush does suck!
e. please accept this generous tip
f. bullshit

id much rather accept some ignorant ass with a real email address simply calling out bullshit than boring me with these fat generic lies of “you’ve crossed the line now pierce im never coming back here again! humph!”

just call bullshit and go back to watching your stories grampa. your votes been counted.

8. a polite, lean, direct rebutal resonates much louder than a clumsy wandering stale belch. say exactly what you disagree with, offer an alternative, provide examples.

or, call bullshit while leaving your fucking earthshattering blog’s address.

9. do this everywhere you go

10. realize good or bad i still probably wont give a shit what you say. the good feelings of good comments rarely last and the annoyed feelings of bad comments are even more fleeting. so just kiss my ass and move on.

my ex gf interviews a current inmate + emmanuelle says kerry’s french is tres mal + paige

who needs lameass blog debates

goose bumpswhen we have the ultimate grudge match

Yanks vs Sox, game seven, tonight, 5pm pst

from Bill Simmons today on

Wait a second … I’m supposed to write about this???

I don’t have a central nervous system left. My head weighs more than Verne Troyer. My heart feels like somebody tried to make meatballs out of it. I can’t think straight. I’m a corpse. I’m a walking corpse.

If the Sox take this thing, they’ll rename the state Papichusetts.

For two straight days, I watched my beloved Red Sox stave off elimination against the Yanks, needing 26 innings over 27 hours to stay alive for Game 6 in New York. These weren’t just baseball games. They were life experiences. They broke you down in sections. They made you question God, the meaning of life, whether sports should possibly mean this much. On Sunday night, I stewed in my seat vowing never to raise my kids as Sox fans.

On Monday night, I skipped out of Fenway wondering if any other team could possibly mean this much to a group of people.

The Sox should have lost about 25 different times. The Sox should have won about 25 different times. They rallied to tie consecutive games against the seemingly invincible Yankees bullpen. They kept the games tied in extra innings with a never-ending stream of fringe starters and worn-out relievers. Their closer recorded 12 outs on 70-plus pitches in the span of 24 hours. They stranded the winning run on second or third base nearly 200 times. Including Saturday night’s game, their three starters recorded 40 outs, leaving another 65 for the bullpen guys. Somehow none of this was a problem.


Rarely in life does one get the chance to right a wrong. The Red Sox have improbably put themselves in position to do just that. Namely: avenge last year’s ALCS game 7 loss while advancing to the big show for a chance to win their first title in 86 years.

I was curious to see what I wrote before the 2003 Game 7 and here’s a snippet from the post:

So now the Red Sox face the improbable task of beating their most storied rival, the team with the highest payroll in the history of MLB, the New York Yankees, on their home field for the opportunity to play in their first World Series since 1986.

86 years — 1986. Coincidence? Of course.

Before the Angels series I felt strangely serene. After the Sox had finished them off in 3-games, I attributed my calmness to “knowing deep down all along” that they were going to win. I felt the same way before the Yanks series began but after NY took a 3-0 lead, I just figured that deep down I knew all along they were going to lose. But now I believe it was a positive vibe afterall.


from Edw Cossette from Fox Sports New England:

Talk about Red Sox!

When I saw Schilling take the mound without the high top cleat but instead the low cleat and that blood soaked sock I teared up. I’m tearing up now again as I write about it.

Schilling’s performance last night was the greatest sports event I’ve witnessed. So we are told “it’s just a game.” Yeah, it is.

But in the same way that Beowulf is just a short story and Beethoven’s Ode to Joy chorale is just people singing.

all i know is karisa refuses to talk to me about it because we when we were on the phone last night the yankees scored a run, so apparently im bad luck for her team.

and you know what, i totally understand her paranoia.

go sox.

boston dirt dogs

as many of you know, ive been blogging for a little over three years now

and im addicted. i have an admitted problem.

one of the signs of that problem is the last thing that i check before i go to sleep and the first thing that i check in the morn is my Site Meter stats. its not the number that im most interested in, it’s where the numbers are coming from.

the first wish is that some super hot chick is writing about me.

oh tony pierce, hes so clever. god i want him. i read his entire archives over the last few days and all his photo essays… and i saw pictures of him with his afro and now that he has a shaved head i think hes even cuter. i heart him. i not only have a blog crush, but a real crush. oh if only i lived in hollywood i would only want that he would be mine.

thats pretty much what im looking for when i go into my referral logs.

this morning was no different. with the rain plinking my french windows and the instant oatmeal bowl spinning in the microwave i clicked over to the site meter and i waded through all the hits from the washington post and saw no hits from and let out a gentle sigh of disappointment and walked to the fridge in the dark

defeated and ignored once again

just like every morning.

the blog trap had gone another night without snaring the babe.

and because im ill i brought my bowl of oats and my apple juice back to the computer and i went to my comments to see if anyone called me a genius in the comments

and then it dawned on me


wtf are there all those hits from the washingtonpost doing in site meter?

and lo, the second best thing apparently happened, howard kurtz today wrote about the little instadebate thingie. (which upon reading, glenn isnt at all amused, and is now trying to pretend that this is a debate about objectivity when it has only been about transparancy: be upfront with your readers about your biases, admit that you wont link to stories that are in conflict with your agenda, be not ashamed that youre a partisan republican… come out come out!)

anyway, hi washington post.

ive been linked by the la times and the ny times and i guess this completes the triple crown and still i dont know what to do when met with unexpected traffic from a completely unexpected source.

hi mom?

hi wonkette?

free martha?

one thing that people usually write when they get hits from me is “i wish i had cleaned up the place before you got here.” meaning they wished that they had written something super awesome the night before.

since i havent written anything super awesome in a while, i guess the only thing i can say this morning his


thanks for coming.

look around a little, theres lots to see, and i hope that you all come back

but right now i gotta catch a bus and go to work.

oh wait i know what to say to the washington post readers:

three things im pretty stoked about regarding our nations capital, the place i was born 10/22/blahblahblah

1. im glad youre getting your favorite mayor back

2. im glad youre getting a baseball team back

3. im glad you’ll probably have a new resident in the white house.

your pal,


past faves from this blog: how to blog + how to vote, the film + tons of photo essays

two nice girls invited john woo and i

over to their house after work to watch

this fucking redsox yankee series

simply the greatest rivalry in all of sport.

so i accepted on his behalf and we met them there

and it was raining so they left the bathroom window open

so we could hear the rain

and one of the girls had put a candle in the bathroom

and lit it

and in the dark there with the rain

it was nice

and something youd never see

at mans house

so even nicer.

94. spot 79

thier plush carpet was clean

and i wondered how i could roll on it later

but never did because that game was so good

best rivalry ever

and the yankees are just too deep.

the other day fuckin jeter hit a bases clearing triple,

(double, advancing to third on the throw home)

and pedro was all fuckit and hit a-rod in the elbow

only place you can really hurt a-rod

and most guys will squint and jog over to first like all whatever

but a-rod barely made it put his hands on his knees and then straightened up,

arched his back, and grimaced like he could feel the bone splintering

with each little movement.

the trainer came over and sprayed on that cold topical cocaine deal

and the first base coach said youre in fenway park

and not only did you get hit but you got hit by pedro

but now pedro had to face sheffield and matsui,

wasnt jeter and a-rod enough?

but he did, and tonights game was spectacular

even with a-rod trying to cheat.

pretty boys played maybe two thousand games in his life.

has he ever known it not to be cheating

to slap a ball out of a glove.

this is a civilized sport.

you can bowl over the catcher, but certainly no slapping!

and my only fear for karisa, one of my best friends of all time,

is the red sox dont fare well in seventh games,

sadly, horrificly


but the yankees must be defeated,

and the red sox must be the ones who do it.

and no matter what happens next week or the week after,

tonight will be the most important game of the season

i hope you get to share it with nice girls

like me and john woo got to do tonight.

danielle + annika + the fat guy

happy anniversary bonnie and charlie

a year ago today

probably the coolest thing i have ever been a part of

dearly beloved,

we are gathered here in the presence of Love to join this man and this woman into Holy matrimony.

The Good Book considers the act of marriage as mirroring that to the relationship that God has with humankind.

There will be ups and downs, highs and lows, good days and bad days, but He has promised to always be there for us, just like a commited married couple will always be there for each other.

for ever and ever.

and ever.

and ever.

and ever



Charlie and Bonnie met in an idyllic penisula, a paradise of earthly delights and kindred spirits.

anyone who was present in santa barbara and particularilly at the Daily Nexus can bear witness that something magical buzzed through the air at that time.

so it’s not suprising that along with all the breakthroughs and miracles that bonnie and charlie experienced, they were also blessed with friendships that have lasted to this very day,

and a love that will go on


todays ceremony is simply an extension of a romance that has already spanned time, dimension, country codes, and hairstyles.

it’s a stepping stone on a long journey that these two have walked together for more than a decade.

Some of you might not know that their very first date thirteen years ago looked a lot like today: all their friends were around them, everyone was dressed up, a band of well dressed gentlemen were about to play original music, there might have been a bottle of wine somewhere

or two.

Bonnie looked a little different in that she had purple red rocker hair,

and Charlie was sporting a bowl hair cut

very nicely.

And like today, there was some more of that magic buzzing around, except this afternoon we understand why.

its cuz a new stepping stone is being laid down today

right before our eyes.

in thinking about what to say this afternoon, I thought about all the best rock songs with the word love in it.

Let my love open the door

all you need is love

cant help falling in love with you

but none of those lyrics seemed totally right when describing this union.

The best sort of love is the one that has always been there,

that has stood the test of time,

that’s there when the sun comes up

and when the sun goes down.

you look at it and it just looks right,

it sounds right,

is right.

it’s something deeper than could be expressed in a music video

or written down on a folder during homeroom.

It’s a complete journey, but a special one,

for the best ones have a romantic and improbable beginning,

a spectacular and beautiful middle

and no end.

do you charlie, take bonnie to be your lawfully wedded wife

to have and to hold

in sickness and in heath

to love and to cherish

for richer or poorer

in bad times and good

till death do you part?

and bonnie?

do you take charlie to be your lawfully wedded husband

to have and to hold

in sickness and in heath

to love and to cherish

for richer or poorer

in bad times and good

till death do you part?

I have these rings,

symbols of your commitment to each other.

Charlie please take this ring and place it on Bonnies finger

Bonnie please take this ring and place it on Charlies finger.

and now on behalf of the friends and family who have come here

from around the world

I pronounce you man and wife.

pictures + more pictures + photo by mc brown + moblogging from their first anniversary

im pretty sure raymi wrote this:

old people

when they walk around they are not very observant

because they care ten times less than the youth of today

they don’t fuckin’ care if they look pretty

or if i am looking at them

or if i want to smile at them

and say hi hello let me take your picture

they just wanna fuckin’ walk if they can

and they want to be bitter

and sour


but the youth

they care a lot

about everything

and good for them though some of ’em are pretty fucked up

because that old guy screaming about his hot dog

is their uncle

raymi + radmad + tiffany

from the i couldnt have said it better myself

(and havent) files, comes this from my comments section

which, i promise you, patient readers of this page, is the last word on the instaissue – unless glenn wants to add something himself

from LowerManhattanite (emphasis and links mine):

As a daily reader and sadly, not a daily commenter (as kids, the 9-to-5, and screenplay writing eat up a man’s time) of both the busblog and instapundit, I have to say that I am in agreement with Tony on this issue.

While I may not share the opinion of insty’s being the “world’s greatest blogger” ( a title to be taken with the same grain of salt as the value of venturing into a coffee shop with a sign blaring “world’s best coffee”), the man’s influence is undebatable.

And as Smilin’ Stan said lo’ those many years ago, “with great power comes great responsibility”. A large part of Reynolds’ credibility comes from his seeming moderateness in form and presentation.

Tony and Andrew Sullivan (yep…both names in the same sentence—hell…commence to freezing) both noted insty’s canny pushing of the GOP agenda in soft, chewable form—with light barbs and well placed “heh‘s” and “indeeds” after brutal quotes from braver cons than he. Insty always has the fallback defense of “hey..I didn’t say it, I merely quoted it /linked it”—which frees him up as a voice of moderation. Clearly he agrees with a lot of these goons, verbal thugs, and talking point hitmen as he virtually never disagrees with them.

But again, his bogus moderate stance as far as HIS words go allow him to appear far from the fringe with the zealots and outright flacks he quotes and promotes (via links which lead to the desired “instalanche“)—i.e. Drudge, Hewitt, Malkin, Little Green Footballs. Were he to be lumped in with these hyper-partisans, whatever “credibility” he has as a non-partisan (which is how he is spun on cable shows) would vanish and he’d be relegated to the periphery with his pals under their moniker—as biased purveyors of a near-lockstep party line. And image-wise (which is apparently an issue with him)…that’s undesirable.

His waffling on his stance—up until his angry, and defensive outburst (Sheesh! For a guy who posts 30 times a day and is clearly as busy as hell, he sure seemed pretty vexed about one guy’s opinion of him on another blog. Maybe he could save time searching out criticisms in his comments section—oh wait…he doesn’t have one. Hmmmm…) IS disingenuous and well…pretty damned craven in that while linking and quoting the hooligans, he also NEVER gives bad news, presents a bad poll, or notes a lie from the side he claims to not be on.

There’s no problem with being one-sided or biased, but you know what? Say so and be done with it. Affecting a distanced veneer in while standing knee-deep in the muck makes one look ridiculous. That’s where the likes of kos or Atrios haave a certain level of integrity beyong Glenn in that they readily tell you where they stand—and let the “hits” fall where they may. But Glenn won’t do that (until now…and rather pissily at that—could he have seen some internal GOP polling that’s got him vexed?)…because in visibly allying himself with the lunatic fringe he gauzily promotes, he’d lose the high ground of the “center”.

And very few (if any) are willing to call the mighty G.R. on his faux centered-ness out of fear of a deluge of venom like Tony’s gotten here and fear of pissing off a potential super-linker of insty’s stature. Somebody’s gotta do it as every power-broker needs checks and balances and a transparently one-sided 800 lb blogorilla like Glenn especially needs to know that his charade is indeed visible to many.

It’s funny though how so many folks are hung up on Tony’s pointing out the elephant (no pun intended) in the room and rushing to insty’s defense instead of noting the unwavering truth of his point—namely the willful myopia of Glenn’s pushing of one agenda with absolutely no criticism of it while routinely trashing it’s inverse. “You’re jealous of his hits”, “You hate him!” “It’s his blog, there are no rules!”, and so on and so forth the comments go. Simply note that insty is pushing for fairness from others (Rather, the U.N., Kerry, his foes in academia) that he does not practice himself while promoting those who hopelessly one-sided.

What’s good for the Glenn is good for the Rather, and if one is going to point out bias and unfairness, well…one should walk the walk…even if it’s just a brief stroll.

Perhaps Glenn can take a cue from Tony and post this paraphrase at the extreme left of his blog’s welcome screen: “nothing in here is unbiased against the left” At least then youd know exactly where he stands.

and you people say i can write?


xeni + sk smith + welch gets the big wigs to say who theyre voting for… someone gives a “most likely”. sheesh.