so since this is the end of the month, go ahead and ask your questions
and see what magic results happen.
so since this is the end of the month, go ahead and ask your questions
and see what magic results happen.
how is it that its either friday or monday?
whats happening to my life? how is it that its going in fast forward. like really fast?
im way older than i should be. im way sleepier than i should be.
before we know it we’ll all be sleeping in the dirt. the end, like.
so what are you doing to stop it?
cant stop it. so what am i doing to soak it all in?
sleeping? hopefully not. eating? for surely. rocking?
not at all like i once did.
this isnt the way the gods intended.
wasting away like waiting in a long post office line.
waiting for simpsons stamps.
wondering if the prices went up a penny or two.
i should eat steak tonite.